The Code of Market Conduct
MAR 1.1
Application and interpretation
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.1.1
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.1.2
See Notes
This chapter provides assistance in determining whether or not behaviour amounts to market abuse. It also forms part of the UK's implementation of the Market Abuse Directive (including its EU implementing legislation, that is Directive 2003/124/EC, Directive 2003/125/EC, Regulation 2273/2003 and Directive 2004/72/EC). It is therefore likely to be helpful to persons who:
- (1) want to avoid engaging in market abuse or to avoid requiring or encouraging another to do so; or
- (2) want to determine whether they are required by SUP 15.10 (Reporting suspicious transactions (market abuse)) to report a transaction to the FSA as a suspicious one.
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.1.3
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
Using MAR 1
MAR 1.1.4
See Notes
- (1) Assistance in the interpretation of MAR 1 (and the remainder of the Handbook) is given in the Readers' Guide to the Handbook and in GEN 2 (Interpreting the Handbook). This includes an explanation of the status of the types of provision used (see in particular chapter six of the Readers' Guide to the Handbook).
- (2) Provisions designated with "C" indicate behaviour which conclusively, for the purposes of the Act, does not amount to market abuse (see section 122(1) of the Act).
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.1.5
See Notes
Part VIII of the Act, and in particular section 118, specifies seven types of behaviour which can amount to market abuse. This chapter considers the general concepts relevant to market abuse, then each type of behaviour in turn and then describes exceptions to market abuse which are of general application. In doing so, it sets out the relevant provisions of the Code of Market Conduct, that is:
- (1) descriptions of behaviour that, in the opinion of the FSA, do or do not amount to market abuse (see section 119(2)(a) and (b) and section 122 of the Act);
- (2) descriptions of behaviour that are or are not accepted market practices in relation to one or more identified markets (see section 119(2)(d) and (e) and section 122(1) of the Act (subject to the behaviour being for legitimate reasons)); and
- (3) factors that, in the opinion of the FSA, are to be taken into account in determining whether or not behaviour amounts to market abuse (see section 119(2)(c) and section 122(2) of the Act).
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.1.6
See Notes
The Code does not exhaustively describe all types of behaviour that may or may not amount to market abuse. In particular, the descriptions of behaviour which, in the opinion of the FSA, amount to market abuse should be read in the light of:
- (1) the elements specified by the Act as making up the relevant type of market abuse; and
- (2) any relevant descriptions of behaviour which, in the opinion of the FSA, do not amount to market abuse.
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.1.7
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.1.8
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.2
Market Abuse: general
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.2.1
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.2.2
See Notes
Table: section 118(1) of the Act
"For the purposes of this Act, [market abuse] is [behaviour] (whether by one person alone or by two or more persons jointly or in concert) which - | ||
(a) | occurs in relation to: | |
(i) | [qualifying investments] admitted to trading on a [prescribed market], or | |
(ii) | [qualifying investments] in respect of which a request for admission to trading on such a market has been made, or | |
(iii) | in the case of subsections (2) and (3), investments which are [related investments] in relation to such [qualifying investments], and | |
(b) | falls within any one or more of the types of [behaviour] set out in subsections (2) to (8). |
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.2.3
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.2.4
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
Prescribed markets and qualifying investments: "in relation to": factors to be taken into account
MAR 1.2.5
See Notes
- (1) if it is in relation to qualifying investments in respect of which a request for admission to trading on a prescribed market is subsequently made; and
- (2) if it continues to have an effect once an application has been made for the qualifying investment to be admitted for trading, or it has been admitted to trading on a prescribed market, respectively.
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.2.6
See Notes
- (1) if the person concerned has failed to discharge a legal or regulatory obligation (for example to make a particular disclosure) by refraining from acting; or
- (2) if the person concerned has created a reasonable expectation of him acting in a particular manner, as a result of his representations (by word or conduct), in circumstances which give rise to a duty or obligation to inform those to whom he made the representations that they have ceased to be correct, and he has not done so.
- 01/07/2005
Insiders: factors to be taken into account
MAR 1.2.7
See Notes
Table: section 118B of the Act
"For the purposes of [market abuse] an [insider] is any person who has [inside information] - | |
(a) | as a result of his membership of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies of an [issuer] of [qualifying investments], |
(b) | as a result of his holding in the capital of an [issuer] of [qualifying investments], |
(c) | as a result of having access to the information through the exercise of his employment, profession or duties, |
(d) | as a result of his criminal activities, or |
(e) | which he has obtained by other means and which he knows, or could reasonably be expected to know, is [inside information]." |
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.2.8
See Notes
- (1) if a normal and reasonable person in the position of the person who has inside information would know or should have known that the person from whom he received it is an insider; and
- (2) if a normal and reasonable person in the position of the person who has inside information would know or should have known that it is inside information.
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.2.9
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
Inside information: factors to be taken into account
MAR 1.2.10
See Notes
Table: section 118C(2) and (3) of the Act
"... [inside information] is information of a precise nature which - | |
(a) | is not generally available; ..." |
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.2.11
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.2.12
See Notes
- (1) whether the information has been disclosed to a prescribed market through a regulatory information service or RIS or otherwise in accordance with the rules of that market;
- (2) whether the information is contained in records which are open to inspection by the public;
- (3) whether the information is otherwise generally available, including through the Internet, or some other publication (including if it is only available on payment of a fee), or is derived from information which has been made public;
- (4) whether the information can be obtained by observation by members of the public without infringing rights or obligations of privacy, property or confidentiality; and
- (5) the extent to which the information can be obtained by analysing or developing other information which is generally available. [Note: Recital 31 Market Abuse Directive]
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.2.13
See Notes
- (1) In relation to the factors in MAR 1.2.12E it is not relevant that the information is only generally available outside the UK.
- (2) In relation to the factors in MAR 1.2.12E (1), (3), (4) and (5) it is not relevant that the observation or analysis is only achievable by a person with above average financial resources, expertise or competence.
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.2.14
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.2.15
See Notes
Table: section 118C(4) of the Act
"In relation to a person charged with the execution of orders ... [inside information] includes information conveyed by a client and related to the client's pending orders ..." |
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.2.16
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
Inside information: commodity derivatives
MAR 1.2.17
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.2.18
See Notes
Table: section 118C(3) of the Act
"In relation to [qualifying investments] or [related investments] which are commodity derivatives, [inside information] is information of a precise nature which ... (c) users of markets in which the derivatives are traded would expect to receive in accordance with any accepted market practices on those markets." |
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.2.19
See Notes
Table: section 118C(7) of the Act
"For the purposes of subsection (3)(c), users of markets on which investments in commodity derivatives are traded are to be treated as expecting to receive information ... which is - (i) routinely made available to the users of those markets, or (ii) required to be disclosed in accordance with any statutory provision, market rules, or contracts or customs on the relevant underlying commodity market or commodity derivatives market." |
- 01/07/2005
The regular user
MAR 1.2.20
See Notes
In section 118 of the Act, the regular user decides:
- (1) whether information that is not generally available would or would be likely to be relevant when deciding the terms on which transactions in qualifying investments or related investments should be effected (section 118(4)(a) of the Act); and
- (2) whether behaviour:
- (a) based on information meeting the criteria in section 118(4)(a) is below the expected standard (section 118(4)(b)); or
- (b) creates or is likely to create a false or misleading impression or distorts the market or (section 118(8)); or
- (c) which creates or is likely to create a false or misleading impression or distorts the market is below the expected standard (section 118(8)).
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.2.21
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
Requiring or encouraging
MAR 1.2.22
See Notes
Table: section 123(1)(b) of the Act
"If [the FSA ] is satisfied that a person ("A") - ... | |
(b) by taking or refraining from taking any action has required or encouraged another person or persons to engage in [behaviour], which if engaged in by A, would amount to [market abuse], | |
it may impose on him a penalty of such amount as it considers appropriate. |
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.2.23
See Notes
The following are examples of behaviour that might fall within the scope of section 123(1)(b):
- (1) a director of a company, while in possession of inside information, instructs an employee of that company to deal in qualifying investments or related investments in respect of which the information is inside information;
- (2) a person recommends or advises a friend to engage in behaviour which, if he himself engaged in it, would amount to market abuse.
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.3
Market abuse (insider dealing)
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.3.1
See Notes
Table: section 118(2) of the Act
"The first type of [behaviour] is where |
an [insider] |
[deals], or attempts to [deal], |
in a [qualifying investment] or [related investment] |
on the basis of |
[inside information] |
relating to the investment in question." |
- 01/07/2005
Descriptions of behaviour that amount to market abuse (insider dealing)
MAR 1.3.2
See Notes
- (1) dealing on the basis of inside information which is not trading information;
- (2) front running/pre-positioning - that is, a transaction for a person's own benefit, on the basis of and ahead of an order which he is to carry out with or for another (in respect of which information concerning the order is inside information), which takes advantage of the anticipated impact of the order on the market price;
- (3) in the context of a takeover, an offeror or potential offeror entering into a transaction in a qualifying investment, on the basis of inside information concerning the proposed bid, that provides merely an economic exposure to movements in the price of the target company's shares (for example, a spread bet on the target company's share price); and
- (4) in the context of a takeover, a person who acts for the offeror or potential offeror dealing for his own benefit in a qualifying investment or related investments on the basis of information concerning the proposed bid which is inside information.
- 01/07/2005
Factors to be taken into account: "on the basis of"
MAR 1.3.3
See Notes
- (1) if the decision to deal or attempt to deal was made before the person possessed the relevant inside information; or
- (2) if the person concerned is dealing to satisfy a legal or regulatory obligation which came into being before he possessed the relevant inside information; or
- (3) if a person is an organisation, if none of the individuals in possession of the inside information:
- (a) had any involvement in the decision to deal; or
- (b) behaved in such a way as to influence, directly or indirectly, the decision to engage in the dealing; or
- (c) had any contact with those who were involved in the decision to engage in the dealing whereby the information could have been transmitted.
