Insurance risk
PRU 7.1
Insurance risk systems and controls
- 01/10/2005
PRU 7.1.1
See Notes
PRU 7.1 applies to an insurer unless it is:
- (1) a non-directive friendly society; or
- (2) an incoming EEA firm; or
- (3) an incoming Treaty firm.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.1.2
See Notes
PRU 7.1 applies to:
- (1) an EEA-deposit insurer; and
- (2) a Swiss general insurer;
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PRU 7.1.3
See Notes
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PRU 7.1.4
See Notes
Insurance risk concerns the FSA in a prudential context because inadequate systems and controls for its management can create a threat to the regulatory objectives of market confidence and consumer protection. Inadequately managed insurance risk may result in:
- (1) the inability of a firm to meet its contractual insurance liabilities as they fall due; and
- (2) the inability of a firm to treat its policyholders fairly consistent with the firm's obligations under Principle 6 (for example, in relation to bonus payments).
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.1.5
See Notes
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PRU 7.1.6
See Notes
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PRU 7.1.7
See Notes
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General requirements
PRU 7.1.8
See Notes
High level rules and guidance for prudential systems and controls for insurance risk are set out in PRU 1.4. In particular:
- (1) PRU 1.4.18 R requires a firm to take reasonable steps to establish and maintain a business plan and appropriate risk management systems;
- (2) PRU 1.4.19R (2) requires a firm to document its policy for insurance risk, including its risk appetite and how it identifies, measures, monitors and controls that risk; and
- (3) PRU 1.4.27 R requires a firm to take reasonable steps to establish and maintain adequate internal controls to enable it to assess and monitor the effectiveness and implementation of its business plan and prudential risk management systems.
- 31/12/2004
Insurance risk policy
PRU 7.1.9
See Notes
A firm's insurance risk policy should outline its objectives in carrying out insurance business, its appetite for insurance risk and its policies for identifying, measuring, monitoring and controlling insurance risk. The insurance risk policy should cover any activities that are associated with the creation or management of insurance risk. For example, underwriting, claims management and settlement, assessing technical provisions in the balance sheet, risk mitigation and risk transfer, record keeping and management reporting. Specific matters that should normally be in a firm's insurance risk policy include:
- (1) a statement of the firm's willingness and capacity to accept insurance risk;
- (2) the classes and characteristics of insurance business that the firm is prepared to accept;
- (3) the underwriting criteria that the firm intends to adopt, including how these can influence its rating and pricing decisions;
- (4) its approach to limiting significant aggregations of insurance risk, for example, by setting limits on the amount of business that can be underwritten in one region or with one policyholder;
- (5) where relevant, the firm's approach to pricing long-term insurance contracts, including the determination of the appropriate level of any reviewable premiums;
- (6) the firm's policy for identifying, monitoring and managing risk when it has delegated underwriting authority to another party (additional guidance on the management of outsourcing arrangements is provided in SYSC 3A.9);
- (7) the firm's approach to managing its expense levels, including acquisition costs, recurring costs, and one-off costs, taking account of the margins available in both the prices for products and in the technical provisions in the balance sheet;
- (8) the firm's approach to the exercise of any discretion (e.g. on charges or the level of benefits payable) that is available in its long-term insurance contracts, in the context also of the legal and regulatory constraints existing on the application of this discretion;
- (9) the firm's approach to the inclusion of options within new long-term insurance contracts and to the possible exercise by policyholders of options on existing contracts;
- (10) the firm's approach to managing persistency risk;
- (11) the firm's approach to managing risks arising from timing differences in taxation or from changes in tax laws;
- (12) the firm's approach to the use of reinsurance or the use of some other means of risk transfer;
- (13) how the firm intends to assess the effectiveness of its risk transfer arrangements and manage the residual or transformed risks (for example, how it intends to handle disputes over contract wordings, potential payout delays and counterparty performance risks);
- (14) a summary of the data and information to be collected and reported on underwriting, claims and risk control (including internal accounting records), management reporting requirements and external data for risk assessment purposes;
- (15) the risk measurement and analysis techniques to be used for setting underwriting premiums, technical provisions in the balance sheet, and assessing capital requirements; and
- (16) the firm's approach to stress testing and scenario analysis, as required by PRU 1.2 (Adequacy of financial resources), including the methods adopted, any assumptions made and the use that is to be made of the results.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.1.10
See Notes
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Risk identification
PRU 7.1.11
See Notes
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PRU 7.1.12
See Notes
The identification of insurance risk should normally include:
- (1) in connection with the firm's business plan:
- (a) processes for identifying the types of insurance risks that may be associated with a new product and for comparing the risk types that are present in different classes of business (in order to identify possible aggregations in particular insurance risks); and
- (b) processes for identifying business environment changes (for example landmark legal rulings) and for collecting internal and external data to test and modify business plans;
- (2) at the point of sale, processes for identifying the underwriting risks associated with a particular policyholder or a group of policyholders (for example, processes for identifying potential claims for mis-selling and for collecting information on the claims histories of policyholders, including whether they have made any potentially false or inaccurate claims, to identify possible adverse selection or moral hazard problems);
- (3) after the point of sale, processes for identifying potential and emerging claims for the purposes of claims management and claims provisioning; this could include:
- (a) identifying possible judicial rulings;
- (b) keeping up to date with developments in market practice; and
- (c) collecting information on industry wide initiatives and settlements.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.1.13
See Notes
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Risk measurement
PRU 7.1.14
See Notes
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PRU 7.1.15
See Notes
A firm should ensure that the data it collects and the measurement methodologies that it uses are sufficient to enable it to evaluate, as appropriate:
- (1) its exposure to insurance risk at all relevant levels, for example, by contract, policyholder, product line or insurance class;
- (2) its exposure to insurance risk across different geographical areas and time horizons;
- (3) its total, firm-wide, exposure to insurance risk and any other risks that may arise out of the contracts of insurance that it issues;
- (4) how changes in the volume of business (for example via changes in premium levels or the number of new contracts that are underwritten) may influence its exposure to insurance risk;
- (5) how changes in policy terms may influence its exposure to insurance risk; and
- (6) the effects of specific loss scenarios on the insurance liabilities of the firm.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.1.16
See Notes
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PRU 7.1.17
See Notes
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PRU 7.1.18
See Notes
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PRU 7.1.19
See Notes
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PRU 7.1.20
See Notes
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PRU 7.1.21
See Notes
A firm should have the capability to measure its exposure to insurance risk on a regular basis. In deciding on the frequency of measurement, a firm should consider:
- (1) the time it takes to acquire and process all necessary data;
- (2) the speed at which exposures could change; and
- (3) that it may need to measure its exposure to certain types of insurance risk on a daily basis (for example, weather catastrophes).
- 31/12/2004
Risk monitoring
PRU 7.1.22
See Notes
A firm should provide regular and timely information on its insurance risks to the appropriate level of management. This could include providing reports on the following:
- (1) a statement of the firm's profits or losses for each class of business that it underwrites (with an associated analysis of how these have arisen for any long-term insurance contracts), including a variance analysis detailing any deviations from budget or changes in the key performance indicators that are used to assess the success of its business plan for insurance;
- (2)the firm's exposure to insurance risk at all relevant levels (see PRU 7.1.15 G (1)), as well as across different geographical areas and time zones (see PRU 7.1.15 G (2)), also senior management should be kept informed of the firm's total exposure to insurance risk (see PRU 7.1.15 G (3));
- (3) an analysis of any internal or external trends that could influence the firm's exposure to insurance risk in the future (e.g. new weather patterns, socio-demographic changes, expense overruns etc);
- (4) any new or emerging developments in claims experience (e.g. changes in the type of claims, average claim amounts or the number of similar claims);
- (5) the results of any stress testing or scenario analyses;
- (6) the amount and details of new business written and the amount of business that has lapsed or been cancelled;
- (7) identified fraudulent claims;
- (8) a watch list, detailing, for example, material/catastrophic events that could give rise to significant numbers of new claims or very large claims, contested claims, client complaints, legal and other developments;
- (9) the performance of any reinsurance/risk transfer arrangements; and
- (10) progress reports on matters that have previously been referred under escalation procedures (see PRU 7.1.23 G).
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.1.23
See Notes
A firm should establish and maintain procedures for the escalation of appropriate matters to the relevant level of management. Such matters may include:
- (1) any significant new exposures to insurance risk, including for example any landmark rulings in the courts;
- (2) a significant increase in the size or number of claims;
- (3) any breaches of the limits set out in PRU 7.1.27 G and PRU 7.1.28 G, in particular senior management should be informed where any maximum limits have been breached (see PRU 7.1.29 G); and
- (4) any unauthorised deviations from its insurance risk policy (including those by a broker, appointed representative or other delegated authority).
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.1.24
See Notes
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PRU 7.1.25
See Notes
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Risk control
PRU 7.1.26
See Notes
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PRU 7.1.27
See Notes
A firm should consider setting limits for its exposure to insurance risk, which trigger action to be taken to control exposure. Periodically these limits should be amended in the light of new information (e.g. on the expected number or size of claims). For example, limits could be set for:
- (1) the firm's aggregate exposure to a single source of insurance risk or for events that may be the result of a number of different sources;
- (2) the firm's exposure to specific geographic areas or any other groupings of risks whose outcomes may be positively correlated;
- (3) the number of fraudulent claims;
- (4) the number of very large claims that could arise;
- (5) the number of unauthorised deviations from its insurance risk policy;
- (6) the amount of insurance risk than can be transferred to a particular reinsurer;
- (7) the level of expenses incurred in respect of each relevant business area; and
- (8) the level of persistency by product line or distribution channel.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.1.28
See Notes
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PRU 7.1.29
See Notes
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PRU 7.1.30
See Notes
A firm should pay close attention to the wording of its policy documentation to ensure that these wordings do not expose it to more, or higher, claims than it is expecting. In so doing, the firm should consider:
- (1) whether it has adequate in-house legal resources;
- (2) the need for periodic independent legal review of policy documentation;
- (3) the use of standardised documentation and referral procedures for variation of terms;
- (4) reviewing the documentation used by other insurance companies;
- (5) revising documentation for new policies in the light of past experience; and
- (6) the operation of law in the jurisdiction of the policyholder.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.1.31
See Notes
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PRU 7.1.32
See Notes
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PRU 7.1.33
See Notes
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Reinsurance and other forms of risk transfer
PRU 7.1.34
See Notes
Before entering into or significantly changing a reinsurance agreement, or any other form of insurance risk transfer agreement, a firm should:
- (1) analyse how the proposed reinsurance/risk transfer agreement will affect its exposure to insurance risk, its underwriting strategy and its ability to meet its regulatory obligations;
- (2) ensure there are adequate legal checking procedures in respect of the draft agreement;
- (3) conduct an appropriate due diligence of the reinsurer's financial stability (that is, solvency) and expertise; and
- (4) understand the nature and limits of the agreement (particular attention should be given to the wording of contracts to ensure that all of the required risks are covered, that the level of available cover is appropriate, and that all the terms, conditions and warranties are unambiguous and understood).
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PRU 7.1.35
See Notes
In managing its reinsurance agreements, or any other form of insurance risk transfer agreement, a firm should have in place appropriate systems that allow it to maintain its desired level of cover. This could involve systems for:
- (1) monitoring the risks that are covered (that is, the scope of cover) by these agreements and the level of available cover;
- (2) keeping underwriting staff informed of any changes in the scope or level of cover;
- (3) properly co-ordinating all reinsurance/risk transfer activities so that, in aggregate, the desired level and scope of cover is maintained;
- (4) ensuring that the firm does not become overly reliant on any one reinsurer or other risk transfer provider;
- (5) conducting regular stress testing and scenario analysis to assess the resilience of its reinsurance and risk transfer programmes to catastrophic events that may give rise to large and or numerous claims.
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PRU 7.1.36
See Notes
In making a claim on a reinsurance contract (that is, its reinsurance recoveries) or some other risk transfer contract a firm should ensure:
- (1) that it is able to identify and recover any money that it is due in a timely manner; and
- (2) that it makes adequate financial provision for the risk that it is unable to recover any money that it expected to be due, as a result of either a dispute with or a default by the reinsurer/risk transfer provider. Additional guidance on credit risk in reinsurance/risk transfer contracts is provided in PRU 3.2 (Credit risk in insurance).
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.1.37
See Notes
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Record keeping
PRU 7.1.38
See Notes
The FSA's high level rules and guidance for record keeping are outlined in SYSC 3.2.20 R (Records). Additional rules and guidance in relation to the prudential context are set out in PRU 1.4.51 G to PRU 1.4.64G. In complying with these rules and guidance, a firm should retain an appropriate record of its insurance risk management activities. This may, for example, include records of:
- (1) each new risk that is underwritten (noting that these records may be held by agents or cedants, rather than directly by the firm provided that the firm has adequate access to those records);
- (2) any material aggregation of exposure to risk from a single source, or of the same kind or to the same potential catastrophe or event;
- (3) each notified claim including the amounts notified and paid, precautionary notices and any re-opened claims;
- (4) policy and contractual documents and any relevant representations made to policyholders;
- (5) other events or circumstances relevant to determining the risks and commitments that arise out of contracts of insurance (including discretionary benefits and charges under any long-term insurance contracts);
- (6) the formal wordings of reinsurance contracts; and
- (7) any other relevant information on the firm's reinsurance or other risk-transfer arrangements, including the extent to which they:
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.1.39
See Notes
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PRU 7.2
Capital resources requirements and technical provisions for insurance business
- 01/10/2005
PRU 7.2.1
See Notes
PRU 7.2 applies to an insurer unless it is:
- (1) a non-directive friendly society; or
- (2) an incoming EEA firm; or
- (3) an incoming Treaty firm.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.2.2
See Notes
- (1) This section applies to a firm in relation to the whole of its business, except where a particular provision provides for a narrower scope.
- (2) Where a firm carries on both long-term insurance business and general insurance business, this section applies separately to each type of business.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.2.3
See Notes
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PRU 7.2.4
See Notes
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PRU 7.2.5
See Notes
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PRU 7.2.6
See Notes
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PRU 7.2.7
See Notes
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PRU 7.2.8
See Notes
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PRU 7.2.9
See Notes
This section implements requirements of the Insurance Directives for both general insurance business and long-term insurance business with regard to the technical provisions. The relevant articles of the Directives include:
- (1) article 15 of the First Non-Life Directive, as substituted by article 17 of the Third Non-Life Directive; and
- (2) article 20 of the Consolidated Life Directive (this Directive consolidates the provisions of the previous First, Second and Third Life Directives).
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PRU 7.2.10
See Notes
This section also sets out detailed rules and guidance on the calculation of the following elements of a firm's capital resources requirement (CRR) (see PRU 2.1):
- (1) the general insurance capital requirement; and
- (2) the long-term insurance capital requirement.
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PRU 7.2.11
See Notes
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Establishing technical provisions
PRU 7.2.12
See Notes
For general insurance business, a firm must establish adequate technical provisions:
- (1) in accordance with the rules in PRU 7.5 for equalisation provisions; and
- (2) otherwise, in accordance with PRU 1.3.5R.
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PRU 7.2.13
See Notes
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PRU 7.2.14
See Notes
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PRU 7.2.15
See Notes
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PRU 7.2.16
See Notes
For long-term insurance business, a firm must establish adequate technical provisions in respect of its long-term insurance contracts as follows:
- (1) mathematical reserves in accordance with the rules and guidance in PRU 7.3 relating to such reserves, and with due regard to generally accepted actuarial practice; and
- (2) for liabilities in respect of such contracts that have fallen due, in accordance with PRU 1.3.5R.
- 31/12/2005
PRU 7.2.17
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.2.18
See Notes
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PRU 7.2.19
See Notes
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Assets of a value sufficient to cover technical provisions and other liabilities
PRU 7.2.20
See Notes
A firm which is not a composite firm must hold admissible assets of a value at least equal to the amount of:
- (1) the technical provisions that it is required to establish under PRU 7.2.12 R or PRU 7.2.16 R; and
- (2) its other general insurance liabilities or long-term insurance liabilities;
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PRU 7.2.21
See Notes
A composite firm must ensure that:
- (1) it holds admissible assets separately identified in accordance with PRU 7.6.18 R of a value at least equal to the amount of:
- (a) the technical provisions that it is required to establish under PRU 7.2.16 R; and
- (b) its other long-term insurance liabilities;
- but excluding property-linked liabilities and index-linked liabilities and the assets held to cover them under PRU 4.2.57 R and PRU 4.2.58 R; and
- (2) it holds other admissible assets (other than those excluded under (1)) of a value at least equal to the amount of:
- (a) the technical provisions that it is required to establish under PRU 7.2.12 R; and
- (b) its other general insurance liabilities.
