Overview of the Handbook

MIGI 2.1


MIGI 2.1.1

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This chapter provides an overview of the Handbook and explains:
(1) which parts of the Handbook apply to mortgage and insurance intermediaries;
(2) how the Handbook is structured; and
(3) how to interpret rules, guidance and evidential provisions in the Handbook.

MIGI 2.2

Content of the Handbook

Where can you find the rules that apply to mortgage and insurance intermediaries?

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The Handbook and Tailored Handbook (see paragraph 2.2.2) can be found:
(1) on our website (www.fsa.gov.uk) and click on 'FSA Handbook':
(2) on the CD-ROM sent to all authorised firms each month.
You can buy paper copies of the full Handbook from our Publications Order Helpline or order online through our website. We update the website daily, but the CD-ROM and paper copy are only updated once a month.

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Only some of our rules and guidance apply to mortgage and insurance intermediaries. To make it more convenient for you, we have brought together the relevant provisions in 'Tailored Handbooks' - one for mortgage intermediaries and another for insurance intermediaries. The table below provides an overview of the Handbook for small mortgage and insurance intermediaries to highlight which parts will be most relevant to them, and where they are covered in the Guide. There will be some variation, as not all mortgage and insurance intermediaries undertake identical business or have permission to carry on the same regulated activities.

MIGI 2.2.3

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Overview of contents of the Handbook:

MIGI 2.2.4

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In addition, the Enforcement manual (ENF), Decision making manual (DEC) and Complaints against the FSA manual (COAF) contain information about the FSA's policies and procedures which will be of relevance to small mortgage and insurance intermediaries in certain circumstances. These manuals are not covered in the Guide but you can find further information about them on our website (www.fsa.gov.uk).

Which parts of the Handbook apply to mortgage and insurance intermediaries?

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The following sourcebooks are unlikely to apply to small firms doing only mortgage and insurance mediation activities:
(1) MAR (Market conduct): the requirements to ensure fair play in the market.
(2) COB (Conduct of Business): the requirements relating to business processes for firms carrying on regulated activities that are not covered by MCOB or ICOB.
(3) The interim prudential sourcebooks: these explain the financial resources requirements for firms carrying on FSA regulated activities other than mortgage and insurance mediation activities. The rules in these sourcebooks are interim rules that will be replaced in 2007.
(4) The specialist sourcebooks: these sourcebooks show how the Handbook applies to certain sectors, such as collective investment schemes and credit unions. If your firm is a member of a designated professional body, such as the Law Society, you will need to read the Professional Firms sourcebook (PROF).

How are the sourcebooks and manuals structured?

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Any word that is in italics in the Handbook is defined in the Handbook Glossary.

MIGI 2.2.7

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There is no index to the Handbook, however our website and CD-ROM contain search facilities that can be used to find particular words and phrases.

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A rule at the beginning of each chapter of the Handbook identifies those firms to which it applies. For example, PRU 9.1.1R states "This section applies to a firm with a permission to carry on insurance mediation activity". So it is recommended that you read the application rule first before looking at the rest of the chapter, checking the terms in italics with the Handbook Glossary, where necessary.

MIGI 2.2.9

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There are tables of information at the end of each sourcebook or manual. These are numbered consistently throughout the Handbook and provide a summary of requirements as set out below.

MIGI 2.2.10

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Schedules of information at the end of each sourcebook or manual:

How do you install the CD-Rom?

MIGI 2.2.11

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When you first install the CD-ROM, selecting 'Preferences' enables you to select the entire Handbook or one or more sourcebooks or manuals, so allowing you to refine your search within the Handbook. Tick each sourcebook or manual to select it for your search. You can amend your selection whenever you wish. This function does not remove any content from the CD-ROM.

MIGI 2.3

Interpreting the Handbook

What is the difference between rules and guidance?

MIGI 2.3.1

See Notes

We have prepared a Reader's Guide to help firms generally to navigate the Handbook. You can access it via the CD-ROM (by clicking on 'Handbook') and on our website at - www.fsahandbook.info/FSA/pdf/rguide.pdf.

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As explained more fully in the Reader's Guide, the provisions in the Handbook do not all have the same status. The difference between Rules and Guidance is important. The Rules in the Handbook (marked with an 'R') create binding obligations on firms. If a firm breaches such a rule, it may be subject to enforcement action and in some circumstances to an action for damages.

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Guidance in the Handbook (marked with a 'G') is general Guidance given to more than one firm or individual. Guidance is not binding on a firm. As long as a firm follows Guidance that indicates possible means of compliance with a rule or recommends a course of action or arrangement, we intend to proceed on the basis that the firm has complied with the relevant Handbook rule. A firm may find that Guidance is a helpful indication of how compliance with a Rule may be achieved without devising its own approach to that Rule.

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There are also Evidential Provisions. These are rules but they are not binding in their own right - they are marked with a status letter 'E' in the margin or header. You can find a more detailed explanation in the Reader's Guide.