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.3.4
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.3.5
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
Descriptions of behaviour that do not amount to market abuse (insider dealing) and relevant factors: legitimate business of market makers etc:
MAR 1.3.6
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.3.7
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.3.8
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.3.9
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.3.10
See Notes
- (1) the extent to which the relevant trading by the person is carried out in order to hedge a risk, and in particular the extent to which it neutralises and responds to a risk arising out of the person's legitimate business; or
- (2) whether, in the case of a transaction on the basis of inside information about a client's transaction which has been executed, the reason for it being inside information is that information about the transaction is not, or is not yet, required to be published under any relevant regulatory or exchange obligations; or
- (3) whether, if the relevant trading by that person is connected with a transaction entered into or to be entered into with a client (including a potential client), the trading either has no impact on the price or there has been adequate disclosure to that client that trading will take place and he has not objected to it; or
- (4) the extent to which the person's behaviour was reasonable by the proper standards of conduct of the market concerned, taking into account any relevant regulatory or legal obligations and whether the transaction is executed in a way which takes into account the need for the market as a whole to operate fairly and efficiently.
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.3.11
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
Descriptions of behaviour that do not amount to market abuse (insider dealing) and relevant factors: execution of client orders
MAR 1.3.12
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.3.13
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.3.14
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.3.15
See Notes
- (1) whether the person has complied with the applicable provisions of COB or MAR 3, or their equivalents in the relevant jurisdiction; or
- (2) whether the person has agreed with its client it will act in a particular way when carrying out, or arranging the carrying out of, the order; or
- (3) whether the person's behaviour was with a view to facilitating or ensuring the effective carrying out of the order; or
- (4) the extent to which the person's behaviour was reasonable by the proper standards of conduct of the market concerned and (if relevant) proportional to the risk undertaken by him; or
- (5) whether, if the relevant trading by that person is connected with a transaction entered into or to be entered into with a client (including a potential client), the trading either has no impact on the price or there has been adequate disclosure to that client that trading will take place and he has not objected to it.
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.3.16
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
Descriptions of behaviour that do not amount to market abuse (insider dealing) and relevant factors: takeover and merger activity
MAR 1.3.17
See Notes
- (1) seeking from holders of securities, issued by the target, irrevocable undertakings or expressions of support to accept an offer to acquire those securities (or not to accept such an offer);
- (2) making arrangements in connection with an issue of securities that are to be offered as consideration for the takeover or merger offer or to be issued in order to fund the takeover or merger offer, including making arrangements for the underwriting or placing of those securities and any associated hedging arrangements by underwriters or places which are proportionate to the risks assumed; and
- (3) making arrangements to offer cash as consideration for the takeover or merger offer as an alternative to securities consideration.
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.3.18
See Notes
There are two categories of inside information relevant to MAR 1.3.17 C:
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.3.19
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
Examples of market abuse (insider dealing)
MAR 1.3.20
See Notes
The following examples of market abuse (insider dealing) concern the definition of inside information relating to financial instruments other than commodity derivatives.
- (1) X, a director at B PLC has lunch with a friend, Y. X tells Y that his company has received a takeover offer that is at a premium to the current share price at which it is trading. Y enters into a spread bet priced or valued by reference to the share price of B PLC based on his expectation that the price in B PLC will increase once the take over offer is announced.
- (2) An employee at B PLC obtains the information that B PLC has just lost a significant contract with its main customer. Before the information is announced over the regulatory information service the employee, whilst being under no obligation to do so, sells his shares in B PLC based on the information about the loss of the contract.
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.3.21
See Notes
Before the official publication of LME stock levels, a metals trader learns (from an insider) that there has been a significant decrease in the level of LME aluminium stocks. This information is routinely made available to users of that prescribed market. The trader buys a substantial number of futures in that metal on the LME, based upon his knowledge of the significant decrease in aluminium stock levels.
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.3.22
See Notes
A dealer on the trading desk of a firm dealing in oil derivatives accepts a very large order from a client to acquire a long position in oil futures deliverable in a particular month. Before executing the order, the dealer trades for the firm and on his personal account by taking a long position in those oil futures, based on the expectation that he will be able to sell them at profit due to the significant price increase that will result from the execution of his client's order. Both trades will be market abuse (insider dealing).
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.3.23
See Notes
The following connected examples of market abuse (insider dealing) concerns the differences in the definition of inside information for commodity derivatives and for other financial instruments.
- (1) A person deals, on a prescribed market, in the equities of XYZ plc, a commodity producer, based on inside information concerning that company.
- (2) A person deals, in a commodity futures contract traded on a prescribed market, based on the same information, provided that the information is required to be disclosed under the rules of the relevant commodity futures market.
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.4
Market abuse (improper disclosure)
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.4.1
See Notes
Table: section 118(3) of the Act
"The second [type of behaviour] is where: |
an [insider] |
discloses |
[inside information] |
to another person |
otherwise than in the proper course of the exercise of his employment, profession or duties." |
- 01/07/2005
Descriptions of behaviour that amount to market abuse (improper disclosure)
MAR 1.4.2
See Notes
- (1) disclosure of inside information by the director of an issuer to another in a social context; and
- (2) selective briefing of analysts by directors of issuers or others who are persons discharging managerial responsibilities.
- 01/07/2005
Descriptions of behaviour that does not amount to market abuse (improper disclosure)
MAR 1.4.3
See Notes
- (1) to a government department, the Bank of England, the Competition Commission, the Takeover Panel or any other regulatory body or authority for the purposes of fulfilling a legal or regulatory obligation; or
- (2) otherwise to such a body in connection with the performance of the functions of that body.
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.4.4
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
Factors to be taken into account in determining whether or not behaviour amounts to market abuse (improper disclosure)
MAR 1.4.5
See Notes
- (1) whether the disclosure is permitted by the rules of a prescribed market, of the FSA or the Takeover Code; or
- (2) whether the disclosure is accompanied by the imposition of confidentiality requirements upon the person to whom the disclosure is made and is:
- (a) reasonable and is to enable a person to perform the proper functions of his employment, profession or duties; or
- (b) reasonable and is (for example, to a professional adviser) for the purposes of facilitating or seeking or giving advice about a transaction or takeover bid; or
- (c) reasonable and is for the purpose of facilitating any commercial, financial or investment transaction (including prospective underwriters or placees of securities); or
- (d) reasonable and is for the purpose of obtaining a commitment or expression of support in relation to an offer which is subject to the Takeover Code; or
- (e) in fulfilment of a legal obligation, including to employee representatives or trade unions acting on their behalf.
- (3) [Deleted]
- 01/07/2007
Examples of market abuse (improper disclosure)
MAR 1.4.6
See Notes
X, a director at B PLC has lunch with a friend, Y, who has no connection with B PLC or its advisers. X tells Y that his company has received a takeover offer that is at a premium to the current share price at which it is trading.
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.4.7
See Notes
X, an analyst employed by an investment bank, telephones the finance director at B PLC and presses for details of the profit and loss account from the latest unpublished management accounts of B PLC.
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.5
Market abuse (misuse of information)
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.5.1
See Notes
Table: section 118(4) of the Act:
"The third [type of behaviour] is where the [behaviour] (not [amounting to market abuse (insider dealing) or market abuse (improper disclosure)])- | |
(a) | |
which is not generally available to those using the market | |
but which, if available to a [regular user] of the market, would be, or would be likely to be, regarded by him as relevant when deciding the terms on which transactions in [qualifying investments] should be effected; and | |
(b) | is likely to be regarded by a [regular user] of the market as a failure on the part of the person concerned to observe the standard of [behaviour] reasonably expected of a person in his position in relation to the market." |
- 01/07/2005
Descriptions of behaviour that amount to market abuse (misuse of information)
MAR 1.5.2
See Notes
- (1) dealing or arranging deals in qualifying investments based on relevant information, which is not generally available and relates to matters which a regular user would reasonably expect to be disclosed to users of the particular prescribed market, but which does not amount to market abuse (insider dealing) (whether because the dealing relates to a qualifying investment to which section 118(2) does not apply or because the relevant information is not inside information); and
- (2) a director giving relevant information, which is not generally available and relates to matters which a regular user would reasonably expect to be disclosed to users of the particular prescribed market, to another otherwise than in the proper course of the exercise of his employment or duties, in a way which does not amount to market abuse (improper disclosure) (whether because the relevant information is not inside information or for some other reason).
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.5.3
See Notes
The following behaviours are, in the opinion of the FSA, capable of amounting to market abuse (misuse of information):
- (1) dealing in a qualifying investment based on relevant information, which is not generally available and is not inside information;
- (2) behaviour, other than dealing in a qualifying investment or a related investment, that is based on relevant information which is not generally available and is not inside information; and
- (3) entering into a transaction, which is not a qualifying investment or a related investment, based on relevant information which is not generally available and is not inside information.
- 01/07/2005
Factors to be taken into account: "generally available"
MAR 1.5.4
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
Factors to be taken into account: "based on"
MAR 1.5.5
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
Factors to be taken into account: "relevant information"
MAR 1.5.6
See Notes
- (1) the extent to which the information is reliable, including how near the person providing the information is, or appears to be, to the original source of that information and the reliability of that source; or
- (2) if the information differs from information which is generally available and can therefore be said to be new or fresh information; or
- (3) in the case of information relating to possible future developments which are not currently required to be disclosed but which, if they occur, will lead to a disclosure or announcement being made whether the information provides, with reasonable certainty, grounds to conclude that the possible future developments will, in fact, occur; or
- (4) if there is no other material information which is already generally available to inform users of the market.
- 01/07/2005
Factors to be taken into account: standards of behaviour
MAR 1.5.7
See Notes
- (1) if the relevant information has to be disclosed in accordance with any legal or regulatory requirement, such as:
- (a) information which is required to be disseminated under the Takeover Code (or itsequivalent in the relevant jurisdiction) on, or in relation to, qualifying investments; or
- (b) information which is required to be disseminated under the Part 6 rules (or their equivalents in the relevant jurisdiction); or
- (c) information required to be disclosed by an issuer under the laws, rules or regulations applying to the prescribed market on which its issued qualifying investments are traded or admitted to trading; or
- (2) if the relevant information is routinely the subject of a public announcement although not subject to any formal disclosure requirement, such as:
- (a) information which is to be the subject of official announcement by governments, central monetary or fiscal authorities or a regulatory body (financial or otherwise, including exchanges); or
- (b) changes to published credit ratings of issuers of qualifying investments; or
- (c) changes to the constituents of a securities index, where the securities are qualifying investments; or
- (3) if behaviour is based on information relating to possible future developments, if it is reasonable to believe that the information in question will subsequently become of a type within (1) or (2).