- 31/12/2005
PRU 7.2.22
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.2.23
See Notes
When valuing assets for the purposes of PRU 7.2.20 R and PRU 7.2.21 R, a firm should bear in mind:
- (1) that the technical provisions and other long-term insurance liabilities or general insurance liabilities should be covered by admissible assets (see PRU 2 Annex 1 RR); and
- (2) the market and counterparty limits set out in PRU 3.2 (Credit risk in insurance). PRU 3.2 requires that a firm restrict to prudent levels its exposure to reinsurer and other counterparties, and, in particular, that for the purpose of its balance sheet, a firm must not take into account any exposure which exceeds the large exposure limits.
- 31/12/2005
PRU 7.2.24
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.2.25
See Notes
For the purpose of determining the value of assets available to meet technical provisions and other long-term insurance liabilities in accordance with PRU 7.2.20 R, PRU 7.2.21 R, PRU 7.2.27 R and PRU 7.2.28 R, no value is to be attributed to:
- (1) debts owed by reinsurers; or
- (2) claims; or
- (3) tax recoveries; or
- (4) claims against compensation funds;
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PRU 7.2.26
See Notes
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PRU 7.2.27
See Notes
A firm carrying on long-term insurance business must ensure that it has admissible assets in each of its with-profits funds of a value sufficient to cover:
- (1) the technical provisions in respect of all the business written in that with-profits fund; and
- (2) its other long-term insurance liabilities in respect of that with-profits fund.
- 31/12/2005
PRU 7.2.28
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.2.29
See Notes
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Localisation (UK firms only)
PRU 7.2.30
See Notes
- (1) Subject to (2), a UK firm must hold admissible assets held pursuant to PRU 4.2.53R:
- (a) (where the admissible assets cover technical provisions in pounds sterling), in any EEA State; and
- (b) (where the admissible assets cover technical provisions in any currency other than pounds sterling), in any EEA State or in the country of that currency.
- (2) In the case of a community co-insurance operation and a relevant insurer, the admissible assets covering technical provisions must be held in any EEA State.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.2.31
See Notes
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PRU 7.2.32
See Notes
PRU 7.2.30 R does not apply to:
- (1) a pure reinsurer; or
- (2) debts owed by reinsurers; or
- (3) insurance business carried on by a UK firm outside the EEA States; or
- (4) general insurance business class groups 3 and 4 in IPRU(Ins), Annex 11.2, Part II.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.2.33
See Notes
For the purposes of PRU 7.2.30 R:
- (1) a tangible asset is to be treated as held in the country or territory where it is situated;
- (2) an admissible asset consisting of a claim against a debtor is to be treated as held in any country or territory where it can be enforced by legal action;
- (3) a listed security is to be treated as held in any country or territory where there is a regulated market on which the security is dealt; and
- (4) a security which is not a listed security is to be treated as held in the country or territory in which the issuer has its head office.
- 31/12/2004
Matching of assets and liabilities
PRU 7.2.34
See Notes
- (1) Subject to (4), the assets held by a firm to cover its technical provisions and other long-term insurance liabilities or general insurance liabilities (see PRU 7.2.20 R and PRU 7.2.21 R) must:
- (a) have characteristics of safety, yield and marketability which are appropriate to the type of business carried on by the firm;
- (b) be diversified and adequately spread; and
- (c) comply with (2).
- (2) The assets referred to in (1) must, in addition to meeting the criteria set out in (1)(a) and (b), be of a sufficient amount, and of an appropriate currency and term, to ensure that the cash inflows from those assets will meet the expected cash outflows from the firm's insurance liabilities as they become due.
- (3) For the purpose of (2), a firm must take into consideration in determining expected cash outflows any options which exist in the firm's contracts of insurance.
- (4) (1) does not apply to assets held to cover index-linked liabilities or property-linked liabilities, except that where the linked long-term contract of insurance in question includes a guarantee of investment performance or some other guaranteed benefit, (1) will nevertheless apply to assets held to cover that guaranteed element.
- 31/12/2005
PRU 7.2.35
See Notes
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PRU 7.2.36
See Notes
For the purpose of PRU 7.2.34 R (2), the relevant cash inflows are those which the firm reasonably expects to receive from the admissible assets which it holds to cover its technical provisions and other long-term insurance liabilities or general insurance liabilities. A firm may receive cash inflows as a result of:
- (1) selling assets or closing out transactions;
- (2) holding assets that generate dividends, interest or other income; and
- (3) receiving future premiums for existing business.
- 31/12/2005
PRU 7.2.37
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.2.38
See Notes
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PRU 7.2.39
See Notes
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PRU 7.2.40
See Notes
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Premiums for new business
PRU 7.2.41
See Notes
A firm must not enter into a long-term insurance contract unless it is satisfied on reasonable actuarial assumptions that:
- (1) the premiums receivable and the investment income expected to be earned from those premiums; and
- (2) the reinsurance arrangements made in respect of the risk or risks covered by that new contract;
- are sufficient to enable it, when taken together with the firm's other resources, to:
- (a) establish adequate technical provisions as required by PRU 7.2.16 R;
- (b) hold admissible assets of a value at least equal to the amount of the technical provisions and other long-term insurance liabilities as required by PRU 7.2.20 R to PRU 7.2.28 R; and
- (c) maintain adequate overall financial resources as required by PRU 1.2.22R.
- 31/12/2005
PRU 7.2.42
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Capital requirements for insurers
PRU 7.2.43
See Notes
- (1) PRU 2.1.9R requires a firm to maintain capital resources equal to or in excess of its capital resources requirement (CRR). PRU 2.1 sets out the overall framework of the CRR; in particular, PRU 2.1.14 R requires that for a firm carrying on general insurance business the CRR is equal to the minimum capital requirement (MCR). PRU 2.1.15 R requires that for realistic basis life firms the CRR is the higher of the MCR and the ECR. PRU 2.1.20 R requires that for regulatory basis only life firms the CRR is equal to the MCR.
- (2) For non-life firms the MCR represents the minimum capital requirement (or margin of solvency) prescribed by the Insurance Directives. PRU 2.1.21 R provides that, for a firm carrying on general insurance business, the MCR in respect of that business is the higher of the base capital resources requirement for general insurance business applicable to that firm and the general insurance capital requirement. PRU 2.1.22 R provides that, for a firm carrying on long-term insurance business, the MCR in respect of that business is the higher of the base capital resources requirement for long-term insurance business applicable to that firm and the sum of the long-term insurance capital requirement and the resilience capital requirement. As specified in PRU 2.1.10 R, a firm carrying on both general insurance business and long-term insurance business must apply PRU 2.1.9R (referred to in paragraph (1) above) separately to its general insurance business and its long-term insurance business.
- (3) The calculation of the general insurance capital requirement is set out in PRU 7.2.44 G to PRU 7.2.72 R below. PRU 7.2.73 G to PRU 7.2.79 R set out the calculation of the insurance-related capital requirement for non-life firms. The calculation of the long-term insurance capital requirement is set out in PRU 7.2.80 G to PRU 7.2.91 R below.
- 31/12/2004
General insurance capital requirement
PRU 7.2.44
See Notes
In relation to the MCR (see PRU 7.2.43 G), PRU 2.1.30 R requires a firm to calculate its general insurance capital requirement (GICR) as the highest of the premiums amount, the claims amount, and the brought forward amount. The elements for this computation are set out in PRU 7.2 as follows:
- (1) the premiums amount in PRU 7.2.45 R;
- (2) the claims amount in PRU 7.2.47 R; and
- (3) the brought forward amount in PRU 7.2.51 R.
- 31/12/2004
The premiums amount
PRU 7.2.45
See Notes
The premiums amount is:
- (1) 18% of the gross adjusted premiums amount; less 2% of the amount, if any, by which the gross adjusted premiums amount exceeds €50 million; multiplied by
- (2) the reinsurance ratio set out in PRU 7.2.54 R.
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PRU 7.2.46
See Notes
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The claims amount
PRU 7.2.47
See Notes
The claims amount is:
- (1) 26% of the gross adjusted claims amount; less 3% of the amount, if any, by which the gross adjusted claims amount exceeds € 35 million; multiplied by
- (2) the reinsurance ratio set out in PRU 7.2.54 R.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.2.48
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.2.49
See Notes
- (1) Subject to (2) and (3), the Euro amounts specified in PRU 7.2.45 R (1) and PRU 7.2.47 R (1) will increase each year, starting on the first review date of 20 September 2005 (and annually after that), by the percentage change in the European index of consumer prices (comprising all European Union member states, as published by Eurostat) from 20 March 2002 to the relevant review date, rounded up to a multiple of €100,000.
- (2) In any year, if the percentage change since the last increase is less than 5%, then there will be no increase.
- (3) The increase will take effect 30 days after the EU Commission has informed the European Parliament and Council of its review and the relevant percentage change.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.2.50
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
The brought forward amount
PRU 7.2.51
See Notes
The brought forward amount is the general insurance capital requirement (GICR) for the prior financial year, multiplied, if the ratio is less than one, by the ratio (expressed as a percentage) of:
- (1) the technical provisions (calculated net of reinsurance) for claims outstanding at the end of the prior financial year, determined in accordance with PRU 7.2.12 R; to
- (2) the technical provisions (calculated net of reinsurance) for claims outstanding at the beginning of the prior financial year, determined in accordance with PRU 7.2.12 R.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.2.52
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.2.53
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Reinsurance ratio used in calculating the premiums amount and the claims amount
PRU 7.2.54
See Notes
The reinsurance ratio referred to in PRU 7.2.45 R (2) and PRU 7.2.47 R (2) is:
- (1) if the ratio lies between 50% and 100%, the ratio (expressed as a percentage) of:
- (a) the claims incurred (net of reinsurance) in the financial year in question and the two previous financial years; to
- (b) the gross claims incurred in that three-year period;
- (2) 50%, if the ratio calculated in (a) and (b) of (1) is 50% or less; and
- (3) 100%, if the ratio calculated in (a) and (b) of (1) is 100% or more.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.2.55
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Gross adjusted premiums amount used in calculating the premiums amount
PRU 7.2.56
See Notes
For the purpose of PRU 7.2.45 R, the gross adjusted premiums amount is the higher of the written and earned gross premiums (as adjusted in accordance with PRU 7.2.66 R) for the financial year in question, adjusted by:
- (1) except for a pure reinsurer that does not have permission under the Act to effect contracts of insurance, increasing by 50% the amount included in respect of the premiums for general insurance business classes 11, 12 and 13;
- (2) deducting 66.7% of the premiums for actuarial health insurance that meets the conditions set out in PRU 7.2.72 R; and
- (3) multiplying the resulting figure by 12 and dividing by the number of months in the financial year. For the purposes of this calculation, the number of months in the financial year is the number of complete calendar months in the financial year plus any fractions of a month at the beginning and the end of the financial year.
- 31/12/2005
PRU 7.2.57
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.2.58
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.2.59
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Gross adjusted claims amount used in calculating the claims amount
PRU 7.2.60
See Notes
For the purpose of PRU 7.2.47 R and subject to PRU 7.2.62 R, the gross adjusted claims amount is the amount of gross claims incurred (as determined in accordance with PRU 7.2.66 R) over the reference period (as specified in PRU 7.2.63 R) and adjusted by:
- (1) except for a pure reinsurer that does not have permission under the Act to effect contracts of insurance, increasing by 50% the amount included in respect of the claims incurred for general insurance business classes 11, 12 and 13;
- (2) deducting 66.7% of the claims for actuarial health insurance that meets the conditions set out in PRU 7.2.72 R; and
- (3) multiplying the resulting figure by 12 and dividing by the number of months in the reference period. For the purposes of this calculation, the number of months in the reference period is the number of complete calendar months in the reference period plus any fractions of a month at the beginning and the end of the reference period.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.2.61
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.2.62
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.2.63
See Notes
- (1) Except in those cases where paragraph (2) applies, the reference period to be used in PRU 7.2.60 R and PRU 7.2.62 R must be:
- (a) the financial year in question and the two previous financial years; or
- (b) the period the firm had been in existence at the end of the financial year in question, if shorter.
- (2) In the case of a firm which underwrites only one or more of the general insurance business risks of credit, storm, hail or frost (including other business written in connection with such risks), the reference period to be used must be:
- (a) the financial year in question and the six previous financial years; or
- (b) the period the firm had been in existence at the end of the financial year in question, if shorter.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.2.64
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.2.65
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Accounting for premiums and claims
PRU 7.2.66
See Notes
For the purposes of PRU 7.2.54 R, PRU 7.2.56 R, PRU 7.2.60 R and PRU 7.2.62 R, amounts of premiums and claims must be:
- (1) determined in accordance with the insurance accounts rules or the Friendly Societies (Accounts and Related Provisions) Regulations 1994, as appropriate; and
- (2) adjusted for transfers that were approved by the relevant authority (or became effective where approval by an authority was not required) before the end of the financial year in question:
- (a) to exclude any amount included in, or adjustment made to, premiums and claims to reflect the consideration for a transfer of contracts of insurance to or from the firm;
- (b) to exclude premiums and claims which arose from contracts of insurance that have been transferred by the firm to another body; and
- (c) to account for premiums and claims which arose from contracts of insurance that have been transferred to the firm from another body as if they were receivable by or payable to the firm.
- 31/12/2005
PRU 7.2.67
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.2.68
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.2.69
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.2.70
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.2.71
See Notes
- 31/12/2005
Actuarial health insurance
PRU 7.2.72
See Notes
The conditions referred to in PRU 7.2.56 R (2) and PRU 7.2.60 R (2) are that:
- (1) the health insurance is underwritten on a similar technical basis to that of life insurance;
- (2) the premiums paid are calculated on the basis of sickness tables according to the mathematical method applied in insurance;
- (3) a provision is set up for increasing age;
- (4) an additional premium is collected in order to set up a safety margin of an appropriate amount;
- (5) it is not possible for the firm to cancel the contract after the end of the third year of insurance; and
- (6) the contract provides for the possibility of increasing premiums or reducing payments even for current contracts.
- 31/12/2004
Insurance-related capital requirement (general insurance business only)
PRU 7.2.73
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.2.74
See Notes
The insurance-related capital requirement is a measure of the capital that a firm should hold against the risk of:
- (1) an adverse movement in the value of a firm's liabilities, to recognise that there may be substantial volatility in claims and other technical provisions made by the firm. Such variations may be due to inflationary increases, interest rate changes, movements in the underlying provisions themselves, changes in expense costs, inadequate rate pricing or premium collections (or both) from intermediaries differing from projected assumptions; and
- (2) the premiums a firm charges in respect of particular business not being adequate to fund future liabilities arising from that business.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.2.75
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Calculation of the insurance-related capital requirement
PRU 7.2.76
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.2.77
See Notes
- (1) The value of:
- (a) the net written premiums; and
- (b) the technical provisions;
- in respect of each class of business listed in the table in PRU 7.2.79 R must be multiplied by the corresponding capital charge factor.
- (2) If any amount which is to be multiplied by a capital charge factor is a negative amount, that amount shall be treated as zero.
- (3) The amounts resulting from multiplying the net written premiums in respect of each such class of business by the corresponding capital charge factor must be aggregated.
- (4) The amounts resulting from multiplying the technical provisions in respect of each such class of business by the corresponding capital charge factor must be aggregated.
- (5) The insurance-related capital requirement is the sum of the amounts calculated in accordance with (3) and (4).
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.2.78
See Notes
In PRU 7.2.77 R references to technical provisions comprise:
- (1) outstanding claims;
- (2) provisions for incurred but not reported (IBNR) claims;
- (3) provisions for incurred but not enough reported (IBNER) claims;
- (4) unearned premium reserves less deferred acquisition costs; and
- (5) unexpired risk reserves;
in each case net of reinsurance receivables.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.2.79
See Notes
Class of Business | Net Written Premium capital charge factor | Technical provision capital charge factor |
Reporting Group: Direct and facultative business | ||
Direct and facultative accident and health | 5.0% | 7.5% |
Direct and facultative personal lines motor business | 10.0% | 9.0% |
Direct and facultative household and domestic all risks | 10.0% | 10.0% |
Direct and facultative personal lines financial loss | 25.0% | 14.0% |
Direct and facultative commercial motor business | 10.0% | 9.0% |
Direct and facultative commercial lines property | 10.0% | 10.0% |
Direct and facultative commercial lines liability | 14.0% | 14.0% |
Direct and facultative commercial lines financial loss | 25.0% | 14.0% |
Direct and facultative aviation | 32.0% | 14.0% |
Direct and facultative marine | 22.0% | 17.0% |
Direct and facultative goods in transit | 12.0% | 14.0% |
Direct and facultative miscellaneous | 25.0% | 14.0% |
Reporting Group: Non-Proportional Treaty | ||
Non-proportional accident & health | 35.0% | 16.0% |
Non-proportional motor | 10.0% | 14.0% |
Non-proportional transport | 16.0% | 15.0% |
Non-proportional aviation | 61.0% | 16.0% |
Non-proportional marine | 38.0% | 17.0% |
Non-proportional property | 53.0% | 12.0% |
Non-proportional liability (non-motor) | 14.0% | 14.0% |
Non-proportional financial lines | 39.0% | 14.0% |
Non-proportional aggregate cover | 53.0% | 12.0% |
Reporting Group: Proportional Treaty | ||
Proportional accident & health | 12.0% | 16.0% |
Proportional motor | 10.0% | 12.0% |
Proportional transport | 12.0% | 15.0% |
Proportional aviation | 33.0% | 16.0% |
Proportional marine | 22.0% | 17.0% |
Proportional property | 23.0% | 12.0% |
Proportional liability (non-motor) | 14.0% | 14.0% |
Proportional financial lines | 25.0% | 14.0% |
Proportional aggregate cover | 23.0% | 12.0% |
Reporting Group: Miscellaneous Reinsurance | ||
Miscellaneous reinsurance accepted business | 39.0% | 14.0% |
- 31/12/2005
Long-term insurance capital requirement
PRU 7.2.80
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Insurance death risk capital component
PRU 7.2.81
See Notes
The insurance death risk capital component is the aggregate of the amounts which represent the fractions specified by PRU 7.2.82 R of the capital at risk, defined in PRU 7.2.83 R, for each category of contracts of insurance (as specified in PRU 7.2.81A R), in respect of those contracts where the capital at risk is not a negative figure, multiplied by the higher of:
- (1) 50%; and
- (2) the ratio as at the end of the financial year in question of:
- (a) the aggregate capital at risk in respect of that category of contracts net of reinsurance cessions; to
- (b) the aggregate capital at risk in respect of that category of contracts gross of reinsurance cessions.
- 31/12/2005
PRU 7.2.81A
See Notes
For the purpose of PRU 7.2.81 R, the categories of contracts of insurance are as follows:
- (1) contracts which fall in long-term insurance business classes I, II or IX; and
- (2) contracts which fall in long-term insurance business classes III, VII or VIII.
- 31/12/2005
PRU 7.2.82
See Notes
For the purpose of PRU 7.2.81 R, the fraction is:
- (1) for long-term insurance business classes I, II and IX, except for a pure reinsurer:
- (a) 0.1% for temporary insurance on death where the original term of the contract is three years or less;
- (b) 0.15% for temporary insurance on death where the original term of the contract is five years or less but more than three years; and
- (c) 0.3% in any other case;
- (2) 0.3% for long-term insurance business classes III, VII and VIII, except for a pure reinsurer; and
- (3) 0.1% for a pure reinsurer.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.2.83
See Notes
For the purpose of PRU 7.2.81 R, the capital at risk is:
- (1) where the benefit under a contract of insurance payable as a result of death includes periodic or deferred payments, the present value of the benefits payable; and
- (2) in any other case, the amount payable as a result of death;
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.2.84
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Insurance health risk capital component
PRU 7.2.85
See Notes
The insurance health risk capital component is the highest of:
- (1) the premiums amount (determined in accordance with PRU 7.2.45 R);
- (2) the claims amount (determined in accordance with PRU 7.2.47 R); and
- (3) the brought forward amount (determined in accordance with PRU 7.2.51 R);
- in respect of:
- (a) contracts of insurance falling in long-term insurance business class IV (see PRU 7.2.86 R); and
- (b) risks falling in general insurance business classes 1 or 2 that are written as part of a long-term insurance contract.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.2.86
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.2.87
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Insurance expense risk capital component
PRU 7.2.88
See Notes
The insurance expense risk capital component is:
- (1) in respect of long-term insurance business classes III, VII and VIII, an amount equivalent to 25% of the net administrative expenses in the financial year in question relevant to the business of each of those classes, in so far as the firm bears no investment risk and the allocation to cover management expenses in the contract of insurance does not have a fixed upper limit which is effective as a limit for a period exceeding 5 years from the commencement of the contract;
- (2) in respect of any tontine (long-term insurance business class V), 1% of the assets of the tontine;
- (3) in the case of any other long-term insurance business, 1% of the "adjusted mathematical reserves" (as defined in PRU 7.2.89A R).
- 31/12/2005
Insurance market risk capital component
PRU 7.2.89
See Notes
The insurance market risk capital component is 3% of the "adjusted mathematical reserves" (as defined in PRU 7.2.89A R) for all insurance liabilities except those of a kind which:
- (1) arise from contracts of insurance falling in long-term insurance business classes III, VII or VIII to the extent that the firm does not bear any investment risk; or
- (2) arise from contracts of insurance falling in long-term insurance business class V.
- 31/12/2005
Adjusted mathematical reserves
PRU 7.2.89A
See Notes
- (1) For the purpose of PRU 7.2.88 R and PRU 7.2.89 R, the "adjusted mathematical reserves" is the aggregate of the amounts which result from the performance of the calculation in PRU 7.2.90 R for each category of insurance liability specified in (2).
- (2) The categories of insurance liability referred to in (1) are:
- (a) for the purpose of PRU 7.2.88 R, those categories described in PRU 7.2.91 R (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5); and
- (b) for the purpose of PRU 7.2.89 R, those categories described in PRU 7.2.91 R (1), (2), (4) and (5)
- 31/12/2005
PRU 7.2.90
See Notes
The calculation referred to in PRU 7.2.89A R (1) is the multiplication of the amount of the mathematical reserves (gross of reinsurance cessions) in respect of a category of insurance liability by the higher of:
- (1) 85% or, in the case of a pure reinsurer, 50%; and
- (2) the ratio as at the end of the financial year in question of:
- (a) the mathematical reserves in respect of that category of insurance liability net of reinsurance cessions; to
- (b) the mathematical reserves in respect of that category of insurance liability gross of reinsurance cessions.
- 31/12/2005
PRU 7.2.91
See Notes
For the purpose of PRU 7.2.89A R and PRU 7.2.90 R, the categories of insurance liability are as follows:
- (1) liabilities of a kind which arise from contracts of insurance falling in long-term insurance business classes I, II or IX;
- (2) liabilities of a kind which arise from contracts of insurance falling in long-term insurance business classes III, VII or VIII to the extent that the firm bears an investment risk;
- (3) liabilities of a kind which arise from contracts of insurance falling in long-term insurance business classes III, VII or VIII to the extent that the firm bears no investment risk and where the allocation to cover management expenses in the contract of insurance has a fixed upper limit which is effective as a limit for a period exceeding 5 years from the commencement of the contract;
- (4) liabilities of a kind which arise from contracts of insurance falling in long-term insurance business class IV; and
- (5) liabilities of a kind which arise from contracts of insurance falling in long-term insurance business class VI.
- 31/12/2005
PRU 7.2.92
See Notes
- 31/12/2005
PRU 7.3
Mathematical reserves
- 01/10/2005
PRU 7.3.1
See Notes
PRU 7.3 applies to a long-term insurer unless it is:
- (1) a non-directive friendly society; or
- (2) an incoming EEA firm; or
- (3) an incoming Treaty firm.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.2
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.3
See Notes
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PRU 7.3.4
See Notes
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PRU 7.3.5
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.6
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Basic valuation method
PRU 7.3.7
See Notes
- (1) Subject to (2), a firm must establish its mathematical reserves using a prospective actuarial valuation on prudent assumptions of all future cash flows expected to arise under, or in respect of, each of its long-term insurance contracts.
- (2) But a firm may use a retrospective actuarial valuation where:
- (a) a prospective method cannot be applied to a particular type of contract; or
- (b) the firm can demonstrate that the resulting amount of the mathematical reserves would be no lower than would be required by a prudent prospective actuarial valuation.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.8
See Notes
A prospective valuation sets the mathematical reserves at the present value of future net cash flows. A retrospective method typically sets the mathematical reserves at the level of premiums received (and accumulated with investment return), less claims and expenses paid. A prospective valuation is preferred because it takes account of circumstances that might have arisen since the premium rate was set and of changes in the perception of future experience. Circumstances in which a retrospective valuation might be appropriate include:
- (1) where the assumptions initially made in determining the premium rate were sufficiently prudent at inception and have not been overtaken by subsequent events; and
- (2) where the liability depends on the emerging experience.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.9
See Notes
- 31/12/2005
Methods and assumptions
PRU 7.3.10
See Notes
In the actuarial valuation under PRU 7.3.7 R, a firm must use methods and prudent assumptions which:
- (1) are appropriate to the business of the firm;
- (2) are consistent from year to year without arbitrary changes (see PRU 7.3.11 G);
- (3) are consistent with the method of valuing assets (see PRU 1.3);
- (4) include appropriate margins for adverse deviation of relevant factors (see PRU 7.3.12 G);
- (5) recognise the distribution of profits (that is, emerging surplus) in an appropriate way over the duration of each contract of insurance;
- (6) take into account its regulatory duty to treat its customers fairly (see Principle 6); and
- (7) are in accordance with generally accepted actuarial practice.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.11
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.12
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Margins for adverse deviation
PRU 7.3.13
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.14
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.15
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.16
See Notes
When setting the margins for adverse deviation required by PRU 7.3.10 R (4) in relation to a particular contract, a firm should consider, where appropriate:
- (1) the margin for adverse deviation included in the premium for similar long-term insurance contracts, if any, newly issued by the firm; and
- (2) where a sufficiently developed and diversified market for transferring a risk exists, the risk premium that would be required by an unconnected party to assume the risk in respect of the contract.
The margin for adverse deviation of a risk should generally be greater than or equal to the relevant market price for that risk.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.17
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.18
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.19
See Notes
Further detailed rules and guidance on margins for adverse deviation are included in PRU 7.3.32 G to PRU 7.3.89 G. In particular, the cross-references for the different assumptions used in calculating the mathematical reserves are as follows:
- (1) expenses (PRU 7.3.50 R to PRU 7.3.58 G);
- (2) mortality and morbidity (PRU 7.3.59 R to PRU 7.3.61 G);
- (3) options (PRU 7.3.62 R to PRU 7.3.72 G);
- (4) persistency (PRU 7.3.73 G to PRU 7.3.77 G); and
- (5) reinsurance (PRU 7.3.77A R to PRU 7.3.89 G).
The rules and guidance on margins for adverse deviation in respect of future investment returns, which are also required in the calculation of mathematical reserves, are set out in PRU 4.2.28 R to PRU 4.2.48 G.
- 31/12/2005
Record keeping
PRU 7.3.20
See Notes
A firm must make, and retain for an appropriate period, a record of:
- (1) the methods and assumptions used in establishing its mathematical reserves, including the margins for adverse deviation, and the reasons for their use; and
- (2) the nature of, reasons for, and effect of, any change in approach, including the amount by which the change in approach increases or decreases its mathematical reserves.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.21
See Notes
PRU 1.4.53 R requires firms to maintain accounting and other records for a minimum of three years, or longer as appropriate. For the purposes of PRU 7.3.20 R, a period of longer than three years will be appropriate for a firm's long-term insurance business. In determining an appropriate period, a firm should have regard to:
- (1) the detailed rules and guidance on record keeping in PRU 1.4.51 G - PRU 1.4.64 G;
- (2) the nature and term of the firm's long-term insurance business; and
- (3) any additional provisions or statutory requirements applicable to the firm or its records.
- 31/12/2004
Valuation of individual contracts
PRU 7.3.22
See Notes
- (1) Subject to (2) and (3), a firm must determine the amount of the mathematical reserves separately for each long-term insurance contract.
- (2) Approximations or generalisations may be made where they are likely to provide the same, or a higher, result.
- (3) A firm must set up additional mathematical reserves on an aggregated basis for general risks that are not specific to individual contracts.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.23
See Notes
- 31/12/2005
Contracts not to be treated as assets
PRU 7.3.24
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.25
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Avoidance of future valuation strain
PRU 7.3.26
See Notes
- (1) A firm must establish mathematical reserves for a contract of insurance which are sufficient to ensure that, at any subsequent date, the mathematical reserves then required are covered solely by:
- (a) the assets covering the current mathematical reserves; and
- (b) the resources arising from those assets and from the contract itself.
- (2) For the purposes of (1), the firm must assume that:
- (a) the assumptions adopted for the current valuation of liabilities remain unaltered and are met; and
- (b) discretionary benefits and charges will be set so as to fulfil its regulatory duty to treat its customers fairly.
- (3) (1) may be applied to a group of similar contracts instead of to the individual contracts within that group.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.27
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Cash flows to be valued
PRU 7.3.28
See Notes
In a prospective valuation, a firm must include the following in the cash flows to be valued:
- (1) future premiums (see PRU 7.3.35 G to PRU 7.3.47 G);
- (2) expenses, including commissions (see PRU 7.3.50 R to PRU 7.3.58 G);
- (3) benefits payable (see PRU 7.3.29 R); and
- (4) amounts to be received or paid in respect of the long-term insurance contracts under contracts of reinsurance or analogous non-reinsurance financing agreements (see PRU 7.3.77A R to PRU 7.3.89 G).
- 31/12/2005
PRU 7.3.29
See Notes
For the purpose of PRU 7.3.28 R (3), benefits payable include:
- (1) all guaranteed benefits including guaranteed surrender values and paid-up values;
- (2) vested, declared and allotted bonuses to which the policyholder is entitled;
- (3) all options available to the policyholder under the terms of the contract; and
- (4) discretionary benefits payable in accordance with the firm's regulatory duty to treat its customers fairly.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.30
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.31
See Notes
- 31/12/2005
Valuation assumptions: detailed rules and guidance
PRU 7.3.32
See Notes
- 31/12/2005
Valuation rates of interest
PRU 7.3.33
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.34
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Future premiums
PRU 7.3.35
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.36
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Future premiums: firms reporting only on a regulatory basis
PRU 7.3.37
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.38
See Notes
- (1) This rule applies to with-profits insurance contracts except accumulating with-profits policies written on a recurring single premium basis.
- (2) The value attributed to a premium due in any future financial year (a future premium) must not exceed the lower of the value of:
- (a) the actual premium payable under the contract; and
- (b) the net premium.
- (3) The net premium may be increased for deferred acquisition costs in accordance with PRU 7.3.43 R.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.39
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.40
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.41
See Notes
A firm must treat the change referred to in PRU 7.3.40 R as if either:
- (1) it had been included in the original contract but came into effect from the time the change became effective; or
- (2) the original contract were cancelled and replaced by a new contract (with an initial premium paid on the new contract equal to the liability under the original contract immediately prior to the change); or
- (3) it gave rise to two separate contracts where:
- (a) all premiums are payable under the first contract and that contract provides only for such benefits as those premiums could have purchased from the firm at the date the change became effective; and
- (b) no premiums are payable under the second contract and that contract provides for all the other benefits.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.42
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Future net premiums: adjustment for deferred acquisition costs
PRU 7.3.43
See Notes
- (1) The amount of any increase to the net premium for deferred acquisition costs must not exceed the equivalent of the recoverable acquisition expenses spread over the period of premium payments and calculated in accordance with the rates of interest, mortality and morbidity assumed in calculating the mathematical reserves.
- (2) For the purpose of (1), recoverable acquisition expenses means the amount of expenses, after allowing for the effects of taxation, which it is reasonable to expect will be recovered from future premiums payable under the contract.
- (3) The recoverable acquisition expenses in (1) must not exceed the lower of:
- (a) the value of the excess of actual premiums over net premiums; and
- (b) 3.5% of the relevant capital sum.
- (4) Recoverable acquisition expenses may be calculated as the average for a group of similar contracts weighted by the relevant capital sum for each contract.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.44
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.45
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Future premiums: firms also reporting with-profits insurance liabilities on a realistic basis
PRU 7.3.46
See Notes
- (1) Subject to (2), for a realistic basis life firm, the future premiums to be valued in the calculation of the mathematical reserves for its with-profits insurance contracts must not be greater than the gross premiums payable by the policyholder.
- (2) This rule does not apply to accumulating with-profits policies written on a recurring single premium basis (see PRU 7.3.48 R).
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.47
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Future premiums: accumulating with-profits policies
PRU 7.3.48
See Notes
- (1) This rule applies to accumulating with-profits policies written on a recurring single premium basis.
- (2) A firm must not attribute any value to a future premium under the contract.
- (3) Any liability arising only upon the payment of that premium may be ignored except to the extent that the value of that liability upon payment would exceed the amount of that premium.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.49
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.50
See Notes
- (1) A firm must make provision for expenses, either implicitly or explicitly, in its mathematical reserves of an amount which is not less than the amount expected, on prudent assumptions, to be incurred in fulfilling its long-term insurance contracts.
- (2) For the purpose of (1), expenses must be valued:
- (a) after taking account of the effect of taxation;
- (b) having regard to the firm's actual expenses in the last 12 months before the actuarial valuation date and any increases in expenses expected to occur in the future;
- (c) after making prudent assumptions as to the effects of inflation on future increases in prices and earnings; and
- (d) at no less than the level that would be incurred if the firm were to cease to transact new business 12 months after the actuarial valuation date.