- 06/02/2007
Descriptions of behaviour that does not amount to market abuse (misuse of information)
MAR 1.5.8
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.5.9
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
Examples of market abuse (misuse of information)
MAR 1.5.10
See Notes
- (1) X, a director at B PLC, has lunch with a friend, Y. X tells Y that his company has received a takeover offer. Y places a fixed odds bet with a bookmaker that B PLC will be the subject of a bid within a week, based on his expectation that the take over offer will be announced over the next few days.
- (2) Informal, non-contractual icing of qualifying investments by the manager of a proposed issue of convertible or exchangeable bonds, which are to be the subject of a public marketing effort, with a view to subsequent borrowing by it of those qualifying investments based on relevant information about the forthcoming issue:
- (a) which is not generally available; and
- (b) which a regular user would reasonably expect to be disclosed to users of the relevant prescribed market;
- where this has the effect of withdrawing those qualifying investments from the lending market in order to lend it to the issue manager in such a way that other market participants are disadvantaged.
- (3) An employee of B PLC is aware of contractual negotiations between B PLC and a customer. Transactions with that customer have generated over 10% of B PLC's turnover in each of the last five financial years. The employee knows that the customer has threatened to take its business elsewhere, and that the negotiations, while ongoing, are not proceeding well. The employee, whilst being under no obligation to do so, sells his shares in B PLC based on his assessment that it is reasonably likely that the customer will take his business elsewhere.
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.6
Market abuse (manipulating transactions)
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.6.1
See Notes
Table: section 118(5) of the Act
"The fourth [type of behaviour] ... consists of effecting transactions or orders to trade | ||
(otherwise than for legitimate reasons and in conformity with [accepted market practices] on the relevant market) | ||
which - | ||
(a) | give, or are likely to give a false or misleading impression as to the supply of, or demand for, or as to the price of one or more [qualifying investments] or | |
(b) | secure the price of one or more such investments at an abnormal or artificial level." |
- 01/07/2005
Descriptions of behaviour that amount to market abuse (manipulating transactions): false or misleading impressions
MAR 1.6.2
See Notes
- (1) buying or selling qualifying investments at the close of the market with the effect of misleading investors who act on the basis of closing prices, other than for legitimate reasons; [Note: Article 1.2(c) Market Abuse Directive]
- (2) wash trades - that is, a sale or purchase of a qualifying investment where there is no change in beneficial interest or market risk, or where the transfer of beneficial interest or market risk is only between parties acting in concert or collusion, other than for legitimate reasons;
- (3) painting the tape - that is, entering into a series of transactions that are shown on a public display for the purpose of giving the impression of activity or price movement in a qualifying investment; and
- (4) entering orders into an electronic trading system, at prices which are higher than the previous bid or lower than the previous offer, and withdrawing them before they are executed, in order to give a misleading impression that there is demand for or supply of the qualifying investment at that price.
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.6.3
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
Descriptions of behaviour that amount to market abuse (manipulating transactions): price positioning
MAR 1.6.4
See Notes
- (1) transactions or orders to trade by a person, or persons acting in collusion, that secure a dominant position over the supply of or demand for a qualifying investment and which have the effect of fixing, directly or indirectly, purchase or sale prices or creating other unfair trading conditions, other than for legitimate reasons; [Note: Article 1.2(c) Market Abuse Directive]
- (2) transactions where both buy and sell orders are entered at, or nearly at, the same time, with the same price and quantity by the same party, or different but colluding parties, other than for legitimate reasons, unless the transactions are legitimate trades carried out in accordance with the rules of the relevant trading platform (such as crossing trades);
- (3) entering small orders into an electronic trading system, at prices which are higher than the previous bid or lower than the previous offer, in order to move the price of the qualifying investment, other than for legitimate reasons;
- (4) an abusive squeeze - that is, a situation in which a person:
- (a) has a significant influence over the supply of, or demand for, or delivery mechanisms for a qualifying investment or related investment or the underlying product of a derivative contract;
- (b) has a position (directly or indirectly) in an investment under which quantities of the qualifying investment, related investment, or product in question are deliverable; and
- (c) engages in behaviour with the purpose of positioning at a distorted level the price at which others have to deliver, take delivery or defer delivery to satisfy their obligations in relation to a qualifying investment (the purpose need not be the sole purpose of entering into the transaction or transactions, but must be an actuating purpose);
- (5) parties, who have been allocated qualifying investments in a primary offering, colluding to purchase further tranches of those qualifying investments when trading begins, in order to force the price of the qualifying investments to an artificial level and generate interest from other investors, and then sell the qualifying investments;
- (6) transactions or orders to trade employed so as to create obstacles to the price falling below a certain level, in order to avoid negative consequences for the issuer, for example a downgrading of its credit rating; and
- (7) trading on one market or trading platform with a view to improperly influencing the price of the same or a related qualifying investment that is traded on another prescribed market.
- 01/07/2005
Factors to be taken into account: "legitimate reasons"
MAR 1.6.5
See Notes
- (1) if the person has an actuating purpose behind the transaction to induce others to trade in, or to position or move the price of, a qualifying investment;
- (2) if the person has another, illegitimate, reason behind the transactions or order to trade; [Note: Recital 20 Market Abuse Directive]
- (3) if the transaction was executed in a particular way with the purpose of creating a false or misleading impression.
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.6.6
See Notes
- (1) if the transaction is pursuant to a prior legal or regulatory obligation owed to a third party;
- (2) if the transaction is executed in a way which takes into account the need for the market as a whole to operate fairly and efficiently;
- (3) the extent to which the transaction generally opens a new position, so creating an exposure to market risk, rather than closes out a position and so removes market risk; and
- (4) if the transaction complied with the rules of the relevant prescribed markets about how transactions are to be executed in a proper way (for example, rules on reporting and executing cross-transactions).
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.6.7
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.6.8
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
Factors to be taken into account: behaviour giving a false or misleading impression
MAR 1.6.9
See Notes
- (1) the extent to which orders to trade given or transactions undertaken represent a significant proportion of the daily volume of transactions in the relevant qualifying investment on the regulated market concerned, in particular when these activities lead to a significant change in the price of the qualifying investment;
- (2) the extent to which orders to trade given or transactions undertaken by persons with a significant buying or selling position in a qualifying investment lead to significant changes in the price of the qualifying investment or related derivative or underlying asset admitted to trading on a regulated market;
- (3) whether transactions undertaken lead to no change in beneficial ownership of a qualifying investment admitted to trading on a regulated market;
- (4) the extent to which orders to trade given or transactions undertaken include position reversals in a short period and represent a significant proportion of the daily volume of transactions in the relevant qualifying investment on the regulated market concerned, and might be associated with significant changes in the price of a qualifying investment admitted to trading on a regulated market;
- (5) the extent to which orders to trade given or transactions undertaken are concentrated within a short time span in the trading session and lead to a price change which is subsequently reversed;
- (6) the extent to which orders to trade given change the representation of the best bid or offer prices in a financial instrument admitted to trading on a regulated market, or more generally the representation of the order book available to market participants, and are removed before they are executed; and
- (7) the extent to which orders to trade are given or transactions are undertaken at or around a specific time when reference prices, settlement prices and valuations are calculated and lead to price changes which have an effect on such prices and valuations.
- 01/07/2005
Factors to be taken into account: behaviour securing an abnormal or artificial price level
MAR 1.6.10
See Notes
- (1) the extent to which the person had a direct or indirect interest in the price or value of the qualifying investment or related investment;
- (2) the extent to which price, rate or option volatility movements, and the volatility of these factors for the investment in question, are outside their normal intra-day, daily, weekly or monthly range; and
- (3) whether a person has successively and consistently increased or decreased his bid, offer or the price he has paid for a qualifying investment or related investment.
- 01/07/2005
Factors to be taken into account: abusive squeezes
MAR 1.6.11
See Notes
- (1) the extent to which a person is willing to relax his control or other influence in order to help maintain an orderly market, and the price at which he is willing to do so; for example, behaviour is less likely to amount to an abusive squeeze if a person is willing to lend the investment in question;
- (2) the extent to which the person's activity causes, or risks causing, settlement default by other market users on a multilateral basis and not just a bilateral basis. The more widespread the risk of multilateral settlement default, the more likely that an abusive squeeze has been effected;
- (3) the extent to which prices under the delivery mechanisms of the market diverge from the prices for delivery of the investment or its equivalent outside those mechanisms. The greater the divergence beyond that to be reasonably expected, the more likely that an abusive squeeze has been effected; and
- (4) the extent to which the spot or immediate market compared to the forward market is unusually expensive or inexpensive or the extent to which borrowing rates are unusually expensive or inexpensive.
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.6.12
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.6.13
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
Descriptions of behaviour that do not amount to market abuse (manipulating transactions): accepted market practices
MAR 1.6.14
See Notes
- (1) The metal market aberrations regime (see MAR 1 Annex 2 G).
- 06/04/2006
Examples of market abuse (manipulating transactions)
MAR 1.6.15
See Notes
- (1) a trader simultaneously buys and sells the same qualifying investment (that is, trades with himself) to give the appearance of a legitimate transfer of title or risk (or both) at a price outside the normal trading range for the qualifying investment. The price of the qualifying investment is relevant to the calculation of the settlement value of an option. He does this while holding a position in the option. His purpose is to position the price of the qualifying investment at a false, misleading, abnormal or artificial level, making him a profit or avoiding a loss from the option;
- (2) a trader buys a large volume of commodity futures, which are qualifying investments, (whose price will be relevant to the calculation of the settlement value of a derivatives position he holds) just before the close of trading. His purpose is to position the price of the commodity futures at a false, misleading, abnormal or artificial level so as to make a profit from his derivatives position;
- (3) a trader holds a short position that will show a profit if a particular qualifying investment, which is currently a component of an index, falls out of that index. The question of whether the qualifying investment will fall out of the index depends on the closing price of the qualifying investment. He places a large sell order in this qualifying investment just before the close of trading. His purpose is to position the price of the qualifying investment at a false, misleading, abnormal or artificial level so that the qualifying investment will drop out of the index so as to make a profit; and
- (4) a fund manager's quarterly performance will improve if the valuation of his portfolio at the end of the quarter in question is higher rather than lower. He places a large order to buy relatively illiquid shares, which are also components of his portfolio, to be executed at or just before the close. His purpose is to position the price of the shares at a false, misleading, abnormal or artificial level.