- (3) A firm must not rely upon an implicit provision arising from the method of valuing future premiums except to the extent that:
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.51
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.52
See Notes
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PRU 7.3.53
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.54
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.55
See Notes
The provisions for expenses (whether implicit or explicit) required by PRU 7.3.50 R must be sufficient to cover all the expenses of running off the firm's existing long-term insurance business including:
- (1) all discontinuance costs (for example, redundancy costs and closure costs) that would arise if the firm were to cease transacting new business 12 months after the actuarial valuation date in circumstances where (and to the extent that) the discontinuance costs exceed the projected surplus available to meet such costs;
- (2) all costs of continuing to service the existing business taking into account the loss of economies of scale from, and any other likely consequences of, ceasing to transact new business at that time; and
- (3) the lower of:
- (a) any projected valuation strain from writing new business for the 12 months following the actuarial valuation date to the extent the actual amount of that strain exceeds the projected surplus on prudent assumptions from existing business in the 12 months following the actuarial valuation date; and
- (b) any projected new business expense overrun from writing new business for the 12 months following the actuarial valuation date to the extent the projected expenses exceed the expenses that the new business can support on a prudent basis.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.56
See Notes
The provision for future expenses, whether implicit or explicit, should include a prudent margin for adverse deviation in the level and timing of expenses (see PRU 7.3.13 R to PRU 7.3.19 G). The margin should cover the risk of underestimating expenses whether due to, for example, initial under-calculation or subsequent increases in the amount of expenses. In setting the amount of the margin, the firm should take into account the extent to which:
- (1) an appropriately validated method based on reliable data is used to allocate expenses by product type, by distribution channel and as between acquisition and non-acquisition expenses;
- (2) the volume of existing and new business and its distribution by product type or distribution channel is stable or predictable;
- (3) costs vary in the short, medium or long term dependent upon the volume of existing or new business and its distribution by product type or distribution channel; and
- (4) cost control is well-managed.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.57
See Notes
In setting the margin, the firm should also take into account:
- (1) the length of the period over which it is necessary to project costs;
- (2) the extent to which it is reasonable to expect inflation to be stable or predictable over that period; and
- (3) whether, if inflation is higher than expected, it is reasonable to expect that the excess would be offset by increases in investment returns.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.58
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Mortality and Morbidity
PRU 7.3.59
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.60
See Notes
The rates of mortality or morbidity should contain prudent margins for adverse deviation (see PRU 7.3.13 R to PRU 7.3.19 G). In setting those rates, a firm should take account of:
- (1) the systems and controls applied in underwriting long-term insurance contracts and whether they provide adequate protection against anti-selection (that is, selection against the firm) including:
- (a) adequately defining and identifying non-standard risks; and
- (b) where such risks are underwritten, allocating to them an appropriate weighting;
- (2) the nature of the contractual exposure to mortality or morbidity risk including:
- (a) whether lower mortality increases or decreases the firm's liability;
- (b) the period of cover and whether risk charges can be varied during that period and, if so, how quickly; and
- (c) whether the options in the contract give rise to a significant risk of anti-selection (for example, opportunities for voluntary discontinuance, guaranteed renewal at the option of the policyholder and rights for conversion of benefits);
- (3) the credibility of the firm's actual experience as a basis for projecting future experience including:
- (a) whether there is sufficient data (especially for medical or financial risks and for new types of benefit or new methods of distribution); and
- (b) whether the data is reliable and has been appropriately validated;
- (4) the availability and reliability of:
- (a) any published tables of mortality or morbidity for the country or territory of residence of the person whose life or health is insured; and
- (b) any other information as to the industry-wide insurance experience for that country or territory;
- (5) anticipated or possible future trends in experience including, but only where they increase the liability:
- (a) anticipated improvements in mortality;
- (b) changes arising from improved detection of morbidity (including critical illnesses);
- (c) diseases the impact of which may not yet be reflected fully in current experience; and
- (d) changes in market segmentation (such as impaired life annuities) which, in the light of developing experience, may require different assumptions for different parts of the policy class.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.61
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.62
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.63
See Notes
An option exists where a policyholder is given a choice between alternative forms of benefit, for example, a choice between receiving a cash benefit upon maturity or an annuity at a guaranteed rate. In some cases, the contract may designate one or other of these alternatives as the principal benefit and any other as an option. This designation, in itself, is not one of substance in the context of reserving since it does not affect the policyholder's choices. Other forms of option include:
- (1) the right to convert to a different contract on guaranteed terms;
- (2) the right to increase cover on guaranteed terms;
- (3) the right to a specified amount on surrender; and
- (4) the right to a paid up value.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.64
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.65
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.66
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.67
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.68
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.69
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.70
See Notes
- (1) Where a policyholder may opt to be paid a cash amount, or a series of cash payments, the mathematical reserves for the contract of insurance established under PRU 7.3.7 R must be sufficient to ensure that the payment or payments could be made solely from:
- (a) the assets covering those mathematical reserves; and
- (b) the resources arising from those assets and from the contract itself.
- (2) In (1) references to a cash amount or a series of cash payments include the amount or amounts likely to be paid on a voluntary discontinuance.
- (3) For the purposes of (1), the firm must assume that:
- (a) the assumptions adopted for the current valuation remain unaltered and are met; and
- (b) discretionary benefits and charges will be set so as to fulfil the firm's regulatory duty to treat its customers fairly.
- (4) (1) may be applied to a group of similar contracts instead of to the individual contracts within that group except where the cash amount or series of cash payments is the amount or amounts likely to be paid on a voluntary discontinuance.
- 31/12/2005
PRU 7.3.71
See Notes
For the purposes of PRU 7.3.70 R, a firm must assume that the amount of a cash payment secured by the exercise of an option is:
- (1) in the case of an accumulating with-profits policy, the lower of:
- (a) the amount which the policyholder would reasonably expect to be paid if the option were exercised, having regard to the representations made by the firm and including any expectations of a final bonus; and
- (b) that amount, disregarding all discretionary adjustments;
- (2) in the case of any other policy, the amount which the policyholder would reasonably expect to be paid if the option were exercised, having regard to the representations made by the firm, without taking into account any expectations regarding future distributions of profits or the granting of discretionary additions in respect of an established surplus.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.72
See Notes
- 31/12/2005
Persistency assumptions
PRU 7.3.73
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.74
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.75
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.76
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.77
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.77A
See Notes
In PRU 7.3.78 G to PRU 7.3.89 G references to:
- (1) reinsurance and contracts of reinsurance include analogous non-reinsurance financing agreements, including contingent loans, securitisations and any other arrangements giving rise to charges on future surplus arising;
- (2) reinsured risks, in relation to a contract of reinsurance entered into by a firm, means that part of:
- (a) the risks insured by the firm under long-term insurance contracts entered into by it; and
- (b) the other risks arising directly from the firm's long-term insurance business;
- that have been transferred to the reinsurer under that contract of reinsurance; and
- (3) reinsurance cash outflows include any reduction in policy liabilities recognised as covered under a contract of reinsurance or any reduction of any debt to the firm under or in respect of a contract of reinsurance.
- 31/12/2005
PRU 7.3.78
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.79
See Notes
A firm must value reinsurance cash flows using methods and assumptions which are at least as prudent as the methods and assumptions used to value the underlying contracts of insurance which have been reinsured. In particular:
- (1) reinsurance recoveries must not be recognised unless the underlying liabilities to which they relate have also been recognised;
- (2) reinsurance cash outflows that are unambiguously linked to the emergence as surplus of margins included in the valuation of existing contracts of insurance or to the exercise by a reinsurer of its rights under a termination clause need not be valued (see PRU 7.3.85 R); and
- (3) reinsurance cash inflows that are contingent on factors or conditions other than the reinsured risks must not be valued.
- 31/12/2005
PRU 7.3.80
See Notes
In valuing reinsurance cash flows, a firm should establish prudent margins for adverse deviation (see PRU 7.3.13 R to PRU 7.3.19 G) including margins in respect of:
- (1) any uncertainty as to the amount or timing of amounts to be paid or received; and
- (2) the risk of credit default by the reinsurer.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.81
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.82
See Notes
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PRU 7.3.83
See Notes
- 31/12/2005
PRU 7.3.84
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.85
See Notes
For the purposes of PRU 7.3.79 R (2), the "link" must be such that a contingent liability to pay or repay the amount to the reinsurer could not arise except when, and to the extent that, the margins in the valuation of the existing contracts of insurance emerge as surplus, or the reinsurer exercises its rights under a termination clause in the contract of reinsurance as a result of:
- (1) fraudulent conduct by the firm under or in relation to the contract of reinsurance; or
- (2) a representation as to the existence, at or before the time the contract of reinsurance is entered into, of a state of affairs which is within the knowledge or control of the firm and which is material to the reinsurer's decision to enter into the contract being discovered to be false; or
- (3) the non-payment of reinsurance premiums by the firm; or
- (4) a transfer by the firm of the whole or a specified part of its business without the agreement of the reinsurer, except where that agreement has been unreasonably withheld.
- 31/12/2005
PRU 7.3.86
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.87
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.88
See Notes
- 31/12/2005
PRU 7.3.89
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.90
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.3.91
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4
With-profits insurance capital component
- 01/10/2005
PRU 7.4.1
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.2
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.3
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.4
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.5
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Main requirements
PRU 7.4.6
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.7
See Notes
- (1) The with-profits insurance capital component for a firm is the aggregate of any amounts that:
- (a) result from the calculations specified in (2) and (3); and
- (b) are greater than zero.
- (2) Subject to (3), in relation to each with-profits fund within the firm, the firm must deduct B from A, where:
- (a) A is the amount of the regulatory excess capital for that fund (see PRU 7.4.23 R); and
- (b) B is the amount of the realistic excess capital for that fund (see PRU 7.4.32 R).
- (3) Where a capital instrument that can be included in the firm's capital resources in accordance with PRU 2.2 has been attributed wholly or partly to a with-profits fund and that instrument meets the requirements of PRU 2.2.93 R, the firm must add to the amount calculated under (2) for that fund the result, subject to a minimum of zero, of deducting D from C where:
- (a) C is the outstanding face amount of the instrument to the extent attributed to the fund; and
- (b) D is the realistic value of the instrument to the extent attributed to the fund in the single event that determines the risk capital margin under PRU 7.4.43 R.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.8
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.9
See Notes
SUP 4 (Actuaries) sets out the role and responsibilities of the actuarial function and of the with-profits actuary.
- (1) As part of his duties under SUP 4.3.13 R, the actuary appointed by the firm to perform the actuarial function must calculate the firm's mathematical reserves and, in the context of the calculation of the with-profits insurance capital component, must also:
- (a) advse the firm's governing body on the methods and assumptions to be used in the calculation of the firm's with-profits insurance capital component;
- (b) perform tihat calculation in accordance with the methods and assumptions determined by the firm's governing body; and
- (c) report to the firm's governing body on the results of that calculation.
- (2) As part of his duties under SUP 4.3.16 G, the with-profits actuary must advise the firm's governing body on the discretion exercised by the firm. In the context of the calculation of the with-profits insurance capital component, the with-profits actuary must also advise the firm's governing body as to whether the methods and assumptions (including the allowance for management actions) used for that calculation are consistent with the firm's Principles and Practices of Financial Management (PPFM - see COB 6.10 ) and with its regulatory duty to treat its customers fairly.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.10
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.11
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.12
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.13
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.14
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.15
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.16
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Record keeping
PRU 7.4.17
See Notes
A firm must make, and retain for an appropriate period of time, a record of:
- (1) the methods and assumptions used in making any calculation required for the purposes of this section (and any subsequent changes) and the reasons for their use; and
- (2) any change in practice and the nature of, reasons for, and effect of, any change in approach with respect to those methods and assumptions.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.18
See Notes
PRU 1.4.53 R requires firms to maintain accounting and other records for a minimum of three years, or longer as appropriate. For the purposes of PRU 7.4.17 R, a period of longer than three years will be appropriate for a firm's long-term insurance business. In determining an appropriate time period, a firm should have regard to:
- (1) the detailed guidance on record keeping in PRU 1.4.51 G to PRU 1.4.64 G;
- (2) the nature and term of the firm's long-term insurance contracts; and
- (3) any additional provisions or statutory requirements applicable to the firm or its records.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.19
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.20
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
General principles for allocating aggregate amounts
PRU 7.4.21
See Notes
Where any calculation is required under this section which:
- (1) is to be made in respect of any with-profits fund of a firm; and
- (2) covers an amount that is otherwise calculated in relation to the firm as a whole;
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.22
See Notes
In any case where:
- (1) non-profit insurance contracts are written in any with-profits fund of a firm; and
- (2) any calculation is required under this section which:
- (a) is to be made in respect of the regulatory excess capital or realistic excess capital for the fund; and
- (b) covers an amount that is otherwise calculated or allocated in relation to the fund as a whole;
- 31/12/2004
Calculation of regulatory excess capital
PRU 7.4.23
See Notes
A firm must calculate the regulatory excess capital for each of its with-profits funds by deducting B from A, where:
- (1) A is the regulatory value of assets of the fund (PRU 7.4.24 R); and
- (2) B is the sum of:
- (a) the regulatory value of liabilities of the fund (PRU 7.4.29 R);
- (b) the long-term insurance capital requirement in respect of the fund's with-profits insurance contracts; and
- (c) the resilience capital requirement in respect of the fund's with-profits insurance contracts.
- 31/12/2004
Regulatory value of assets
PRU 7.4.24
See Notes
- (1) For the purposes of PRU 7.4.23 R (1), the regulatory value of assets of a with-profits fund is equal to the sum of:
- (a) the amount of the fund's long-term admissible assets; and
- (b) the amount of any implicit items allocated to that fund;
- less an amount, representing any non-profit insurance contracts written in that fund, determined in accordance with (2).
- (2) Where non-profit insurance contracts are written in a with-profits fund, the amount representing those contracts is the sum of:
- (a) the mathematical reserves in respect of the non-profit insurance contract written in the fund; and
- (b) the following amounts, to the extent that each of them is covered by the fund's long-term admissible assets:
- (i) an amount in respect of the non-profit insurance contracts written in the fund which represents an appropriate allocation of the firm's long-term insurance capital requirement; and
- (ii) an amount in respect of the non-profit insurance contracts written in the fund which represents an appropriate allocation of the firm's resilience capital requirement.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.25
See Notes
For the purpose of determining the value of a fund's long-term admissible assets in accordance with PRU 7.4.24 R (1)(a), no value is to be attributed to:
- (1) debts owed by reinsurers; or
- (2) claims; or
- (3) tax recoveries; or
- (4) claims against compensation funds;
to the extent already offset in the calculation of technical provisions.
- 31/12/2005
PRU 7.4.26
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.27
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.28
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Regulatory value of liabilities
PRU 7.4.29
See Notes
For the purposes of PRU 7.4.23 R (2)(a), the regulatory value of liabilities of a with-profits fund is equal to the sum of:
- (1) the mathematical reserves, in respect of the fund's with-profits insurance contracts, including the value of any provisions reflecting bonuses allocated at the actuarial valuation date; and
- (2) the regulatory current liabilities of the fund (see PRU 7.4.30 R).
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.30
See Notes
For the purposes of PRU 7.4.29 R (2), the regulatory current liabilities of a with-profits fund are equal to the sum of the following amounts to the extent that they relate to that fund:
- (1) accounting liabilities (including long-term insurance liabilities which have fallen due before the end of the financial year);
- (2) liabilities from deposit back arrangements; and
- (3) any provision for adverse variations (determined in accordance with PRU 4.3.17 R).
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.31
See Notes
The amount of regulatory current liabilities for a with-profits fund refers to the sum of the amounts in (1) and (2) in respect of the fund:
- (1) the amount of 'Total other insurance and non-insurance liabilities'; and
- (2) the amount of 'Cash bonuses which had not been paid to policyholders prior to the end of the financial year';
as disclosed at lines 49 and 12 respectively of the appropriate Form 14 ('Long-term business liabilities and margins') for that fund as part of the Annual Returns required to be deposited with the FSA under IPRU(INS) rule 9.6(1).
- 31/12/2004
Calculation of realistic excess capital
PRU 7.4.32
See Notes
A firm must calculate the realistic excess capital for each of its with-profits funds by deducting B from A, where:
- (1) A is the realistic value of assets of the fund (see PRU 7.4.33R); and
- (2) B is the sum of:
- (a) the realistic value of liabilities of the fund (see PRU 7.4.40 R); and
- (b) the risk capital margin for the fund (see PRU 7.4.43 R).
- 31/12/2004
Realistic value of assets
PRU 7.4.33
See Notes
- (1) For the purposes of PRU 7.4.32 R (1), the realistic value of assets of a with-profits fund is the sum of:
- (a) the amount of the fund's regulatory value of assets determined in accordance with PRU 7.4.24 R, but with no value given to any implicit items and excluding the regulatory value of any shares in a related undertaking which carries on long-term insurance business;
- (b) the amount of the fund's excess admissible assets (see PRU 7.4.36 R);
- (c) the present value of future profits (or losses) on any non-profit insurance contracts written in the with-profits fund (see PRU 7.4.37 R);
- (d) the value of any derivative or quasi-derivative held in the fund (see PRU 1.3.11 R to PRU 1.3.30 R) to the extent its value is not reflected in (a), (b) or (c);
- (e) any amount determined under (2); and
- (f) the amount of any prepayments made from the fund.
- (2) Where any equity shares held (directly or indirectly) by a firm (A):
- (a) are shares in a related undertaking (B) which carries on long-term insurance business; and
- (b) have been identified by A under PRU 7.4.21 R as long-term insurance assets which are held in the with-profits fund for which the realistic value is to be determined under (1);
- the amount required under (1)(e) is the relevant proportion of the value of all B's equity shares as determined in (3).
- (3) For the purposes of (2):
- (a) the relevant proportion is the proportion of the total number of equity shares issued by B which are held (directly or indirectly) by A;
- (b) the value of all B's equity shares must be taken as D deducted from C, where C is equal to the sum of:
- (i) the shareholder net assets of B;
- (ii) any surplus assets in the non-profit funds of B;
- (iii) any additional amount arising from the present value of future profits (or losses) on any non-profit insurance contracts written by B (calculated on a basis consistent with PRU 7.4.37 R), excluding any amount arising from business that is written in a with-profits fund; and
- (iv) where B has any with-profits funds, the present value of projected future transfers out of those funds to shareholder funds of B;
- and D is equal to the sum of:
- (v) the long-term insurance capital requirement in respect of any non-profit insurance contracts written in a non-profit fund of B;
- (vi) the amount of the resilience capital requirement in respect of any non-profit insurance contracts written in a non-profit fund of B;
- (vii) any part of the with-profits insurance capital component of B, or of B's long-term insurance capital requirement or resilience capital requirement in respect of B's with-profits insurance contracts, that is not covered from the assets of the with-profits fund from which it arises after deducting from those assets the amount calculated under (iv); and
- (viii) any assets of B that back its regulatory capital requirements and that are valued in (iii) in the calculation of the present value of future profits of non-profit insurance business written by B.
- (4) The methods and assumptions used in the calculations under (3)(b)(iii) and (iv) must follow a consistent approach to that set out in PRU 7.4.37 R.
- 31/12/2005
PRU 7.4.34
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.35
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.36
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.37
See Notes
A firm must calculate the present value of future profits (or losses) on non-profit insurance contracts written in the with-profits fund using methodology and assumptions which:
- (1) are based on current estimates of future experience;
- (2) involve reasonable (but not excessively prudent) adjustments to reflect risk and uncertainty;
- (3) allow for a market-consistent valuation of any guarantees or options within the contracts valued;
- (4) are derived from current market yields, having regard to International Financial Reporting Standard 4: Insurance Contracts, as if it were being applied to determine the value under that standard for the first time;
- (5) have regard to generally accepted actuarial practice and generally accepted industry standards appropriate for firms carrying on long-term insurance business;
- (6) are consistent with the allocation, made in accordance with PRU 7.4.22 R, of any aggregate amounts as between the with-profits insurance contracts and the non-profit insurance contracts written in the fund;
- (7) allow for any tax that would be payable out of the with-profits fund in respect of the contracts valued; and
- (8) are consistent with the allocation, made in accordance with PRU 7.4.26 R, of long-term admissible assets as between the with-profits insurance contracts and any non-profit insurance contracts written in the fund.
- 31/12/2005
PRU 7.4.38
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.39
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.39A
See Notes
- 31/12/2005
PRU 7.4.39B
See Notes
- 31/12/2005
Realistic value of liabilities: general
PRU 7.4.40
See Notes
For the purposes of PRU 7.4.32 R (2)(a), the realistic value of liabilities of a with-profits fund is the sum of:
- (1) the with-profits benefits reserve of the fund;
- (2) the future policy related liabilities of the fund; and
- (3) the realistic current liabilities of the fund.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.41
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.42
See Notes
Detailed rules and guidance for the calculation of the three elements referred to in PRU 7.4.40 R are contained below in this section:
- (1) PRU 7.4.116 R to PRU 7.4.135 G refer to the with-profits benefits reserve;
- (2) PRU 7.4.136 G to PRU 7.4.189 G refer to the future policy related liabilities; and
- (3) PRU 7.4.190 R and PRU 7.4.191 R refer to the realistic current liabilities.
- 31/12/2004
Risk capital margin
PRU 7.4.43
See Notes
- (1) A firm must calculate a risk capital margin for each of its with-profits funds in accordance with (2) to (6).
- (2) The firm must identify relevant assets (PRU 7.4.45 R) which, in the most adverse scenario, will have a value (PRU 7.4.46 R) which is equal to the realistic value of liabilities of the fund under that scenario.
- (3) The most adverse scenario means the single event comprising that combination of the scenarios in PRU 7.4.44 R which gives rise to the largest positive value that results from deducting B from A, where:
- (a) A is the value of relevant assets which will produce the result described in (2); and
- (b) B is the realistic value of liabilities of the fund.
- (4) The risk capital margin for the fund is the result of deducting C from A, where C is the sum of:
- (a) B; and
- (b) any amount included within relevant assets under PRU 7.4.45 R (2)(c).
- (5) In calculating the value of relevant assets for the purpose of determining the most adverse scenario in (3), a firm must not adjust the valuation of any asset taken into consideration under PRU 7.4.33 R (1)(e) (related undertakings carrying on long-term insurance business) or PRU 7.4.45 R (2)(c) (present value of future profits arising from insurance contracts written outside the with-profits fund).
- (6) In calculating the realistic value of liabilities of a fund under any scenario, a firm is not required to adjust the best estimate provision made under PRU 7.4.190 R (1) in respect of a defined benefits pension scheme in accordance with PRU 7.4.191 R .
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PRU 7.4.44
See Notes
For the purposes of PRU 7.4.43 R (3), the scenarios are one scenario selected from each of the following:
- (1) in respect of UK and other assets within PRU 7.4.62 R (1)(a):
- (a) the range of market risk scenarios identified in accordance with PRU 7.4.68 R (1) (equities);
- (b) the range of market risk scenarios identified in accordance with PRU 7.4.68 R (2) (real estate); and
- (c) the range of market risk scenarios identified in accordance with PRU 7.4.68 R (3) (fixed interest securities);
- (2) in respect of non-UK assets within PRU 7.4.62 R (1)(b):
- (a) the range of market risk scenarios identified in accordance with PRU 7.4.73 R (1) (equities);
- (b) the range of market risk scenarios identified in accordance with PRU 7.4.73 R (2) (real estate); and
- (c) the range of market risk scenarios identified in accordance with PRU 7.4.73 R (3) (fixed interest securities);
- (3) the range of credit risk scenarios identified in accordance with PRU 7.4.78 R (1) (bond or debt items);
- (4) the range of credit risk scenarios identified in accordance with PRU 7.4.78 R (2) (reinsurance items or analogous non-reinsurance financing agreements);
- (5) the range of credit risk scenarios identified in accordance with PRU 7.4.78 R (3) (other items including derivatives and quasi-derivatives); and
- (6) the persistency risk scenario identified in accordance with PRU 7.4.100R.
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PRU 7.4.45
See Notes
- (1) In PRU 7.4.43 R, in relation to a with-profits fund, the relevant assets means a range of assets which meets the following conditions:
- (a) the range is selected on a basis which is consistent with the firm's regulatory duty to treat its customers fairly;
- (b) the range must include assets from within the with-profits fund the value of which is greater than or equal to the realistic value of liabilities of the fund;
- (c) the range is selected in accordance with (2); and
- (d) no asset of the firm may be allocated to the range of assets identified in respect of more than one with-profits fund.
- (2) The range of assets must be selected from the assets specified in (a) to (c), in the order specified:
- (a) assets that have a realistic value under PRU 7.4.33 R;
- (b) where a firm has selected all the assets within (a), any admissible assets that are not identified as held within the with-profits fund; and
- (c) where a firm has selected all the assets within (a) and (b), any additional assets.
- (3) But a firm must not bring any amounts into account under (2)(b) or (2)(c) in respect of any with-profits fund if that would result in the firm exceeding its overall maximum limit (determined according to whether the firm has only one with-profits fund or more than one such fund).
- (4) A firm exceeds its overall maximum limit for amounts brought into account under (2)(b) where:
- (a) in the case of a firm with a single with-profits fund, the amount the firm brings into account in respect of that fund;
- (b) in the case of a firm with two or more with-profits funds, the aggregate of the amounts the firm brings into account in respect of each of those funds;
- exceeds the sum of the firm's shareholder net assets and the surplus assets in the firm's non-profits funds, less any regulatory capital requirements in respect of business written outside its with-profits funds.
- (5) A firm exceeds its overall maximum limit for amounts brought into account under (2)(c) where:
- (a) in the case of a firm with a single with-profits fund, the amount the firm brings into account in respect of that fund;
- (b) in the case of a firm with two or more with-profits funds, the aggregate of the amounts the firm brings into account in respect of each of those funds;
- exceeds 50% of the present value of future profits arising from insurance contracts written by the firm outside its with-profits funds.
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PRU 7.4.46
See Notes
In valuing the relevant assets identified under PRU 7.4.43 R (2), a firm must use the same methods of valuation as in PRU 7.4.33 R, except that:
- (1) the value of any admissible assets not identified as held within the with-profits fund (PRU 7.4.45 R (2)(b)) must be as determined under PRU 1.3; and
- (2) the value of any asset which forms part of the range of assets as a result of PRU 7.4.45 R (2)(c) must be determined on a basis consistent with that described in PRU 7.4.37 R.
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PRU 7.4.47
See Notes
The purpose of the risk capital margin for a with-profits fund is to cover adverse deviation from:
- (1) the fund's realistic value of liabilities;
- (2) the value of assets identified, in accordance with PRU 7.4.43 R (2), to cover the amount in (1) and the fund's risk capital margin;
arising from the effects of market risk, credit risk and persistency risk. Other risks are not explicitly addressed by the risk capital margin.
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PRU 7.4.48
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.49
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.50
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.51
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.51A
See Notes
- 31/12/2005
Management actions
PRU 7.4.52
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.53
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.54
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.55
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.56
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.57
See Notes
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Policyholder actions
PRU 7.4.58
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.59
See Notes
Policyholder actions refer to the foreseeable actions that would be taken by the firm's policyholders, taking into account:
- (1) the experience of the firm in the past; and
- (2) the changes that may occur in the future if options and guarantees become more valuable to policyholders than in the past.
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PRU 7.4.60
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.61
See Notes
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Market risk scenario
PRU 7.4.62
See Notes
- (1) For the purposes of PRU 7.4.44 R, the ranges of market risk scenarios that a firm must assume are:
- (a) for exposures to UK assets and for exposures to non-UK assets within (2), the ranges of scenarios set out in PRU 7.4.68 R; and
- (b) for exposures to other non-UK assets, the ranges of scenarios set out in PRU 7.4.73 R.
- (2) The exposures to non-UK assets within this paragraph are:
- (a) exposures which do not arise from a significant territory outside the United Kingdom (PRU 7.4.63 R); or
- (b) exposures which do arise from a significant territory outside the United Kingdom but which represent less than 0.5% of the realistic value of assets of the with-profits fund, measured by market value.
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PRU 7.4.63
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.63A
See Notes
- 31/12/2005
PRU 7.4.64
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.65
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.66
See Notes
In PRU 7.4.62 R to PRU 7.4.76 G, where there is reference to exposure to assets invested in a territory this should be interpreted as follows:
- (1) for equities, a stock that is listed on a stock market in that territory or, if unlisted, the stock of a company that is incorporated in that territory;
- (2) for bonds, one that is denominated in the currency of that territory, or issued by an institution incorporated in that territory;
- (3) for real estate, a property that is located in that territory; and
- (4) for derivatives, quasi-derivatives and other instruments, one where the assets to which the instrument is exposed are assets invested in that territory.
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PRU 7.4.67
See Notes
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Market risk scenario for exposures to UK assets and certain non-UK assets
PRU 7.4.68
See Notes
The range of market risk scenarios referred to in PRU 7.4.62(1)(a) is:
- (1) a rise or fall in the market value of equities of up to the greater of:
- (a) 10%; and
- (b) 20%, less the equity market adjustment ratio (see PRU 7.4.71 R);
- (2) a rise or fall in real estate values of up to 12.5%; and
- (3) a rise or fall in yields on all fixed interest securities of up to 17.5% of the long-term gilt yield.
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PRU 7.4.69
See Notes
For the purposes of PRU 7.4.68 R, a firm must:
- (1) assume that yields on equities and real estate remain unchanged from those applicable at market levels before applying each scenario; and
- (2) model a rise or fall in equity, real estate and fixed interest markets as if the movement occurred instantaneously.
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PRU 7.4.70
See Notes
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Equity market adjustment ratio
PRU 7.4.71
See Notes
The equity market adjustment ratio referred to in PRU 7.4.68 R (1)(b) is:
- (1) if the ratio calculated in (a) and (b) lies between 80% and 100%, the result of 100% less the ratio (expressed as a percentage) of:
- (a) the current value of the FTSE Actuaries All Share Index; to
- (b) the average value of the FTSE Actuaries All Share Index over the preceding 90 calendar days;
- (2) 0%, if the ratio calculated in (1)(a) and (b) is more than 100%; and
- (3) 20%, if the ratio calculated in (1)(a) and (b) is less than 80%.
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PRU 7.4.72
See Notes
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Market risk scenario for exposures to other non-UK assets
PRU 7.4.73
See Notes
The range of market risk scenarios referred to in PRU 7.4.62 R (1)(b) is:
- (1) an appropriate rise or fall in the market value of equities listed in that territory (PRU 7.4.75 G), which must be at least equal to the percentage determined in PRU 7.4.68 R (1);
- (2) a rise or fall in real estate values in that territory of up to 12.5%; and
- (3) a rise or fall in yields on all fixed interest securities of up to 17.5% of the nearest equivalent (in respect of the method of calculation) of the long-term gilt yield.
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PRU 7.4.74
See Notes
For the purposes of PRU 7.4.73 R, a firm must:
- (1) assume that yields on equities and real estate remain unchanged from those applicable at market levels before applying each scenario; and
- (2) model a rise or fall in equity, real estate and fixed interest markets as if the movement occurred instantaneously.
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PRU 7.4.75
See Notes
For the purposes of PRU 7.4.73 R (1), an appropriate rise or fall in the market value of equities to which a firm has exposure in a significant territory must be determined having regard to:
- (1) an appropriate equity market index (or indices) for that territory; and
- (2) the historical volatility of the equity market index (or indices) selected in (1).
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PRU 7.4.76
See Notes
For the purpose of PRU 7.4.75 G (1), an appropriate equity market index (or indices) for a territory should be such that:
- (1) the constituents of the index (or indices) are reasonably representative of the nature of the equities to which the firm is exposed in that territory which are included in the relevant assets identified in accordance with PRU 7.4.43 R (2); and
- (2) the frequency of, and historical data relating to, published values of the index (or indices) are sufficient to enable an average value(s) and historical volatility of the index (or indices) to be calculated over at least the three preceding financial years.
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PRU 7.4.77
See Notes
- (1) The purpose of the credit risk scenarios in PRU 7.4.78 R to PRU 7.4.99 G is to show the financial effect of specified changes in the general credit risk environment on a firm's direct (counterparty) and indirect credit risk exposures. The scenarios apply in relation to corporate bonds, debt, reinsurance and other exposures, including derivatives and quasi-derivatives. This is thus quite separate from any reference to allowance for credit risk in PRU 4.2.
- (2) In the case of bonds and debts, the scenarios are described in terms of an assumed credit rating dependent on the widening of credit spreads - changes in bond and debt credit spreads will have a direct impact on the value of bond and debt assets. Credit ratings are intended to give an indication of the security of the income and capital payments for a bond - the higher the credit rating, the more secure the payments. The reaction of credit spreads to developments in markets for credit risk varies by credit rating and so the scenarios to be assumed for bonds and debts depend on their ratings. The credit spreads on bonds and debt represent compensation to the investor for the risk of default and downgrade, but also for illiquidity, price volatility and the uncertainty of recovery rates relative to government bonds. Credit spreads on bonds tend to widen during an economic recession to reflect the increased expectations that corporate borrowers may default on their obligations or be subject to rating downgrades.
- (3) Changes in bond and debt credit spreads will also be indicative of a change in direct counterparty exposure in relation to reinsurance and other exposures including derivatives and quasi-derivatives.
- (4) In addition, changes in bond and debt credit spreads may indirectly impact on credit exposures, for example by affecting the payments anticipated under credit derivative instruments.