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.6.16
See Notes
- A trader with a long position in bond futures buys or borrows a large amount of the cheapest to deliver bonds and either refuses to re-lend these bonds or will only lend them to parties he believes will not re-lend to the market. His purpose is to position the price at which those with short positions have to deliver to satisfy their obligations at a materially higher level, making him a profit from his original position.
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.7
Market abuse (manipulating devices)
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.7.1
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
Descriptions of behaviour that amount to market abuse (manipulating devices)
MAR 1.7.2
See Notes
- (1) taking advantage of occasional or regular access to the traditional or electronic media by voicing an opinion about a qualifying investment (or indirectly about its issuer) while having previously taken positions on that qualifying investment and profiting subsequently from the impact of the opinions voiced on the price of that instrument, without having simultaneously disclosed that conflict of interest to the public in a proper and effective way; [Note: Article 1.2 Market Abuse Directive]
- (2) a transaction or series of transactions that are designed to conceal the ownership of a qualifying investment, so that disclosure requirements are circumvented by the holding of the qualifying investment in the name of a colluding party, such that disclosures are misleading in respect of the true underlying holding. These transactions are often structured so that market risk remains with the seller. This does not include nominee holdings;
- (3) pump and dump - that is, taking a long position in a qualifying investment and then disseminating misleading positive information about the qualifying investment with a view to increasing its price;
- (4) trash and cash - that is, taking a short position in a qualifying investment and then disseminating misleading negative information about the qualifying investment, with a view to driving down its price.
- 01/07/2005
Factors to be taken into account in determining whether or not behaviour amounts to market abuse (manipulating devices)
MAR 1.7.3
See Notes
- (1) if orders to trade given or transactions undertaken in qualifying investments by persons are preceded or followed by dissemination of false or misleading information by the same persons or persons linked to them;
- (2) if orders to trade are given or transactions are undertaken in qualifying investments by persons before or after the same persons or persons linked to them produce or disseminate research or investment recommendations which are erroneous or biased or demonstrably influenced by material interest. [Note: Article 5 2003/124/EC]
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.8
Market abuse (dissemination)
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.8.1
See Notes
Table: section 118(7) of the Act
" The sixth [type of behaviour] ... consists of the dissemination of information by any means |
which gives, or is likely to give, a false or misleading impression as to a [qualifying investment] |
by a person who knew or could reasonably be expected to have known that the information was false or misleading." |
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.8.2
See Notes
Table: section 118A(4) of the Act
"For the purposes of section 118(7), the dissemination of information by a person acting in the capacity of a journalist |
is to be assessed taking into account the codes governing their profession |
unless he derives, directly or indirectly, any advantage or profits from the dissemination of the information." |
- 01/07/2005
Descriptions of behaviour that amount to market abuse (dissemination)
MAR 1.8.3
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
Factors to be taken into account in determining whether or not behaviour amounts to market abuse (dissemination)
MAR 1.8.4
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.8.5
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
Examples of market abuse (dissemination)
MAR 1.8.6
See Notes
- (1) a person posts information on an Internet bulletin board or chat room which contains false or misleading statements about the takeover of a company whose shares are qualifying investments and the person knows that the information is false or misleading;
- (2) a person responsible for the content of information submitted to a regulatory information service submits information which is false or misleading as to qualifying investments and that person is reckless as to whether the information is false or misleading.
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.9
Market abuse (misleading behaviour) & market abuse (distortion)
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.9.1
See Notes
Table: section 118(8) of the Act:
"The seventh [type of behaviour] is where the [behaviour] (not [amounting to market abuse (manipulating transactions), market abuse (manipulating devices), or market abuse (dissemination)]) | ||
(a) | is likely to give, a [regular user] of the market a false or misleading impression as to the supply of, demand for or price or value of, [qualifying investments] [market abuse (misleading behaviour)]; or | |
(b) | would be, or would be to likely to be, regarded by a [regular user] of the market as [behaviour] that would distort, or would be likely to distort, the market in such an investment [market abuse (distortion)] | |
and ... is likely to be regarded by a [regular user] of the market as a failure on the part of the person concerned to observe the standard of [behaviour] reasonably expected of a person in his position in relation to the market |
- 01/07/2005
Descriptions of behaviour that amount to market abuse (misleading behaviour) under section 118(8)(a) or market abuse (distortion) under section 118(8)(b)
MAR 1.9.2
See Notes
- (1) the movement of physical commodity stocks, which might create a misleading impression as to the supply of, or demand for, or price or value of, a commodity or the deliverable into a commodity futures contract; and
- (2) the movement of an empty cargo ship, which might create a false or misleading impression as to the supply of, or the demand for, or the price or value of a commodity or the deliverable into a commodity futures contract.
- 01/07/2005
Descriptions of behaviour that does not amount to market abuse (distortion)
MAR 1.9.3
See Notes
- 06/04/2006
Factors to be taken into account: false or misleading impressions
MAR 1.9.4
See Notes
- (1) the experience and knowledge of the users of the market in question;
- (2) the structure of the market, including its reporting, notification and transparency requirements;
- (3) the legal and regulatory requirements of the market concerned;
- (4) the identity and position of the person responsible for the behaviour which has been observed (if known); and
- (5) the extent and nature of the visibility or disclosure of the person's activity.
- 01/07/2005
Factors to be taken into account: standards of behaviour
MAR 1.9.5
See Notes
- (1) if the transaction is pursuant to a prior legal or regulatory obligation owed to a third party;
- (2) if the transaction is executed in a way which takes into account the need for the market as a whole to operate fairly and efficiently; or
- (3) the characteristics of the market in question, including the users and applicable rules and codes of conduct (including, if relevant, any statutory or regulatory obligation to disclose a holding or position, such as under section 198 of the Companies Act 1985);
- (4) the position of the person in question and the standards reasonably to be expected of him in light of his experience, skill and knowledge;
- (5) if the transaction complied with the rules of the relevant prescribed markets about how transactions are to be executed in a proper way (for example, rules on reporting and executing cross-transactions); and
- (6) if an organisation has created a false or misleading impression, whether the individuals responsible could only know they were likely to create a false or misleading impression if they had access to other information that was being held behind a Chinese wall or similarly effective arrangements.
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1.10
Statutory exceptions
- 01/07/2005
Behaviour that does not amount to market abuse (general): buy-back programmes and stabilisation
MAR 1.10.1
See Notes
- (1) Behaviour which conforms with articles 3 to 6 of the Buy-back and Stabilisation Regulation (see MAR 1 Annex 1) will not amount to market abuse.
- (2) See MAR 2 in relation to stabilisation.
- (3) Buy-back programmes which are not within the scope of the Buy-back and Stabilisation Regulation are not, in themselves, market abuse.
- 01/07/2005
FSA rules
MAR 1.10.2
See Notes
There are no rules which permit or require a person to behave in a way which amounts to market abuse. Some rules contain a provision to the effect that behaviour conforming with that rule does not amount to market abuse:
- (1) COB 2.4.4 R (1) (Chinese walls) (see COB 2.4.4 R (4)); and
- (2) those parts of the Part 6 rules which relate to the timing, dissemination or availability, content and standard of care applicable to a disclosure, announcement, communication or release of information (see in particular the Disclosure Rules and Transparency Rules).
- 01/07/2005
Takeover Code
MAR 1.10.3
See Notes
- 06/02/2007
MAR 1.10.4
See Notes
- (1) the rule is one of those specified in the table in MAR 1.10.5 C;
- (2) the behaviour is expressly required or expressly permitted by the rule in question (the notes for the time being associated with the rules identified in the Takeover Code are treated as part of the relevant rule for these purposes); and
- (3) it conforms to any General Principle set out at Section B of the Takeover Code relevant to that rule.
- 06/02/2007
MAR 1.10.5
See Notes
Table: Provisions of the Takeover Code conformity with which will not, of itself, amount to market abuse (This table belongs to MAR 1.10.4C):
Takeover Code provisions: | |
Disclosure of information which is not generally available | 1(a) 2.1 plus notes, 2.5, 2.6, 2.9 plus notes 8 19.7 20.1, 20.2, 20.3 28.4 37.3(b) and 37.4(a) |
Standards of care | 2.8 first sentence and note 4 19.1, 19.5 second sentence and note 2, 19.8 23 plus notes 28.1 |
Timing of announcements, documentation and dealings | 2.2, 2.4(b) 5.4 6.2(b) 7.1 11.1 note 6 only 17.1 21.2 30 31.6(c), 31.9 33 (in so far as it refers 31.6(c) and 31.9 only) 38.5 |
Content of announcements | 2.4 (a) and (b) 19.3 |
- 06/02/2007
MAR 1.10.6
See Notes
- (1) the behaviour is expressly required or expressly permitted by that rule (the notes for the time being associated with the rules identified in the Takeover Code are treated as part of the rule for these purposes); and
- (2) it conforms to any General Principle set out at Section B of the Takeover Code relevant to the rule.