- (5) A firm will also need to allow for the effect of other components of the single event comprising the combination of scenarios applicable under PRU 7.4.43 R in assessing exposure to credit risk. For example, in the case of an equity put option and a fall in equity market values, the resulting increase in the level of exposure to the firm's counterparty for the option combined with a change in the quality of the counterparty should be allowed for.
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PRU 7.4.78
See Notes
For the purposes of PRU 7.4.44 R, the range of credit risk scenarios that a firm must assume is:
- (1) changes in value resulting from an increase in credit spreads by an amount of up to the spread stress determined according to PRU 7.4.84 R in respect of any bond or debt item;
- (2) changes in value determined according to PRU 7.4.94 R in respect of any reinsurance item or any analogous non-reinsurance financing agreement item; and
- (3) changes in value determined according to PRU 7.4.98 R for any other item (including any derivative or quasi-derivative).
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PRU 7.4.79
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.80
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.81
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.82
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.83
See Notes
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Spread stresses to be assumed for bonds and debt
PRU 7.4.84
See Notes
- (1) In PRU 7.4.78 R (1) the spread stress which a firm must assume for any bond or debt item is:
- (a) for any bond or debt item issued or guaranteed by an organisation which is in accordance with PRU 7.4.87 R a credit risk scenario exempt organisation in respect of that item, zero basis points; and
- (b) for any other bond or debt item:
- (i) Y if the credit rating description of that other bond or debt item determined by reference to PRU 7.4.89 R is not "Highly speculative or very vulnerable"; and
- (ii) otherwise the larger of Y and Z.
- (2) For the purpose of (1)(b):
- (a) Y is the product of the spread factor for that bond or debt item and the square root of S, where:
- (i) the spread factor for a bond or debt item is the spread factor shown in the final column of Table PRU 7.4.90 R, in the row of that Table corresponding to the credit rating description of the bond or debt item determined for the purpose of this rule by reference to PRU 7.4.89 R; and
- (ii) subject to (3), S is the current credit spread for a bond or debt item, expressed as a number of basis points, which the firm must determine as the current yield on that bond or debt item in excess of the current gross redemption yield on the government bond most similar to that bond or debt item in terms of currency of denomination and equivalent term; and
- (b) Z is the change in credit spread expressed as a number of basis points that would result in the current market value of the bond or debt falling by 5%.
- (3) Where, for the purposes of (2)(a)(ii), there is no suitable government bond, the firm must use its best estimate of the gross redemption yield that would apply for a notional government bond similar to the bond or debt item in terms of currency of denomination and equivalent term.
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PRU 7.4.85
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.86
See Notes
- (1) As an example, a bond item has the credit rating description "exceptional or extremely strong" and currently yields 49 basis points in excess of the most similar government bond. The spread factor for that bond item is 3.00 by reference to Table PRU 7.4.90 R. Since S is 49, the square root of S is 7 and the spread stress for that item is 3 times 7, that is, 21 basis points. The firm must consider the impact of an increase in spreads by up to 21 basis points for that item.
- (2) As a further example, a bond item has the credit rating description "highly speculative or very vulnerable". For this bond, S is 400, being the current spread for that bond expressed as a number of basis points. The spread factor for the bond is 24.00. So the firm must consider the impact of an increase in spreads by up to 24.00 times 20 i.e. 480 basis points for that item. The bond is however of short duration and the reduction in market value resulting from an additional spread of 480 basis points is less than 5 per cent of its current market value. A 5 per cent reduction in its market value would result from a spread widening of 525 basis points. The firm must consider the impact of an increase in spreads by up to 525 basis points for that item by virtue of its credit rating description.
- (3) The calculation of the credit spread on commercial floating rate notes warrants particular consideration. Suppose, for example, that a notional floating rate note guaranteed by the UK government would have a market consistent price of X. This price can be estimated based on an assumed distribution of future payments under the floating rate note, and the current forward gilt curve. Suppose further that the market price of the commercial floating rate note is Y, where Y is less than X. A firm could calculate what parallel upward shift in the forward gilt curve would result in the notional government-backed floating rate note having a market price of Y for an unchanged assumed distribution of future payments. The size of the resulting shift could then be taken as the credit spread on the commercial floating rate note.
- (4) In arriving at the estimated gross redemption yield in PRU 7.4.84 R (3), the firm may have regard to any appropriate swap rates for the currency of denomination of the bond or debt item, adjusted to take appropriate account of observed differences between swap rates and the yields on government bonds.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.87
See Notes
For the purposes of this section:
- (1) an organisation is a credit risk scenario exempt organisation in respect of an item if the organisation is:
- (a) the European Central Bank; or
- (b) any central government or central bank which, in relation to that item, satisfies the conditions in (2); or
- (c) a multilateral development bank which is listed in (3); or
- (d) an international organisation which is listed in (4);
- (2) the conditions in (1)(b) are that, for any claim against the central government or central bank denominated in the currency in which the item is denominated:
- (a) a credit rating is available from at least one listed rating agency nominated in accordance with PRU 7.4.92 R; and
- (b) the credit rating description in the first column of Table PRU 7.4.90 R corresponding to the lowest such credit rating is either "exceptionally or extremely strong" or "very strong";
- (3) for the purposes of (1)(c) the listed multilateral development banks are:
- (a) the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development;
- (b) the International Finance Corporation;
- (c) the Inter-American Development Bank;
- (d) the Asian Development Bank;
- (e) the African Development Bank;
- (f) the Council of Europe Development Bank;
- (g) the Nordic Investment Bank;
- (h) the Caribbean Development Bank;
- (i) the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development;
- (j) the European Investment Bank;
- (k) the European Investment Fund; and
- (l) the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency;
- (4) for the purposes of (1)(d) the listed international organisations are:
- (a) the European Community;
- (b) the International Monetary Fund; and
- (c) the Bank for International Settlements.
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PRU 7.4.88
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.89
See Notes
- (1) For the purposes of this section, the credit rating description of a bond or debt item is to be determined in accordance with (2) and (3).
- (2) If the item has at least one credit rating nominated in accordance with PRU 7.4.92 R ("a rated item"), its credit rating description is:
- (a) where it has only one nominated credit rating, the general description given in the first column of Table PRU 7.4.90 R corresponding to that rating; or
- (b) where it has two or more nominated credit ratings and the two highest nominated ratings fall within the same general description given in the first column of that Table, that description; or
- (c) where it has two or more nominated credit ratings and the two highest nominated ratings do not fall within the same general description given in the first column of that Table, the second highest of those two descriptions.
- (3) If the item is not a rated item, its credit rating description is the general description given in the first column of Table PRU 7.4.90 R that most closely corresponds to the firm's own assessment of the item's credit quality.
- (4) An assessment under (3) must be made by the firm for the purposes of the credit risk scenario having due regard to the seniority of the bond or debt and the credit quality of the bond or debt issuer.
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PRU 7.4.90
See Notes
Credit Rating Description | Listed rating agencies | Spread Factor | |||
A.M. Best Company | Fitch Ratings | Moody's Investors Service | Standard & Poor's Corporation | ||
Exceptional or extremely strong | aaa | AAA | Aaa | AAA | 3.00 |
Very strong | aa | AA | Aa | AA | 5.25 |
Strong | a | A | A | A | 6.75 |
Adequate | bbb | BBB | Baa | BBB | 9.25 |
Speculative or less vulnerable | bb | BB | Ba | BB | 15.00 |
Very speculative or more vulnerable | B | B | B | B | 24.00 |
Highly speculative or very vulnerable | Below B | Below B | Below B | Below B | 24.00 |
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PRU 7.4.91
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.92
See Notes
For the purposes of PRU 7.4.87 R and PRU 7.4.89 R, a firm may, subject to (1) to (5), nominate for use credit ratings produced by one or more of the rating agencies listed in PRU 7.4.93 R:
- (1) if the firm decides to nominate for use for an item the credit rating produced by one or more rating agencies, it must do so consistently for all similar items;
- (2) the firm must use credit ratings in a continuous and consistent way over time;
- (3) the firm must nominate for use only credit ratings that take into account both principal and interest;
- (4) if the firm nominates for use credit ratings produced by one of the listed rating agencies then the firm must use solicited credit ratings produced by that listed rating agency; and
- (5) the firm may nominate for use unsolicited credit ratings produced by one or more of the listed rating agencies except where there are reasonable grounds for believing that any unsolicited credit ratings produced by the agency are used so as to obtain inappropriate advantages in the relationship with rated parties.
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PRU 7.4.93
See Notes
In this section, a listed rating agency is:
- (1) A.M. Best Company; or
- (2) Fitch Ratings; or
- (3) Moody's Investors Service; or
- (4) Standard & Poor's Corporation.
- 31/12/2004
Credit risk scenario for reinsurance
PRU 7.4.94
See Notes
- (1) The contracts of reinsurance or analogous non-reinsurance financing agreements to which PRU 7.4.78 R (2) applies are those:
- (a) into which the firm has entered;
- (b) which represent an economic asset under the single event applicable under PRU 7.4.43 R (3); and
- (c) which are material (individually or in aggregate).
- (2) For the purposes of (1), no account is to be taken of reinsurance or analogous non-reinsurance financing arrangements between undertakings in the same group where:
- (a) the ceding and accepting undertakings are regulated by the FSA or a regulatory body in a designated State or territory for insurance (including reinsurance);
- (b) no subsequent cessions of the ceded risk which are material (individually or in aggregate) are made to subsequent accepting undertakings by accepting undertakings (including subsequent accepting undertakings) other than to subsequent accepting undertakings which are in the same group; and
- (c) for any subsequent cession or cessions of the ceded risk which are material (individually or in aggregate) each of the ceding and accepting undertakings (including subsequent accepting undertakings) is regulated by the FSA or a regulatory body in a designated State or territory for insurance (including reinsurance).
- (3) The change in value which a firm must determine for a contract of reinsurance or an analogous non-reinsurance financing agreement is the firm's best estimate of the change in realistic value which would result from changes in credit risk market conditions consistent, subject to (4), with the changes in credit spreads determined in accordance with PRU 7.4.78 R (1).
- (4) For the purpose of (3), 5% should be replaced by 10% in PRU 7.4.84 R (2)(b).
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PRU 7.4.95
See Notes
- (1) Reinsurance and analogous non-reinsurance financing agreements entered into by the firm, either with or acting as a reinsurer, must be included within the scope of the scenario. The combined rights and obligations under a contract of reinsurance or an analogous non-reinsurance financing agreement may represent an economic asset or liability. The value placed by the firm on the reinsurance item or non-reinsurance financing item should allow for a realistic assessment of the risks transferred and the risks of counterparty default associated with the item. In the case of analogous non-reinsurance financing agreements, references to terms such as "reinsurer", "ceding undertakings" and "accepting undertakings" include undertakings which by analogy are reinsurers, ceding or accepting undertakings. Analogous non-reinsurance financing agreements include contingent loans, securitisations and any other arrangements giving rise to charges on future surplus arising.
- (2) In assessing values in accordance with PRU 7.4.94 R, a firm may consider it appropriate to determine values by drawing an analogy with the approach in respect of bond and debt items set out in PRU 7.4.84 R. (This might be the case if, in economic terms, the item being valued sufficiently resembles a bond or debt item - an alternative approach might otherwise be preferred). If the firm does consider it appropriate to draw an analogy, the "credit spread" assumed should be consistent with the assumed default probabilities and the values placed on the reinsurance asset for the purposes of determining the realistic values of assets and liabilities. A firm may regard it as appropriate to have regard to any financial strength ratings applicable to the reinsurer, but if so should apply the same principles set out in PRU 7.4.92 R for the nomination of financial strength ratings. Table PRU 7.4.97 G provides guidance as to the allocation of spread factors which a firm may, by analogy, deem appropriate to apply. Appropriate allowance should be made for any change in the extent of the counterparty exposure under the assumed scenario.
- (3) The changes in credit risk spreads determined for bond and debt items in accordance with PRU 7.4.78 R (1) are required to result in a reduction in market value for some items of 5% of their current value through the operation of PRU 7.4.84 R (2)(b). For reinsurance contracts and analogous non-reinsurance financing agreements, determining the change in value by reference to PRU 7.4.94 R (3) requires a firm to consider the possibility of counterparty default in changed credit risk market conditions. Where in the changed credit risk market conditions assumed to apply the firm's assessment of the counterparty risk would result in the asset being considered equivalent to "Highly speculative or very vulnerable", the reduction in value required is at least 10% of its current value. PRU 7.4.94 R (4) relates to this requirement.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.96
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.97
See Notes
Financial Strength Description | A.M. Best Company | Fitch Ratings | Moody's Investors Service | Standard & Poor's Corporation | Spread Factor |
Superior, extremely strong | A++ | AAA | Aaa | AAA | 3.00 |
Superior, very strong | A+ | AA | Aa | AA | 5.25 |
Excellent or strong | A, A- | A | A | A | 6.75 |
Good | B++,B+ | BBB | Baa | BBB | 9.25 |
Fair, marginal | B, B- | BB | Ba | BB | 15.00 |
Marginal, weak | C++,C+ | B | B | B | 24.00 |
Unrated or very weak | Unrated or below C++,C+ | Unrated or below B | Unrated or below B | Unrated or below B | 24.00 |
- 31/12/2004
Credit risk scenario for other exposures (including any derivative or quasi-derivative)
PRU 7.4.98
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.99
See Notes
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Persistency risk scenario
PRU 7.4.100
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.101
See Notes
The termination rates referred to in PRU 7.4.100 R are the rates of termination (including the paying-up of policies, but excluding deaths, maturities and retirements) other than on dates specified by the firm where:
- (1) a guaranteed amount applies as the minimum amount which will be paid on claim; or
- (2) any payments to the policyholder cannot be reduced at the discretion of the firm by its applying a market value adjustment.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.102
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.103
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Realistic value of liabilities: detailed provisions
PRU 7.4.104
See Notes
PRU 7.4.40 R sets out the three elements comprising the realistic value of liabilities for a with-profits fund. The remainder of this section contains general rules and guidance on determining the realistic value of liabilities plus further detail relating to each of those elements separately, as follows:
- (1) general rules and guidance in PRU 7.4.105 R to PRU 7.4.115 G;
- (2) with-profits benefits reserve in PRU 7.4.116 R to PRU 7.4.135 G;
- (3) future policy related liabilities in PRU 7.4.136 G to PRU 7.4.189 G; and
- (4) realistic current liabilities in PRU 7.4.190 R and PRU 7.4.191 R.
- 31/12/2004
Methods and assumptions: general
PRU 7.4.105
See Notes
In calculating the realistic value of liabilities for a with-profits fund, a firm must use methods and assumptions which:
- (1) are appropriate to the business of the firm;
- (2) are consistent from year to year without arbitrary changes (that is, changes without adequate reasons);
- (3) are consistent with the method of valuing assets (PRU 1.3 );
- (4) make full provision for tax payable out of the with-profits fund, based on current legislation and practice, together with any known future changes, and on a consistent basis with the other methods and assumptions used;
- (5) take into account discretionary benefits which are at least equal to, and charges which are no more than, the levels required for the firm to fulfil its regulatory duty to treat its customers fairly;
- (6) take into account prospective management actions (PRU 7.4.53 R) and policyholder actions (PRU 7.4.59 R);
- (7) provide for shareholder transfers out of the with-profits fund as a liability of the fund;
- (8) have regard to generally accepted actuarial practice; and
- (9) are consistent with the firm's PPFM.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.106
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.107
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.108
See Notes
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Valuation of contracts: General
PRU 7.4.109
See Notes
- (1) A firm must determine the amount of the with-profits benefits reserve or the future policy related liabilities for a with-profits fund by carrying out a separate calculation in relation to each with-profits insurance contract or for each group of similar contracts.
- (2) Appropriate approximations or generalisations may be made where they are likely to provide the same, or a higher, result than a separate calculation for each contract.
- (3) A firm must set up additional reserves on an aggregated basis for general risks which are not specific to individual contracts or a group of similar contacts where the firm considers the realistic value of liabilities may otherwise be understated.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.110
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.111
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.112
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.113
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.114
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.115
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
With-profits benefits reserve
PRU 7.4.116
See Notes
A firm must calculate a with-profits benefits reserve for a with-profits fund using either:
- (1) a retrospective calculation under PRU 7.4.118 R (the retrospective method); or
- (2) a prospective calculation under PRU 7.4.128 R of all future cash flows expected to arise under, or in respect of, each of the with-profits insurance contracts written in that fund (the prospective method).