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1 Annex 1
Provisions of the Buy-back and Stabilisation Regulation relating to buy-back programmes
- 01/12/2004
MAR 1 Annex 1.1
1.1.1 | G | The effect of article 8 of the Market Abuse Directive and section 118A(5)(b) of the Act is that behaviour which conforms with the buy-back provisions in the Buy-back and Stabilisation Regulation will not amount to market abuse. |
1.1.2 | G | As the Buy-back and Stabilisation Regulation is not directed at the protection of shareholder interests, issuers will also need to consult both the Companies Act 1985and the Part 6 rules for the shareholder protection requirements applying to a proposed buy-back. |
1.1.3 | EU | Table: Article 3 of the Buy-back and Stabilisation Regulation | |
Article 3 | |||
Objectives of buy-back programmes | |||
In order to benefit from the exemption provided for in Article 8 of [the Market Abuse Directive], a [buy-back programme] must comply with Articles 4, 5 and 6 of this Regulation and the sole purpose of that [buy-back programme] must be to reduce the capital of an issuer (in value or in number of shares) or to meet obligations arising from any of the following: | |||
(a) | debt financial instruments exchangeable into equity instruments; | ||
(b) | employee share option programmes or other allocations of shares to employees of the issuer or of an associate company. |
1.1.4 | EU | Table: Relevant Recitals (Article 3) from the Buy-back and Stabilisation Regulation |
Recital 3 | ||
... the exemptions created by this Regulation only cover behaviour directly related to the purpose of the buy-back and stabilisation activities. Behaviour which is not directly related to the purpose of the buy-back and stabilisation activities shall therefore be considered as any other action covered by [the Market Abuse Directive] and may be the object of administrative measures or sanctions, if the competent authority establishes that the action in question constitutes market abuse. |
1.1.5 | EU | Table: Article 4 of the Buy-back and Stabilisation Regulation | |
Article 4 | |||
Conditions for buy-back programmes and disclosure | |||
1. | The [buy-back programme] must comply with the conditions laid down by Article 19(1) of [the PLC Safeguards Directive]. | ||
2. | Prior to the start of trading, full details of the programme approved in accordance with Article 19(1) of [the PLC Safeguards Directive] must be [adequately disclosed to the public] in Member States in which an issuer has requested admission of its shares to trading on a [regulated market]. | ||
Those details must include the objective of the programme as referred to in Article 3, the maximum consideration, the maximum number of shares to be acquired and the duration of the period for which authorisation for the programme has been given. | |||
Subsequent changes to the programme must be subject to [adequate public disclosure] in Member States. | |||
3. | The issuer must have in place the mechanisms ensuring that it fulfils trade reporting obligations to the competent authority of the [regulated market] on which the shares have been admitted to trading. These mechanisms must record each transaction related to [buy-back programmes], including the information specified in Article 20(1) of the [ISD]. | ||
4. | The issuer must publicly disclose details of all transactions as referred to in paragraph 3 no later than the end of the seventh daily market session following the date of execution of such transactions. |
1.1.6 | G | The information specified in article 20(1) of the ISD is the names and numbers of the instruments bought or sold, the dates and times of the transactions, the transaction prices and means of identifying the investment firms concerned. |
1.1.7 | G | Article 19(1) of the PLC Safeguards Directive is implemented in Great Britain by section 166 of the Companies Act 1985. |
1.1.8 | G | The FSA accepts disclosure through a regulatory information service as adequate public disclosure. |
1.1.9 | EU | Table: Article 5 of the Buy-back and Stabilisation Regulation | ||
Article 5 | ||||
Conditions for trading | ||||
1. | In so far as prices are concerned, the issuer must not, when executing trades under a [buy-back programme], purchase shares at a price higher than the higher of the price of the last independent trade and the highest current independent bid on the trading venues where the purchase is carried out. | |||
If the trading venue is not a [regulated market], the price of the last independent trade or the highest current independent bid taken in reference shall be the one of the [regulated market] of the Member State in which the purchase is carried out. | ||||
Where the issuer carries out the purchase of own shares through derivative financial instruments, the exercise price of those derivative financial instruments shall not be above the higher of the price of the last independent trade and the highest current independent bid. | ||||
2. | In so far as volume is concerned, the issuer must not purchase more than 25% of the average daily volume of the shares in any one day on the [regulated market] on which the purchase is carried out. | |||
The average daily volume figure must be based on the average daily volume traded in the month preceding the month of public disclosure of that programme and fixed on that basis for the authorised period of the programme. | ||||
Where the programme makes no reference to that volume, the average daily volume figure must be based on the average daily volume traded in the 20 trading days preceding the date of purchase. | ||||
3. | For the purposes of paragraph 2, in cases of extreme low liquidity on the relevant market, the issuer may exceed the 25 % limit, provided that the following conditions are met: | |||
(a) | the issuer informs the competent authority of the relevant market, in advance, of its intention to deviate from the 25 % limit; | |||
(b) | the issuer [makes an adequate public disclosure of] the fact that it may deviate from the 25 % limit; | |||
(c) | the issuer does not exceed 50 % of the average daily volume. |
1.1.10 | EU | Table: Relevant recitals (Article 5) from the Buy-back and Stabilisation Regulation |
Recital 9 | ||
In order to prevent market abuse the daily volume of trading in own shares in buy-back programmes shall be limited. However, some flexibility is necessary in order to respond to given market conditions such as a low level of transactions. | ||
Recital 10 | ||
Particular attention has to be paid to the selling of own shares during the life of a [buy-back programme] to the possible existence of closed periods within issuers during which transactions are prohibited and to the fact that an issuer may have legitimate reasons to delay public disclosure of inside information. |
1.1.11 | G | Whether a case of extreme low liquidity exists for the purposes of article 5(3) will depend on the circumstance of each case. Issuers and their advisers may wish to approach the FSA and seek further individual guidance on cases that come within article 5(3). |
1.1.12 | EU | Table: Article 6 of the Buy-back and Stabilisation Regulation | ||
Article 6 | ||||
Restrictions | ||||
1. | In order to benefit from the exemption provided by Article 8 of [the Market Abuse Directive], the issuer shall not, during its participation in a [buy-back programme], engage in the following trading: | |||
(a) | selling of own shares during the life of the programme; | |||
(b) | trading during a period which, under the law of the Member State in which trading takes place, is a closed period; | |||
(c) | trading where the issuer has decided to delay the public disclosure of inside information in accordance with Article 6(2) of [the Market Abuse Directive]. | |||
2. | Paragraph 1(a) shall not apply if the issuer is an [investment firm] or [credit institution] and has established effective information barriers (Chinese Walls) subject to supervision by the competent authority, between those responsible for the handling of [inside information] related directly or indirectly to the issuer and those responsible for any decision relating to the trading of own shares (including the trading of own shares on behalf of clients), when trading in own shares on the basis of such any decision. | |||
Paragraphs 1(b) and (c) shall not apply if the issuer is an [investment firm] or [credit institution] and has established effective information barriers (Chinese Walls) subject to supervision by the competent authority, between those responsible for the handling of inside information related directly or indirectly to the issuer (including trading decisions under the "buy-back" programme) and those responsible for the trading of own shares on behalf of clients, when trading in own shares on behalf of those clients. | ||||
3. | Paragraph 1 shall not apply if: | |||
(a) | the issuer has in place a [time-scheduled buy-back programme]; or | |||
(b) | the buy-back programme is lead-managed by an [investment firm] or a [credit institution] which makes its trading decisions in relation to the issuer's shares independently of, and without influence by, the issuer with regard to the timing of the purchases. |
1.1.13 | G | For the purposes of article 6(1)(b) of the Buy back and Stabilisation Regulation, a close period in the United Kingdom is the period during which purchases or early redemptions by a company of its own securities may not be made under the Part 6 Rules. |
1.1.14 | G | Article 6(2) of the Market Abuse Directive, referred to in article 6(1)(c) of the Buy-Back and Stabilisation Regulation, is implemented in the United Kingdom by the Disclosure Rules and Transparency Rules. |
- 01/07/2005
MAR 1 Annex 2
Accepted Market Practices
- 01/07/2005
See Notes
Table: Part 1 - General | |||
1. | G | An accepted market practice features in section 118 in the following ways: | |
(1) | it is an element in deciding what is inside information in the commodity markets (and see MAR 1.2.17 G to MAR 1.2.19 UK); | ||
(2) | it provides a defence for market abuse (manipulating transactions). | ||
2. | G | The FSA will take the following non-exhaustive factors into account when assessing whether to accept a particular market practice: | |
(1) | the level of transparency of the relevant market practice to the whole market; | ||
(2) | the need to safeguard the operation of market forces and the proper interplay of the forces of supply and demand (taking into account the impact of the relevant market practice against the main market parameters, such as the specific market conditions before carrying out the relevant market practice, the weighted average price of a single session or the daily closing price); | ||
(3) | the degree to which the relevant market practice has an impact on market liquidity and efficiency; | ||
(4) | the degree to which the relevant practice takes into account the trading mechanism of the relevant market and enables market participants to react properly and in a timely manner to the new market situation created by that practice; | ||
(5) | the risk inherent in the relevant practice for the integrity of, directly or indirectly, related markets, whether regulated or not, in the relevant financial instrument within the whole Community; | ||
(6) | the outcome of any investigation of the relevant market practice by any competent authority or other authority mentioned in Article 12(1) of the Market Abuse Directive, in particular whether the relevant market practice breached rules or regulations designed to prevent market abuse, or codes of conduct, be it on the market in question or on directly or indirectly related markets within the Community; and | ||
(7) | the structural characteristics of the relevant market including whether it is regulated or not, the types of financial instruments traded and the type of market participants, including the extent of retail investors participation in the relevant market. |
Table: Part 2 - Accepted Market Practices: Market aberrations on the London Metal Exchange | |
Description of the AMP: | |
Behaviour conforming with the metal market aberrations regime. | |
Rationale for why the practice would constitute manipulation | |
Behaviour which gives rise to the application of the metal market aberrations regime may involve transactions or orders to trade which: | |
(i) | give or are likely to give, false or misleading signals as to the supply of or demand for or price of financial instruments; |
(ii) | secure, by a person or persons acting in collaboration, the price of one or several financial instruments at an abnormal or artificial level. |
List of Factors | |
The following factors were taken into account by the FSA when assessing behaviour conforming with the metal market aberrations regime as an accepted market practice: | |
The level of transparency (to the rest of the market) of the practice in question | |
The metal market aberrations regime has been published to the market by the Exchange on which it applies. The transparency criterion is therefore met. Those who have long positions at or above the thresholds specified in the metal market aberrations regime are required to advertise to the market that they will be prepared to lend stock. | |
The need to safeguard the operation of market forces and the proper interplay of the forces of supply and demand | |
The metal market aberrations regime is designed to facilitate the operation of supply and demand on the market by avoiding abusive squeezes or other circumstances which could result in or involve distortion of the market for the investment in question. | |
The impact on market liquidity and efficiency | |
The practice has a positive effect on market liquidity and efficiency as it facilitates the orderly operation of a market in which a participant has a dominant long position. | |
The degree to which the practice takes into account the trading mechanism of the relevant market and enables market participants to react properly and in a timely manner to the new market situation created by the practice | |
The metal market aberrations regime was developed taking into account the trading mechanism of the LME. The behaviour required of long position holders under the metal market aberrations regime is monitored by the LME compliance department on a daily basis using public and confidential regulatory information available to it. The LME compliance department takes into account the trading mechanism of the LME when performing this task. Procedures exist for escalating any concerns about market circumstances to a Special Committee that is able to intervene in order to enable market participants to react properly and in a timely manner to any new market situations created by the practices. | |
The risk inherent in the practice for the integrity of directly or indirectly related markets in the financial instrument, including any market in the financial instrument which exists on an exchange (or other trading venue) and related markets in directly related financial instruments | |
The metal market aberrations regime was developed to maintain the integrity of the markets in financial instruments traded in the LME. The regime has been shown to be an aid in maintaining the integrity of those markets. | |
The outcome of any investigation of the practice by any regulatory body, including the extent to which a practice breaches existing rules or regulations designed to prevent market manipulation on the market in question or on directly or indirectly related markets in the EU | |
The FSA supports the metal market aberrations regime and, under the previous Code of Market Conduct applying to trading on the LME, provided a safe harbour for behaviour in conformity with the metal market aberrations regime. | |
The structure characteristics of the market in question including whether it is a regulated or OTC market, the type(s) of financial instrument traded on the market and the type of market participants, including the extent of retail participation in the market; | |
The London Metal Exchange is a commodity derivatives market which has Recognised Investment Exchange status in the UK. It is a professional market with minimal retail involvement. | |
Overriding Principles | |
The FSA had regard to the following overriding principles to ensure that the metal market aberrations regime does not undermine market integrity, while fostering innovation and the continued dynamic development of financial markets: | |
? | new or emerging market practices were not be assumed to be unacceptable simply because they had not been previously described as acceptable by the FSA; |
? | the need to safeguard the operation of market forces and the interplay of proper supply and demand; |
? | the need for market participants to operate fairly and efficiently without interfering in normal market activity. |
Conditions relating to legitimate reasons and proper execution | |
The metal market aberrations regime specifies the behaviour required in the circumstances where it is triggered and conduct in conformity with the metal market aberrations regime is for legitimate reasons. |
- 06/04/2006
MAR 2.1
Application and Purpose
- 01/07/2005
MAR 2.1.1
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 2.1.2
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 2.1.3
See Notes
This chapter:
- (1) so far as it provides a defence for any person, has the same territorial application as the provision which is alleged to have been contravened: and
- (2) in its application to a firm for purposes other than those falling within (1), applies to the firm's business carried on from an establishment in the United Kingdom.