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.117
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Retrospective method
PRU 7.4.118
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.119
See Notes
In calculating the retrospective reserve for a with-profits insurance contract, or the total retrospective reserve in respect of a group of with-profits insurance contracts, a firm must take account of at least the following:
- (1) premiums received from the policyholder;
- (2) any expenses incurred or charges made (including commissions);
- (3) any partial benefits paid or due;
- (4) any investment income on, and any increases (or decreases) in, asset values;
- (5) any tax paid or payable;
- (6) any amounts received (or paid) under contracts of reinsurance or analogous non-reinsurance financing agreements, where relevant to retrospective reserves;
- (7) any shareholder transfers and any associated tax paid or payable; and
- (8) any permanent enhancements to (or deductions from) the retrospective reserves made by the firm.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.120
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.121
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.122
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.123
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.124
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.125
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.126
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.127
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Prospective method
PRU 7.4.128
See Notes
In the prospective method of calculating a with-profits benefits reserve, a firm must take account of at least the following cash flows:
- (1) future premiums;
- (2) expenses to be incurred or charges to be made, including commissions;
- (3) benefits payable (PRU 7.4.129 R);
- (4) tax payable;
- (5) any amounts to be received (or paid) under contracts of reinsurance or analogous non-reinsurance financing agreements, where relevant to with-profits insurance contracts being valued; and
- (6) shareholder transfers.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.129
See Notes
For the purposes of PRU 7.4.128 R (3), benefits payable include:
- (1) all guaranteed benefits, including guaranteed amounts payable on death and maturity, guaranteed surrender values and paid-up values;
- (2) vested, declared and allotted bonuses to which policyholders are entitled; and
- (3) future annual and final bonuses at least equal to the levels required for the firm to fulfil its regulatory duty to treat its customers fairly.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.130
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.131
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.132
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.133
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.134
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.135
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Overview of liabilities
PRU 7.4.136
See Notes
PRU 7.4.137 R lists the future policy related liabilities for a with-profits fund that form part of a firm's realistic value of liabilities in PRU 7.4.40 R. Detailed rules and guidance relating to particular types of liability and asset are set out in PRU 7.4.139 R to PRU 7.4.168 G. These are followed by rules and guidance that deal with certain aspects of several liabilities (that is, liabilities relating to guarantees, options and smoothing):
- (1) PRU 7.4.169 R to PRU 7.4.186 G refer to valuing the costs of guarantees, options and smoothing; and
- (2) PRU 7.4.187 R to PRU 7.4.189 G refer to the treatment of surplus on guarantees, options and smoothing.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.137
See Notes
The future policy related liabilities for a with-profits fund are equal to the sum of amounts, as they relate to that fund, in respect of (1) to (11) to the extent each is valued as a liability less the sum of amounts, as they relate to that fund, in respect of (1) to (11) to the extent each is valued as an asset:
- (1) past miscellaneous surplus (or deficit) planned to be attributed to the with-profits benefits reserve (see PRU 7.4.139 R);
- (2) planned enhancements to the with-profits benefits reserve (see PRU 7.4.141 R);
- (3) planned deductions for the costs of guarantees, options and smoothing from the with-profits benefits reserve (see PRU 7.4.144 R);
- (4) planned deductions for other costs deemed chargeable to the with-profits benefits reserve (see PRU 7.4.146 R);
- (5) future costs of contractual guarantees (other than financial options) (see PRU 7.4.148 R);
- (6) future costs of non-contractual commitments (see PRU 7.4.154 R);
- (7) future costs of financial options (see PRU 7.4.156 G);
- (8) future costs of smoothing (see PRU 7.4.158 R);
- (9) financing costs (see PRU 7.4.162 R);
- (10) any other further liabilities required for the firm to fulfil its regulatory duty to treat its customers fairly; and
- (11) other long-term insurance liabilities (see PRU 7.4.165 R).
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.138
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Past miscellaneous surplus (or deficit) planned to be attributed to the with-profits benefits reserve
PRU 7.4.139
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.140
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Planned enhancements to the with-profits benefits reserve
PRU 7.4.141
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.142
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.143
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Planned deductions for the costs of guarantees, options and smoothing from the with-profits benefits reserve
PRU 7.4.144
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.145
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Planned deductions for other costs deemed chargeable to the with-profits benefits reserve
PRU 7.4.146
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.147
See Notes
A firm should take credit for the present value of the other future "margins" available. The circumstances where such margins may arise include:
- (1) where a firm is targeting claims at less than 100% of the with-profits benefits reserve, the amount of such shortfall; and
- (2) where a firm expects to deduct any future charges (other than those for guarantees, options and smoothing) from the with-profits benefits reserve.
- 31/12/2004
Future costs of contractual guarantees (other than financial options)
PRU 7.4.148
See Notes
A firm must make provision for the costs of paying excess claim amounts for a with-profits fund where the firm expects that the amount in (1) may be greater than the amount in (2), calculated as at the date of claim:
- (1) the value of guarantees arising under a policy or group of policies in the fund; and
- (2) the fund's with-profits benefits reserve allocated in respect of that policy or group of policies.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.149
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.150
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.151
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.152
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.153
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Future costs of non-contractual commitments
PRU 7.4.154
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.155
See Notes
Some examples of these non-contractual commitments are:
- (1) statements by the firm regarding the ability of policies to cover defined amounts, such as the repayment of a mortgage;
- (2) statements by the firm regarding regular withdrawals from a policy being without penalty;
- (3) guaranteed annuity and cash option rates being provided beyond the strict interpretation of the policy; and
- (4) the costs of any promises to customers or other benefits that need to be provided to fulfil a firm's regulatory duty to treat its customers fairly.
- 31/12/2004
Future costs of financial options
PRU 7.4.156
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.157
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Future costs of smoothing
PRU 7.4.158
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.159
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.160
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.161
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Financing costs
PRU 7.4.162
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.163
See Notes
In PRU 7.4.162 R, financing costs refer to the future costs incurred by way of capital, interest and fees payable to the provider. A firm should make a realistic assessment of the requirement to repay such financing in its expected future circumstances (which may be worse than currently). Having taken account of its particular circumstances:
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.164
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Other long-term insurance liabilities
PRU 7.4.165
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.166
See Notes
Some examples of these other long-term insurance liabilities are:
- (1) pension and other mis-selling reserves;
- (2) provisions for tax; and
- (3) provisions for future shareholder transfers.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.167
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.168
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Valuing the costs of guarantees, options and smoothing
PRU 7.4.169
See Notes
For the purposes of PRU 7.4.137 R (5), PRU 7.4.137 R (7) and PRU 7.4.137 R (8), a firm must calculate the costs of any guarantees, options and smoothing using one or more of the following three methods:
- (1) a stochastic approach using a market-consistent asset model (PRU 7.4.170 R);
- (2) using the market costs of hedging the guarantee or option;
- (3) a series of deterministic projections with attributed probabilities.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.170
See Notes
The market-consistent asset model in PRU 7.4.169 R (1):
- (1) means a model that delivers prices for assets and liabilities that can be directly verified from the market; and
- (2) must be calibrated to deliver market-consistent prices for those assets that reflect the nature and term of the with-profits insurance liabilities of the with-profits fund.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.171
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.172
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.173
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.174
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.175
See Notes
In determining the costs of smoothing, a firm should consider:
- (1) the consistency of its assumptions (including the exercise of management discretion over bonus rates); and
- (2) where targeted payouts currently exceed retrospective reserves in respect of those claims, the assumptions used in reducing the excess, if applicable,
- having regard to the firm's PPFM and its regulatory duty to treat its customers fairly.
- 31/12/2004
Stochastic approach
PRU 7.4.176
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.177
See Notes
In performing the projections of assets and liabilities under the stochastic approach in PRU 7.4.169 R (1), a firm should have regard to the aspects in (1) and (2).
- (1) The projection term should be long enough to capture all material cash flows arising from the contract or groups of contracts being valued. If the projection term does not extend to the term of the last policy, the firm should check that the shorter projection term does not significantly affect the results.
- (2) The number of projections should be sufficient to ensure a reasonable degree of convergence in the results, including the determination of the result of the risk capital margin. The firm should test the sensitivity of the results to the number of projections.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.178
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.179
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.180
See Notes
In calibrating asset models for the purposes of PRU 7.4.170 R, a firm should have regard to the aspects in (1), (2) and (3).
- (1) Few (if any) asset models can replicate all the observable market values for a wide range of asset classes. A firm should calibrate its asset models to reflect the nature and term of the fund's liabilities giving rise to significant guarantee and option costs.
- (2) A firm will need to apply judgement to determine suitable estimates of those parameters which cannot be implied from observable market prices (for example, long-term volatility). A firm should make and retain a record under PRU 7.4.17 R of the choice of parameters and the reasons for their use.
- (3) A firm should calibrate the model to the current risk-free yield curve. Risk-free yields should be determined after allowing for credit and all other risks arising. Firms may have regard to any guidance from the actuarial profession on the calculation of the risk-free yield but should not assume a higher yield than suggested by any such guidance.
- 31/12/2004
Deterministic approach
PRU 7.4.181
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.182
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.183
See Notes
In performing the projections of assets and liabilities under the deterministic approach in PRU 7.4.169 R (3), a firm should have regard to the aspects in (1) and (2).
- (1) The projection term should be long enough to capture all material cash flows arising from the contract or group of contracts being valued. If the projection term does not extend to the term of the last contract, the firm should check that the shorter projection term does not significantly affect the results.
- (2) The series of deterministic projections should be numerous enough to capture a wide range of possible outcomes and take into account the probability of each outcome's likelihood. The costs will be understated if only relatively benign or limited economic scenarios are considered.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.184
See Notes
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Management and policyholder actions
PRU 7.4.185
See Notes
In calculating the costs of any guarantees, options or smoothing, a firm:
- (1) may reflect its prospective management actions (within the meaning of PRU 7.4.53 R); and
- (2) must reflect a realistic assessment of the policyholder actions (within the meaning of PRU 7.4.59 R);
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PRU 7.4.186
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Treatment of surplus on guarantees, options and smoothing
PRU 7.4.187
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.188
See Notes
Where a firm accumulates past experience and deducts or is otherwise able to take credit for charges for guarantees or options or smoothing, the future costs of guarantees or options or smoothing (as appropriate) must not be less than the greater of:
- (1) the prospective calculation of the future cost of guarantees (see PRU 7.4.148 R) or options (see PRU 7.4.156 G) or smoothing (see PRU 7.4.158 R) (as appropriate); and
- (2) the sum of:
- (a) the accumulated charges (after deduction of past costs) for guarantees or options or smoothing (as appropriate); and
- (b) the prospective calculation of the future charges deducted for guarantees or options or smoothing (see PRU 7.4.144 R) (as appropriate).
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.4.189
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Realistic current liabilities
PRU 7.4.190
See Notes
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PRU 7.4.191
See Notes
- 21/04/2005
PRU 7.5
Equalisation provisions
- 01/10/2005
PRU 7.5.1
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.5.2
See Notes
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PRU 7.5.3
See Notes
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PRU 7.5.4
See Notes
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PRU 7.5.5
See Notes
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PRU 7.5.6
See Notes
In general terms, PRU 7.5 sets out rules and guidance as to:
- (1) the circumstances in which a firm is required to maintain equalisation provisions;
- (2) the methods to be used in calculating the amount of each provision;
- (3) the geographical location of the business relevant to certain calculations for different types of firm - this is summarised in the Table in PRU 7.5.7 G.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.5.7
See Notes
Type Of Firm | Credit Equalisation Provision | Non Credit Equalisation Provision | ||
Threshold in PRU 7.5.44 R | Provision in PRU 7.5.43 R | Threshold in PRU 7.5.18 R (2) and provision in PRU 7.5.17 R | ||
UK insurer | World-wide | World-wide | World-wide | |
Pure reinsurer with head office outside United Kingdom | PRU 7.5.39 R to PRU 7.5.47 G do not apply | UK | ||
Pure reinsurer with head office in United Kingdom | PRU 7.5.39 R to PRU 7.5.47 G do not apply | World-wide | ||
Non-EEA direct insurers | EEA-deposit insurer | UK | UK | UK |
Swiss general insurer | UK | UK | UK | |
UK-deposit insurer | All EEA | World-wide | UK | |
All other non-EEA direct insurers | UK | World-wide | UK |
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.5.8
See Notes
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PRU 7.5.9
See Notes
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PRU 7.5.10
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Firms carrying on non-credit insurance business
PRU 7.5.11
See Notes
- (1) PRU 7.5.11 R to PRU 7.5.37 G apply to any firm, other than an assessable mutual, which carries on the business of effecting or carrying out general insurance contracts falling within any description in column 2 in Table PRU 7.5.12 R ("non-credit insurance business").
- (2) A firm falling within (1) must classify all of its non-credit insurance business into separate insurance business groupings, as specified in Table PRU 7.5.12 R.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.5.12
See Notes
Insurance Business Grouping | General Insurance Contracts | |
A | Contracts of insurance which fall within general insurance business classes 4, 8 or 9, other than: | |
(a) | contracts of insurance under non-proportional reinsurance treaties; and | |
(b) | contracts of insurance against nuclear risks. | |
B | Contracts of insurance which fall within general insurance business class 16(a) , other than: | |
(a) | contracts of insurance under non-proportional reinsurance treaties; and | |
(b) | contracts of insurance against nuclear risks. | |
C | Contracts of insurance which fall within general insurance business classes 5, 6, 11 or 12, other than: | |
(a) | contracts of insurance against nuclear risks; and | |
(b) | reinsurance contracts corresponding to contracts in (a). | |
D | Contracts of insurance against nuclear risks. | |
E | Contracts of insurance under non-proportional reinsurance treaties and which fall within general insurance business classes 4, 8, 9 or 16(a) other than contracts of insurance against nuclear risks. |
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.5.13
See Notes
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PRU 7.5.14
See Notes
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PRU 7.5.15
See Notes
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PRU 7.5.16
See Notes
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Requirement to maintain non-credit equalisation provision
PRU 7.5.17
See Notes
In respect of each financial year, a firm must, unless PRU 7.5.18 R applies:
- (1) calculate the amount of its non-credit equalisation provision as at the end of that year in accordance with PRU 7.5.20 R; and
- (2) maintain a non-credit equalisation provision calculated in accordance with PRU 7.5.20 R for the following financial year.
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PRU 7.5.18
See Notes
- (1) PRU 7.5.17 R does not apply to any firm in respect of any financial year if, as at the end of that year:
- (a) no non-credit equalisation provision has been brought forward from the preceding financial year; and
- (b) the amount of the annualised net written premiums for all the non-credit insurance business carried on by it in the financial year is less than the threshold amount.
- (2) The threshold amount in respect of any financial year is the higher of:
- (a) 1,500,000 Euro; and
- (b) 4% of net written premiums in that financial year in respect of all its general insurance business, if this amount is less than 2,500,000 Euro.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.5.19
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Calculating the amount of the provision
PRU 7.5.20
See Notes
- (1) Unless PRU 7.5.22 R applies, the amount of a firm's non-credit equalisation provision as at the end of a financial year is the higher of:
- (a) zero; and
- (b) whichever is the lower of:
- (i) the aggregate of the amounts of the maximum provision for each insurance business grouping as at the end of that financial year; and
- (ii) the sum of A and B.
- (2) For the purposes of (1)(b)(ii):
- (a) A is the amount of the non-credit equalisation provision, if any, brought forward from the financial year immediately preceding that in respect of which the calculation is being performed; and
- (b) B is:
- (i) the aggregate of the amounts of the provisional transfers-in for each insurance business grouping; minus
- (ii) the aggregate of the amounts of the provisional transfers-out for each insurance business grouping.
- (3) For any insurance business grouping:
- (a) the amount of the maximum provision in (1)(b)(i) is to be determined in accordance with PRU 7.5.24 R;
- (b) the amount of the provisional transfers-in in (2)(b)(i) is to be determined in accordance with PRU 7.5.26 R; and
- (c) the amount of the provisional transfers-out in (2)(b)(ii) is to be determined in accordance with PRU 7.5.29 R.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.5.21
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.5.22
See Notes
- (1) The amount of a firm's non-credit equalisation provision as at the end of a financial year is zero if:
- (a) as at the end of that year, the firm meets either of the conditions specified in (2) and (3); and
- (b) the annualised net written premiums for all the non-credit insurance business carried on by the firm in that year are less than the threshold amount.
- (2) The first condition is that the firm carried on non-credit insurance business in the first financial year of the relevant period and, for each of any two or more financial years of that period, the annualised net written premiums for business of that description were less than the threshold amount.
- (3) The second condition is that the firm did not carry on non-credit insurance business in the first financial year of the relevant period and the average of the annualised net written premiums for business of that description carried on by the firm in each financial year of the relevant period was less than the threshold amount.
- (4) For the purposes of this rule:
- (a) the threshold amount is the amount determined in accordance with PRU 7.5.18 R (2): and
- (b) the relevant period is the period of four financial years ending immediately before the beginning of the financial year in (1).
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.5.23
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
The calculation: the maximum provision
PRU 7.5.24
See Notes
- (1) For the purposes of the calculation required by PRU 7.5.20 R, the amount of the maximum provision for any insurance business grouping is to be determined in accordance with (2) to (5).
- (2) Unless (4) applies, the amount of the maximum provision for the grouping, as at the end of a financial year, is the amount determined by multiplying X and Y.