- 01/07/2005
MAR 2.1.4
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 2.1.5
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 2.1.6
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 2.2
Stabilisation: general
- 01/07/2005
Permitted stabilisation
MAR 2.2.1
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 2.2.2
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
Scope of stabilisation "safe harbours" for market abuse
MAR 2.2.3
See Notes
- 02/07/2005
MAR 2.2.4
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 2.2.5
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
Block trades
MAR 2.2.6
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
Behaviour not related to stabilisation
MAR 2.2.7
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 2.2.8
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
Rights of action for damages
MAR 2.2.9
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 2.3
Stabilisation under the Buy-back and Stabilisation Regulation
- 01/07/2005
Conditions for stabilisation: general
MAR 2.3.1
See Notes
Table: Article 7 of the Buy-back and Stabilisation Regulation
Article 7 |
Conditions for stabilisation |
In order to benefit from the exemption provided for in Article 8 of [the Market Abuse Directive], [stabilisation] of a [financial instrument] must be carried out in accordance with Articles 8, 9 and 10 of this Regulation [see MAR 2.3.4 E, MAR 2.3.5 EU and MAR 2.3.6 G]. |
- 01/07/2005
MAR 2.3.2
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 2.3.3
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
Time related conditions for stabilisation
MAR 2.3.4
See Notes
Table: Article 8 of the Buy-back and Stabilisation Regulation
Article 8 | |
Time related conditions for stabilisation | |
1. | [Stabilisation] shall be carried out only for a limited time period. |
2. | In respect of shares and other securities equivalent to shares, the time period referred to in paragraph 1 shall, in the case of an initial offer publicly announced, start on the date of commencement of trading of the [relevant securities] on the [regulated market] and end no later than 30 calendar days thereafter. |
Where the initial offer publicly announced takes place in a Member State that permits trading prior to the commencement of trading on a [regulated market], the time period referred to in paragraph 1 shall start on the date of [adequate public disclosure] of the final price of the [relevant securities] and end no later than 30 calendar days thereafter, provided that any such trading is carried out in compliance with the rules, if any, of the [regulated market] on which the [relevant securities] are to be admitted to trading, including any rules concerning public disclosure and trade reporting. | |
3. | In respect of shares and other securities equivalent to shares, the time period referred to in paragraph 1 shall, in the case of a secondary offer, start on the date of [adequate public disclosure] of the final price of the [relevant securities] and end no later than 30 calendar days after the date of [allotment]. |
4. | In respect of bonds and other forms of securitised debt (which are not convertible or exchangeable into shares or into other securities equivalent to shares), the time period referred to in paragraph 1 shall start on the date of [adequate public disclosure] of the terms of the offer of the [relevant securities] (i.e. including the spread to the benchmark, if any, once it has been fixed) and end, whatever is earlier, either no later than 30 calendar days after the date on which the issuer of the instruments received the proceeds of the issue, or no later than 60 calendar days after the date of [allotment] of the [relevant securities]. |
5. | In respect of securitised debt convertible or exchangeable into shares or into other securities equivalent to shares, the time period referred to in paragraph 1 shall start on the date of [adequate public disclosure] of the final terms of the offer of the [relevant securities] and end, whatever is earlier, either no later than 30 calendar days after the date on which the issuer of the instruments received the proceeds of the issue, or no later than 60 calendar days after the date of [allotment] of the [relevant securities]. |
- 01/07/2005
Disclosure and reporting conditions for stabilisation
MAR 2.3.5
See Notes
Table: Article 9 of the Buy-back and Stabilisation Regulation
Article 9 | ||
Disclosure and reporting conditions for stabilisation | ||
1. | The following information shall be [adequately publicly disclosed] by issuers, [offerors], or entities undertaking the [stabilisation] acting, or not, on behalf of such persons, before the opening of the offer period of the [relevant securities]: | |
(a) | the fact that [stabilisation] may be undertaken, that there is no assurance that it will be undertaken and that it may be stopped at any time; | |
(b) | the fact that [stabilisation] transactions are aimed to support the market price of the [relevant securities]; | |
(c) | the beginning and end of the period during which [stabilisation] may occur; | |
(d) | the identity of the [stabilisation] manager, unless this is not known at the time of publication in which case it must be publicly disclosed before any [stabilisation] activity begins; | |
(e) | the existence and maximum size of any [overallotment facility] or [greenshoe option], the exercise period of the [greenshoe option] and any conditions for the use of the [overallotment facility] or exercise of the [greenshoe option]. | |
The application of the provisions of this paragraph shall be suspended for offers under the scope of application of the measures implementing [the Prospectus Directive], from the date of application of these measures. | ||
2. | Without prejudice to Article 12(1)(c) of [the Market Abuse Directive], the details of all [stabilisation] transactions must be notified by issuers, [offerors], or entities undertaking the [stabilisation] acting, or not, on behalf of such persons, to the competent authority of the relevant market no later than the end of the seventh daily market session following the date of execution of such transactions. | |
3. | Within one week of the end of the [stabilisation] period, the following information must be adequately disclosed to the public by issuers, [offerors], or entities undertaking the [stabilisation] acting, or not, on behalf of such persons: | |
(a) | whether or not [stabilisation] was undertaken; | |
(b) | the date at which [stabilisation] started; | |
(c) | the date at which [stabilisation] last occurred; | |
(d) | the price range within which [stabilisation] was carried out, for each of the dates during which [stabilisation] transactions were carried out. | |
4. | Issuers, [offerors], or entities undertaking the [stabilisation], acting or not, on behalf of such persons, must record each [stabilisation] order or transaction with, as a minimum, the information specified in Article 20(1) of [the ISD ] extended to financial instruments other than those admitted or going to be admitted to the regulated market. | |
5. | Where several [investment firms] or [credit institutions] undertake the [stabilisation] acting, or not, on behalf of the issuer or [offeror], one of those persons shall act as central point of inquiry for any request from the competent authority of the regulated market on which the [relevant securities] have been admitted to trading. |
- 01/07/2005
MAR 2.3.6
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 2.3.7
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 2.3.8
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 2.3.9
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
Specific price conditions
MAR 2.3.10
See Notes
Article 10 | |
Specific price conditions | |
1. | In the case of an offer of shares or other securities equivalent to shares, [stabilisation] of the [relevant securities] shall not in any circumstances be executed above the offering price. |
2. | In the case of an offer of securitised debt convertible or exchangeable into instruments as referred to in paragraph 1, [stabilisation] of those instruments shall not in any circumstances be executed above the market price of those instruments at the time of the public disclosure of the final terms of the new offer. |
- 01/07/2005
Conditions for ancillary stabilisation
MAR 2.3.11
See Notes
Article 11 | |
Conditions for ancillary stabilisation | |
In order to benefit from the exemption provided for in Article 8 of [the Market Abuse Directive], [ancillary stabilisation] must be undertaken in accordance with Article 9 of this Regulation and with the following: | |
(a) | [relevant securities] may be overallotted only during the subscription period and at the offer price; |
(b) | a position resulting from the exercise of an [overallotment facility] by an [investment firm] or [credit institution] which is not covered by the [greenshoe option] may not exceed 5 % of the original offer; |
(c) | the [greenshoe option] may be exercised by the beneficiaries of such an option only where [relevant securities] have been overallotted; |
(d) | the [greenshoe option] may not amount to more than 15% of the original offer; |
(e) | the exercise period of the [greenshoe option] must be the same as the [stabilisation] period required under Article 8; |
(f) | the exercise of the [greenshoe option] must be disclosed to the public promptly, together with all appropriate details, including in particular the date of exercise and the number and nature of [relevant securities] involved. |
- 01/07/2005
MAR 2.3.12
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 2.3.13
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 2.4
Stabilisation when the Buy-back and Stabilisation Regulation does not apply
- 01/07/2005
MAR 2.4.1
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 2.4.2
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 2.4.3
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 2.4.4
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 2.4.5
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 2.4.6
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 2.4.7
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 2.5
The Price Stabilising Rules: overseas provisions
- 01/07/2005
MAR 2.5.1
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 2.5.2
See Notes
- 01/07/2005
MAR 2 Annex 1
List of specified exchanges (This is the list of other specified exchanges referred to in MAR 2.2.1R(2))
- 01/07/2005
MAR 2 Annex 1
See Notes
Any prescribed market which is not a regulated market |
Any recognised overseas investment exchange |
American Stock Exchange (AMEX) |
Australian Stock Exchange |
Bolsa Mexicana de Valores |
Canadian Venture Exchange |
Hong Kong Stock Exchange |
Johannesburg Stock Exchange |
Korea Stock Exchange |
Midwest Stock Exchange |
Montreal Stock Exchange |
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) |
New Zealand Stock Exchange |
Osaka Securities Exchange (OSE) |
Pacific Stock Exchange |
Phildelphia Stock Exchange |
Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited |
Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) |
Toronto Stock Exchange |
- 01/07/2005
MAR 3.1
- 01/12/2004
MAR 3.1.1
See Notes
- 01/04/2004
MAR 3.1.2
See Notes
This chapter applies to a firm:
- (1) when it carries on:
- (a) regulated activities; or
- (b) related ancillary activities;
- (2) to the extent that the regulated activity the firm is carrying on is:
- (a) dealing in investments as principal; or
- (b) dealing in investments as agent; or
- (c) acting as an arranger; or
- (d) giving transaction-specific advice;
- (3) but only if the activity referred to in (1) and (2) is in or is in respect of an inter-professional investment and is undertaken with or for a market counterparty.
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.1.2A
See Notes
- 01/05/2003
MAR 3.1.3
See Notes
- 09/10/2004
MAR 3.1.4
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.1.5
See Notes
- 20/09/2001
MAR 3.2
- 01/12/2004
MAR 3.2.1
See Notes
The main objective of this chapter (MAR 3) is the maintenance of confidence in the financial system, although it is also relevant to the FSA's other regulatory objectives under the Act. However, many of its provisions relate to the conduct of bilateral dealings and it seeks to secure good market practice by firms undertaking inter-professional business in three ways:
- (1) by increasing certainty by explaining how the Principles apply to inter-professional business, whilst acknowledging that what is required to meet the proper standards of conduct for a firm may differ depending on whether or not the firm is dealing with a market counterparty (see PRIN 1.2.1 G(Characteristics of the client));
- (2) by setting out rules for inter-professional business in cases when it is not appropriate to rely on the Principles alone; and
- (3) by setting out the FSA's understanding of certain market practices and conventions; drawing this information together in this way will assist certainty, reduce the scope for disputes and make it easier to resolve disputes that do arise.
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.3
Contents and status of this chapter
- 01/12/2004
MAR 3.3.1
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.3.2
See Notes
- 31/12/2006
MAR 3.3.3
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.4
Standards expected of firms when undertaking inter-professional business
- 01/12/2004
MAR 3.4.1
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.4.2
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.4.3
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.4.4
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.4.5
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.4.6
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.4.7
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.4.8
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.4.9
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.4.10
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.4.10A
See Notes
- 01/04/2004
MAR 3.4.11
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.4.12
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.4.13
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.4.14
See Notes
- 01/07/2006
MAR 3.4.15
See Notes
- 01/07/2006
MAR 3.4.16
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.5
Transactions at Non-Market Prices
- 01/12/2004
MAR 3.5.1
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.5.2
See Notes
- 01/03/2006
MAR 3.5.3
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.5.4
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.5.5
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.5.6
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.5.7
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.5.8
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.5.9
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.5.10
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.5.11
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.5.12
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.5.13
See Notes
Examples of improper purposes for transactions (see MAR 3.5.4 R) include:
- (1) the perpetration of a fraud;
- (2) the disguising or concealment of the nature of a transaction or of profits, losses or cashflows;
- (3) transactions which amount to market abuse;
- (4) vulnerable transactions under the Insolvency Act 1986; and
- (5) "window dressing", in particular around the year end, to disguise the true financial position of the person concerned.
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.5.14
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.5.15
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.5.16
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.5.17
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.5.18
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.5.19
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.5.20
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.5.21
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.6
- 01/12/2004
MAR 3.6.1
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.6.2
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.6.3
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.6.4
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.6.5
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.6.6
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.6.7
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.6.8
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.6.9
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.6.10
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.6.11
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.7
Firms acting as Wholesale market brokers and those undertaking transactions through them; provisions concerning brokers and arrangers generally
- 01/12/2004
MAR 3.7.1
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.7.2
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.7.3
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.7.4
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.7.5
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.7.6
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.7.7
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.7.8
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.7.9
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.7.10
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.7.11
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3.8
Codes of Practice
- 01/12/2004
MAR 3.8.1
See Notes
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3 Annex 1
Guidance relevant to MAR 3
- 01/12/2004
See Notes
1 | This chapter, MAR 3, applies to firms in their dealings with market counterparties, as set out in MAR 3.1.2 R. When market counterparties have opted to be treated as intermediate customers under COB 4.1.7 R (Classification of another firm or an overseas financial services institution), this chapter does not apply. The requirements on firms in such circumstances are those set out in COB. MAR 3 does, however, apply to firms in their dealings with intermediate customers who have opted to be treated as market counterparties under COB 4.1.12 R (Large intermediate customer described as a market counterparty). |
2 | This chapter sets out the requirements upon firms in their dealings with market counterparties. The way a firm is assessed under COB 4.1 (Client classification) has no bearing on its obligations to assess its own clients. |
3 | The list of activities in MAR 3.1.2 R (Application: What?) is not based on types of permission. It is based on the activities of dealing, arranging and advice on investments. This means, for example, that a firm may be subject to MAR 3 if it purchases securities in the course of: |
(1) operating a collective investment scheme; or | |
(2) acting as a life insurance company; or | |
(3) acting as agent for a customer; | |
in making that purchase This is notwithstanding that the operation of a collective investment scheme, acting as a life insurance company and acting as agent for a customer for a private customer are not activities that are covered by this chapter in their own right. | |
4 | MAR 3 does not affect the application provisions of the Principles (see PRIN 3 (Rules about application)). The purpose of the application provisions of MAR 3, as they apply to the guidance on the Principles, is to explain in what situations MAR 3 may be used as guidance for interpreting the Principles. If MAR 3 is silent about how the Principles apply to a particular situation, the Principles still apply. |
5 | Principles. It is not, in general, specifically tailored for particular types of business, nor is it a comprehensive statement of how the Principles apply to inter-professional business in all situations. The guidance on the Principles in MAR 3 should be read in the light of other requirements that may be applicable in a particular case. For example, this guidance applies to on-exchange business, and does not take into account specific rules of exchanges. |
6 | The application provisions in MAR 3.1.2 R (Application: What?) mean that corporate finance business will normally be outside the scope of this chapter. However, firms should note that some activities, such as dealing, carried out in connection with corporate finance business, may be subject to this chapter. |
7 | This chapter does not apply to the approval by firms of a financial promotion (see MAR 3.1.3 R); rules and guidance relating to financial promotions are in COB 3. Most financial promotions by unauthorised persons to a market counterparty are exempt under the Financial Promotion Order, (for example, article 19 (investment professionals)) so approval should not be required. In addition, the application of COB 3 to approval of a financial promotion for communication to a market counterparty is limited (see COB 3.2.4 R (2) and COB 3.2.5 R(1) (Exemptions)). |
8 | The same transaction may give rise to obligations under this chapter and another sourcebook, such as COB. For example, if a firm purchases an inter-professional investment from a market counterparty on behalf of a customer, this chapter applies to the relationship between the firm and the market counterparty. COB governs the relationship between the firm and the customer. |
9 | In some cases, a deal carried out abroad by the firm's overseas branch or by another member of the firm's group may be subject to this chapter if the final booking is to the firm's balance sheet in the United Kingdom. In all cases, the question is whether the activity involves a firm carrying on inter-professional business from an establishment maintained by the firm in the United Kingdom. For the purposes of this discussion, booking does not include doing a deal with a counterparty and transferring it to the United Kingdom balance sheet by an intra-group back-to-back transaction. It is about putting the transaction with the market counterparty directly onto the UK balance sheet. |
(1) In some cases, the transaction involves the firm and an overseas affiliate. The overseas affiliate negotiates and arranges the deal with the market counterparty abroad. However, the actual contract is between the firm in the United Kingdom and the market counterparty. It is likely that this chapter will apply to the firm. This is because the firm's entry into the contract amounts to dealing and that dealing is done from an establishment maintained by the firm in the United Kingdom. | |
(2) If the booking is merely an internal accounting exercise, and the transaction has no other United Kingdom connection, it is likely that this chapter will not apply. For example, the transaction may be negotiated and executed by an overseas branch of the firm but booked to the firm's United Kingdom balance sheet. If the booking to the United Kingdom balance sheet is the only involvement of the firm in the United Kingdom, it is likely that this chapter will not apply to the firm. This is because, even though the firm is party to the contract and is carrying out a dealing transaction, all the dealing activity takes place at the foreign branch. A mere bookkeeping entry in the United Kingdom, not involving the counterparty in any way, does not mean that the dealing activity is carried on from an establishment maintained by the firm in the United Kingdom. It is carried on from the overseas branch. | |
10 | The territorial application of this chapter does not modify those of any other part of the Handbook. In particular, firms should note the application of Principle 5 (Market conduct), which applies to activities which have, or might reasonably be regarded as likely to have, a negative effect on confidence in the financial system, wherever they are carried on (see PRIN 3.3.1 R). |
11 | Nothing in this chapter: |
(1) modifies any duty owed by a firm to a private customer or intermediate customer under the provisions of any other part of the Handbook; or | |
(2) relieves a firm of any other obligation to which it may be subject under the general law; or | |
(3) should be read as qualifying or modifying the Code of Market Conduct, the Code of Practice for Approved Person or the Statement of Principle. |