- (3) For the purposes of (2):
- (a) X is the percentage specified in Table PRU 7.5.25 R in relation to the grouping; and
- (b) Y is the average of the amount of the annualised net written premiums for non-credit insurance business in the grouping carried on by the firm in each financial year of the relevant period.
- (4) Where Y is a negative amount, the maximum provision for that insurance business grouping is zero.
- (5) For the purposes of (3)(b), the relevant period is the five-year period comprising:
- (a) the financial year in (2); and
- (b) the previous four financial years.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.5.25
See Notes
Insurance Business Grouping | Percentage of average annualised net written premiums |
A | 20 |
B | 20 |
C | 40 |
D | 600 |
E | 75 |
- 31/12/2004
The calculation: provisional transfers-in
PRU 7.5.26
See Notes
- (1) For the purposes of the calculation required by PRU 7.5.20 R, the amount of the provisional transfers-in for any insurance business grouping is to be determined in accordance with (2).
- (2) The amount of the provisional transfers-in for the grouping, as at the end of a financial year, is the amount determined by multiplying X and Y.
- (3) For the purposes of (2):
- (a) X is the percentage specified in Table PRU 7.5.27 R in relation to the grouping; and
- (b) Y is the amount of the net written premiums for non-credit insurance business in the grouping that was carried on by the firm in the financial year in (2), including adjustments in respect of previous financial years.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.5.27
See Notes
Insurance Business Grouping | Percentage of net written premiums |
A | 3 |
B | 3 |
C | 6 |
D | 75 |
E | 11 |
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.5.28
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
The calculation: provisional transfers-out
PRU 7.5.29
See Notes
- (1) For the purposes of the calculation required by PRU 7.5.20 R, the amount of the provisional transfers-out for any insurance business grouping is to be determined in accordance with (2).
- (2) The amount of the provisional transfers-out for the grouping, as at the end of a financial year, is the lower of:
- (a) the amount of the maximum provision for the grouping under PRU 7.5.24 R for that financial year; and
- (b) the abnormal loss for the grouping under PRU 7.5.30 R for that financial year.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.5.30
See Notes
For each insurance business grouping, the abnormal loss as at the end of a financial year in relation to which an equalisation provision is calculated is:
- (1) (for business within the insurance business grouping accounted for on an accident year basis) the amount, if any, by which the amount of net claims incurred exceeds the greater of:
- (a) zero; and
- (b) the percentage of net earned premiums in that financial year specified in the Table in PRU 7.5.31 R; or
- (2) (for business within the insurance business grouping accounted for on an underwriting year basis) the amount, if any, by which the amount of net claims paid (plus adjustment for change in net technical provisions, other than any change in provisions for claims handling expenses or equalisation) exceeds the greater of:
- (a) zero; and
- (b) the percentage of net written premiums in that financial year specified in the Table in PRU 7.5.31 R.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.5.31
See Notes
Insurance business grouping | Percentage of net written premiums |
A | 72.5 |
B | 72.5 |
C | 95 |
D | 25 |
E | 100 |
- 31/12/2004
Transfers of business from the firm
PRU 7.5.32
See Notes
- (1) This rule applies to modify the application of PRU 7.5.24 R and PRU 7.5.26 R in any case where a firm has transferred to another undertaking any rights and obligations under general insurance contracts falling within any insurance business grouping.
- (2) As at the end of the financial year in which the transfer takes place, net written premiums in respect of the transferred contracts in any grouping must be deducted from total net written premiums for that grouping before calculating the maximum provision under PRU 7.5.24 R or provisional transfers-in under PRU 7.5.26 R.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.5.33
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Transfers of business to the firm
PRU 7.5.34
See Notes
- (1) This rule applies to modify the application of PRU 7.5.24 R, PRU 7.5.26 R and PRU 7.5.29 R in any case where another undertaking has transferred to a firm any rights and obligations under general insurance contracts falling within any insurance business grouping.
- (2) As at the end of the financial year in which the transfer takes place a sum equal to that part of the consideration for the transfer that relates to business in an insurance business grouping must be:
- (a) excluded from net premiums (written or earned) before performing the calculations required by PRU 7.5.24 R (maximum provision) and PRU 7.5.26 R (provisional transfers in);
- (b) included in net premiums (written or earned) before performing the calculation required by PRU 7.5.30 R (abnormal loss); and
- (c) excluded from net claims (paid or incurred) before performing the calculation required by PRU 7.5.30 R (abnormal loss).
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.5.35
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.5.36
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.5.37
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Firms carrying on credit insurance business
PRU 7.5.38
See Notes
PRU 7.5.39 R to PRU 7.5.47 G apply to:
- (1) any UK insurer; and
- (2) any non-EEA direct insurer;
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.5.39
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.5.40
See Notes
- (1) For the purposes of PRU 7.5.43 R:
- (a) a Swiss general insurer or an EEA-deposit insurer must take account of the credit insurance business carried on by it in the United Kingdom; and
- (b) a UK-deposit insurer must take account of the credit insurance business carried on by it world-wide.
- (2) For the purposes of PRU 7.5.44 R:
- (a) a UK-deposit insurer need only take account of the credit insurance business carried on by it in all EEA States, taken together; and
- (b) any other description of non-EEA direct insurer (including an EEA-deposit insurer and a Swiss general insurer) need only take account of the credit insurance business carried on by it in the United Kingdom.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.5.41
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.5.42
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Requirement to maintain credit equalisation provision
PRU 7.5.43
See Notes
In respect of each financial year, a UK insurer or a non-EEA direct insurer must, unless PRU 7.5.44 R applies:
- (1) calculate the amount of its credit equalisation provision as at the end of that year in accordance with PRU 7.5.45 R; and
- (2) maintain a credit equalisation provision calculated in accordance with PRU 7.5.45 R for the following financial year.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.5.44
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Calculating the amount of the provision
PRU 7.5.45
See Notes
- (1) The amount of a UK insurer's, or a non-EEA direct insurer's, credit equalisation provision as at the end of a financial year ("financial year A") is the higher of:
- (a) zero; and
- (b) whichever is the lower of:
- (i) 150% of the highest amount of net written premiums for credit insurance business carried on by the firm in financial year A or in any of the previous four financial years; and
- (ii) the amount of the credit equalisation provision brought forward from the preceding financial year, after making either of the adjustments in (2).
- (2) The adjustments are:
- (a) the deduction of the amount of any technical deficit arising in financial year A; or
- (b) the addition of the lower of:
- (i) 75% of the amount of any technical surplus arising in financial year A; and
- (ii) 12% of the amount of the net written premiums for credit insurance business carried on by the firm in financial year A.
- (3) For the purposes of (2) the amount of technical deficit or technical surplus is to be determined in accordance with PRU 7.5.46 R.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.5.46
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.5.47
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Euro conversion
PRU 7.5.48
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.6
Internal-contagion risk
- 01/10/2005
PRU 7.6.2
See Notes
PRU 7.6 does not apply, to the extent stated, to any insurer in (1) to (4):
- (1) none of the provisions apply to non-directive friendly societies;
- (2) none of the provisions, apart from PRU 7.6.33 R (payment of financial penalties) apply to firms which qualify for authorisation under Schedule 3 or 4 of the Act;
- (3) PRU 7.6.33 R (payment of financial penalties) does not apply to mutuals;
- (4) PRU 7.6.41 R to PRU 7.6.57 R(UK branches of certain non-EEA insurers) do not apply to:
- (a) UK insurers; or
- (b) non-EEA insurers whose insurance business in the United Kingdom is restricted to reinsurance; or
- (c) EEA-deposit insurers; or
- (d) Swiss general insurers.
- 31/12/2005
PRU 7.6.3
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.6.4
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.6.5
See Notes
In the application of this section to activities carried on by a non-EEA insurer:
- (1) PRU 7.6.13 R to PRU 7.6.15 G and PRU 7.6.41 R apply in relation to the whole of its business carried on world-wide;
- (2) all other provisions of this section apply only in relation to:
- (a) in the case of any UK-deposit insurer, activities carried on from branches in any EEA State; and
- (b) in any other case, activities carried on from a branch in the United Kingdom.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.6.6
See Notes
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PRU 7.6.7
See Notes
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PRU 7.6.8
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.6.9
See Notes
Internal-contagion risk includes in particular the risk that arises where a firm carries on:
- (1) both insurance and non-insurance activities; or
- (2) two or more different types of insurance activity; or
- (3) insurance activities from offices or branches located in both the United Kingdom and overseas.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.6.10
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.6.11
See Notes
This section also sets out requirements for the separation of different types of insurance activity. However, in most circumstances the combination of different types of insurance activity within the same firm is a source of strength. Adequate pooling and diversification of insurance risk is fundamental to sound business practice. The requirements, therefore, only apply in two specific cases where without adequate protection the combination might operate to the detriment of policyholders. They apply where a firm carries on both:
- (1) general insurance business and long-term insurance business;
- (2) linked and non-linked insurance business.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.6.12
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Restriction of business to insurance
PRU 7.6.13
See Notes
- (1) A firm must not carry on any commercial business other than insurance business and activities directly arising from that business.
- (2) (1) does not prevent a friendly society which was on 15 March 1979 carrying on long-term insurance business from continuing to carry on savings business.
- 31/12/2004
Financial limitation of non-insurance activities
PRU 7.6.14
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.6.15
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Requirements: long-term insurance business
PRU 7.6.16
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Permissions not to include both types of insurance
PRU 7.6.17
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Separately identify and maintain long term insurance assets
PRU 7.6.18
See Notes
- 31/12/2005
PRU 7.6.19
See Notes
- 31/12/2005
PRU 7.6.20
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.6.21
See Notes
- (1) A firm's long-term insurance assets are the items in (2), adjusted to take account of:
- (a) outgo in respect of the firm's long-term insurance business; and
- (b) any transfers made in accordance with PRU 7.6.27 R.
- (2) The items are:
- (a) the assets identified under PRU 7.6.18 R (including assets into which those assets have been converted);
- (b) any other assets identified by the firm as being available to cover its long-term insurance liabilities;
- (c) premiums and other receivables in respect of long-term insurance contracts;
- (d) other receipts of the long-term insurance business; and
- (e) all income and capital receipts in respect of the items in (2).
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.6.22
See Notes
- (1) Unless (2) applies, all the long-term insurance assets of the firm constitute its long-term insurance fund.
- (2) Where a firm identifies particular long-term insurance assets in connection with different parts of its long-term insurance business, the assets identified in relation to each such part constitute separate long-term insurance funds of the firm.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.6.23
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.6.24
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.6.25
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.6.26
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.6.27
See Notes
A firm may not transfer assets out of a long-term insurance fund unless:
- (1) the assets represent an established surplus; and
- (2) no more than three months have passed since the determination of that surplus.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.6.28
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.6.29
See Notes
- 31/12/2005
Exclusive use of long-term insurance assets
PRU 7.6.30
See Notes
- (1) A firm must apply a long-term insurance asset only for the purposes of its long-term insurance business.
- (2) For the purpose of (1), applying an asset includes coming under any obligation (even if only contingently) to apply that asset.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.6.31
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.6.32
See Notes
- 31/12/2005
Payment of financial penalties
PRU 7.6.33
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.6.34
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Requirements: property-linked funds
PRU 7.6.35
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.6.36
See Notes
A firm must select, allocate and manage the assets to which its property-linked liabilities are linked taking into account:
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.6.37
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Requirements: UK branches of certain non-EEA firms
PRU 7.6.38
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.6.39
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.6.40
See Notes
- (1) PRU 7.6.41 R requires a non-EEA direct insurer to hold adequate world-wide resources to meet the needs of the world-wide business without the need to rely on UK or EEA branch assets other than to meet branch liabilities.
- (2) PRU 7.6.42 R to PRU 7.6.47 R require non-EEA direct insurers to calculate a local MCR and to hold assets representing that requirement in the EEA or the United Kingdom.
- (3) PRU 7.6.48 R to PRU 7.6.52 R require non-EEA direct insurers to hold a minimum level of assets in the United Kingdom or EEA.
- (4) PRU 7.6.54 R requires the deposit of a minimum level of assets in the United Kingdom.
- (5) PRU 7.6.56 R and PRU 7.6.57 R require non-EEA direct insurers to keep adequate accounting records in the United Kingdom.
- 31/12/2004
Worldwide financial resources
PRU 7.6.41
See Notes
- (1) A non-EEA direct insurer must maintain adequate worldwide financial resources, to ensure that there is no significant risk that its liabilities cannot be met as they fall due.
- (2) For the purpose of (1):
- (a) a UK-deposit insurer must not rely upon the assets held under PRU 7.2.20 R as available to meet liabilities other than those arising from the activities of its branches in EEA States;
- (b) other non-EEA direct insurers to whom (1) applies must not rely upon the assets held under PRU 7.2.20 R as available to meet liabilities other than those arising from the activities of any UK branch.
- 31/12/2004
UK or EEA MCR to be covered by admissible assets
PRU 7.6.42
See Notes
A non-EEA direct insurer must:
- (1) calculate a UK or EEA MCR in accordance with PRU 7.6.44 R to PRU 7.6.47 R; and
- (2) hold admissible assets (in addition to those required under PRU 7.2.20 R) to represent its UK or EEA MCR calculated under (1).
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.6.43
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.6.44
See Notes
For the purposes of PRU 7.6.42 R, a non-EEA direct insurer (except a UK-deposit insurer) must calculate a UK MCR:
- (1) for long-term insurance business, in accordance with PRU 7.2.81 R to PRU 7.2.91 R but only in relation to business carried on by the firm in the United Kingdom;
- (2) for general insurance business, in accordance with PRU 7.2.45 R to PRU 7.2.72 R but only in relation to business carried on by the firm in the United Kingdom.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.6.45
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.6.46
See Notes
For the purposes of PRU 7.6.42 R, a UK-deposit insurer must calculate an EEA MCR:
- (1) for long-term insurance business, in accordance with PRU 7.2.81 R to PRU 7.2.91 R but only in relation to business carried on by the firm in all EEA States, taken together;
- (2) for general insurance business, in accordance with PRU 7.2.45 R to PRU 7.2.72 R but only in relation to business carried on by the firm in all EEA States, taken together.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.6.47
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Localisation of assets
PRU 7.6.48
See Notes
A non-EEA direct insurer (except a UK-deposit insurer) must hold:
- (1) admissible assets which are required to cover its technical provisions in accordance with PRU 7.2.20 R (1) or PRU 7.2.21 R (1)(a) and (2)(a); and
- (2) other admissible assets not required to cover property-linked liabilities or index-linked liabilities in accordance with PRU 4.2.57 R or PRU 4.2.58 R which represent its UK MCR as calculated in accordance with PRU 7.6.44 R;
- (a) (where the assets cover the technical provisions and the guarantee fund) in the United Kingdom;
- (b) (where the assets represent the amount of the UK MCR in excess of the guarantee fund) in any EEA State.
- 31/12/2005
PRU 7.6.49
See Notes
A UK-deposit insurer must hold:
- (1) admissible assets which are required to cover its technical provisions in accordance with PRU 7.2.20 R (1) or PRU 7.2.21 R (1)(a)and (2)(a); and
- (2) other admissible assets not required to cover property-linked liabilities or index-linked liabilities in accordance with PRU 4.2.57 R or PRU 4.2.58 R which represent its EEA MCR as calculated in accordance with PRU 7.6.46 R;
- (a) (where the assets cover the technical provisions and the guarantee fund) within the EEA states where the firm carries on insurance business;
- (b) (where the assets represent the amount of the EEA MCR in excess of the guarantee fund) in any EEA State.
- 31/12/2005
PRU 7.6.50
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.6.51
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.6.52
See Notes
For the purpose of PRU 7.6.48 R and PRU 7.6.49 R:
- (1) a tangible asset is to be treated as held in the country or territory where it is situated;
- (2) an admissible asset consisting of a claim against a debtor is to be regarded as held in any country or territory where it can be enforced by legal action;
- (3) a listed security is to be treated as held in any country or territory where there is a regulated market in which the security is dealt; and
- (4) a security which is not a listed security is to be treated as held in the country or territory in which the issuer has its head office.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.6.53
See Notes
- 31/12/2004
Deposit of assets as security
PRU 7.6.54
See Notes
- 31/12/2005
PRU 7.6.55
See Notes
- 31/12/2005
Branch accounting records in the United Kingdom
PRU 7.6.56
See Notes
A non-EEA direct insurer must maintain at a place of business in the United Kingdom adequate records relating to:
- (1) the activities carried on from its United Kingdom branch; and
- (2) if it is an EEA-deposit insurer, the activities carried on from the branches in other EEA States.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7.6.57
See Notes
The records maintained as required by PRU 7.6.56 R must include a record of:
- (1) the income, expenditure and liabilities arising from activities of the branch or branches; and
- (2) the assets identified under PRU 7.2.20 R as available to meet those liabilities.
- 31/12/2004
PRU 7 Annex 1G
- 01/10/2005
See Notes
- 31/12/2004