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3 Annex 2
Principles and key COB provisions
- 01/12/2004
See Notes
Rule | Description |
Principle 1 | A firm must conduct its business with integrity. |
Principle 2 | A firm must conduct its business with due skill, care and diligence. |
Principle 3 | A firm must take reasonable care to organise and control its affairs responsibly and effectively, with adequate risk management systems. |
Principle 4 | A firm must maintain adequate financial resources. |
Principle 5 | A firm must observe proper standards of market conduct. |
Principle 7 | A firm must ... communicate information [to its clients] in a way which is ... not misleading. |
Principle 10 | A firm must arrange adequate protection for clients' assets when it is responsible for them. |
Principle 11 | A firm must deal with its regulators in an open and cooperative way, and must disclose to the FSA appropriately anything relating to the firm of which the FSA would reasonably expect notice. |
COB 3 | Financial promotion (relating to the approval of a financial promotion, see paragraph 7 in MAR 3 Annex 1 G) |
COB 2.4 | Chinese Walls |
COB 4.1 | Client classification |
COB 7.13 | Personal Account Dealing |
CASS | Client assets |
- 01/12/2001
MAR 3 Annex 3
Good market practice and conventions
- 01/12/2004
See Notes
1 | This annex, MAR 3 Annex 3, is a statement of what the FSA understands to be generally regarded as good market practice and conventions in certain areas. It is not guidance on rules and is issued under section 157(1)(d) of the Act . This annex applies to all kinds of inter-professional business. It will be evident that much of the content is equally applicable to market counterparties as well as firms. |
2 | When information is received from a market counterparty under conditions of confidentiality, that confidentiality is likely to be enforceable by the owner of that information. Confidentiality should be respected, subject to regulatory and legal requirements. |
3 | Firms are reminded that the use of loudspeakers in broking and dealing rooms in close proximity to other lines of communication could result in breaches of confidentiality. |
4 | It is good practice for a firm to agree expressly all the economic terms of a transaction before it commits itself to the transaction. A firm should negotiate the remaining terms in good faith and try to agree them as soon as possible. |
5 | It is good practice for a firm to regard itself as bound to transact once the rate or price and any other key commercial terms have been agreed (whether orally or in written form), unless the parties explicitly and unambiguously agree to the contrary. |
6 | Generally, a firm that regularly uses the services of a firm acting as a name-passing broker should indicate to it the market counterparties with which, and the investments in which, it is not prepared to transact. That indication should not be in a form which would damage or lower the standing or reputation of the market counterparty in the estimation of reasonable market counterparties if they knew of it. A firm which is given an indication should treat it as confidential. |
7 | It is good practice for a firm to follow market conventions regarding quotation, unless it has specifically agreed otherwise with its market counterparty in advance. It should be clear to a market counterparty ; |
(1) whether the quote is firm or not; | |
(2) whether the quote is subject to any conditions, and, if it is, what they are; | |
(3) for how long the quote remains firm (in fast moving markets, when practicable); and | |
(4) whether the quote is firm only for the normal marketable amount (if appropriate, otherwise the firm should state the size of the quote). | |
8 | Express clarification of these matters is not necessary to the extent that the firm quotes in accordance with the relevant market convention or exchange rules (if applicable). |
9 | When a firm quotes to a market counterparty a firm rate or price (whether through an arranger, or name-passing broker , or directly), it is not good practice for the firm then to withdraw that quote or, if that quote is accepted during the period for which the quote remains firm, to decline to deal at that rate or price. A firm may decline to deal with a market counterparty in these circumstances if it was unaware of its identity when the firm gave the quote and the name turns out to be unacceptable, for example, on the grounds of credit risk. |
10 | Before a firm accepts any limit order from a market counterparty, it is good practice to have made and implemented appropriate: |
(1) policies on these orders and in particular the circumstances in which and the terms on which it will accept these orders; and | |
(2) systems and controls for carrying them out. | |
11 | A limit order means a stop loss order and any other instruction from a market counterparty to execute transactions if rates or prices reach specified levels. These orders may be time limited or may be for an indefinite period. |
12 | It is good practice for firms to issue guidelines to their staff on transactions entered into after normal hours or from outside premises, either by mobile phone or any other equipment. The guidelines should cover: |
(1) the type of transactions which may be undertaken in this way; | |
(2) where and with whom these transactions may be executed; | |
(3) permitted limits; | |
(4) how and when these transactions should be booked into and recorded on the front and back office systems; and | |
(5) how and when these transactions are to be confirmed. | |
13 | When answering machines are used for instant reporting and recording of all off-premises transactions, they should be installed and located in such a way that reported transactions cannot subsequently be erased without senior management approval. |
14 | The use of mobile phones for business purposes from within the dealing room, except in an emergency, is considered bad practice. |
15 | If a firm becomes aware of a settlement error that benefits it at the cost of a market counterparty , it is good practice to inform the market counterparty promptly and reverse the error. |
16 | If a firm , acting as a broker , becomes aware that it is holding assets on behalf of a market counterparty because of a settlement error which adversely affects that market counterparty , it is good practice to inform the market counterparty promptly and try to rectify the situation. |
17 | Confirmations provide a useful safeguard against dealing errors and can be a valuable element in the control of the firms inter-professional business and exposures. It is good practice for a firm to make available to, or provide to, the market counterparty written confirmation of the material terms of a transaction between them, as soon as possible after the transaction has been agreed or executed. |
18 | It is acceptable market practice for the firm to agree with its market counterparty that only one party need send a confirmation. If a firm undertakes this practice to a material extent, it is advisable to identify the legal and other risks involved and address them in the firm's risk control policies. |
19 | If there is a standard form of confirmation that applies to a transaction a firm enters into, it is good practice to ensure that that form is used, unless there is good reason not to. One example of when there is an applicable standard form confirmation is when the parties enter into the transaction under the terms of a master agreement that provides for an applicable form of confirmation. Another is when it is customary in the market concerned to use a particular form of confirmation for transactions of that kind. |
20 | In general, it is not good practice for confirmations to be issued by or sent to the individual dealer responsible for the transaction. It is good practice to ensure that the dealer concerned is not responsible for checking confirmations unless there are exceptional circumstances. If the dealer is given that responsibility, it is good practice to subject the process to independent monitoring. |
21 | In general, it is good practice for a firm which arranges a transaction to try to ensure that the parties agree who is to issue a confirmation. |
22 | Some transactions are matched through an electronic matching system that does not provide for the issue of confirmations, but instead makes and retains records of transactions itself. In these cases, it may be appropriate for a firm neither to receive nor issue confirmations, provided the system allows for the back offices of users to verify the details of transactions entered into on the system. |
23 | The statements of good practice in paragraphs 17 to 22 do not apply to on-exchange business. |
24 | It is good practice for a firm to make and implement appropriate policies on the use of standard settlement instructions (SSIs) to reduce the incidence and size of differences arising from a mistaken settlement of funds. These are especially appropriate when the firm has a relationship with a market counterparty which suggests there will be regular payment of significant amounts. |
25 | It is good practice to establish SSIs in a secure and verifiable format. A firm acting as an arranger (or name-passing broker) has no responsibility for ensuring that its market counterparty have SSIs in place. |
26 | Firms are encouraged to negotiate and execute master agreements. These govern the relationship between the parties and how such a relationship and all transactions under it shall be terminated in the event of one party's default upon a transaction. It is recognised that executed documentation can be and should be used as an efficient risk management tool. Firms should consider the benefits of valid close out netting provisions (see IPRU). |
27 | If it is the policy of a firm to use master agreements, it is good practice to make and implement policies for what transactions should be subject to the terms of which master agreement and have systems and controls for ensuring compliance with that policy. If a firm has a policy that transactions should be entered into with a market counterparty only after a master agreement has been implemented, it is advisable to have procedures to ensure that any exceptions are agreed at an appropriate level. |
28 | It is good practice for firms acting as principals to pay due brokerage bills promptly. Overdue payments can seriously disadvantage wholesale market brokers, since overdue payments result, in their treatment by the FSA for regulatory purposes, as an increase in their cost of capital. |
29 | In the event of a dispute between a firm and a market counterparty, it is preferable for the parties to seek to resolve the issues themselves. If they cannot reach agreement, they should consider the advantages of using established arbitration or mediation services. |
- 01/06/2003
Endorsement of the Takeover Code
MAR 4.1
- 01/12/2004
MAR 4.1.1
See Notes
- 20/09/2001
MAR 4.1.2
See Notes
- 20/09/2001
MAR 4.3
- 06/02/2007
MAR 4.3.1
See Notes
- 06/02/2007
MAR 4.3.2
See Notes
- 06/02/2007
MAR 4.3.3
See Notes
- 06/02/2007
MAR 4.3.4
See Notes
- 06/02/2007
MAR 4.3.5
See Notes
- 20/09/2001
MAR 4.3.6
See Notes
- 20/09/2001
MAR 4.3.7
See Notes
- 20/09/2001
MAR 4.4
- 01/12/2004
MAR 4.4.1
See Notes
- 20/09/2001
Alternative Trading Systems
MAR 5.1
Application and purpose
- 01/12/2004
MAR 5.1.1
See Notes
- 01/12/2004
MAR 5.1.2
See Notes
- 01/12/2004
MAR 5.1.3
See Notes
- 01/12/2004
MAR 5.2
Guidance about what constitutes an ATS
- 01/12/2004
MAR 5.2.1
See Notes
- 01/12/2004
MAR 5.2.2
See Notes
- 01/12/2004
"Price taking systems"
MAR 5.2.3
See Notes
- 01/12/2004
"Buying and selling interests"
MAR 5.2.4
See Notes
- 01/12/2004
"Brings together"
MAR 5.2.5
See Notes
- 01/12/2004
"Non-discretionary rules"
MAR 5.2.6
See Notes
- 01/12/2004
Bulletin boards etc.
MAR 5.2.7
See Notes
- 01/12/2004
Bilateral system/central counterparty
MAR 5.2.8
See Notes
- 01/12/2004
MAR 5.3
Notification of establishment of an ATS
- 01/12/2004
Application for permission
MAR 5.3.1
See Notes
- 01/12/2004
Variation of permission to operate an ATS
MAR 5.3.2
See Notes
- 01/12/2004
Notice by firm that already has permission to operate an ATS
MAR 5.3.3
See Notes
- 01/12/2004
Notification of significant changes to ATS
MAR 5.3.4
See Notes
- 01/12/2004
MAR 5.4
Requirements to be imposed on the Part IV permission of an ATS operator
- 01/12/2004
MAR 5.4.1
See Notes
- 01/12/2004
MAR 5.4.2
See Notes
- 01/12/2004
MAR 5.4.3
See Notes
- 01/12/2004
MAR 5.4.4
See Notes
- 01/12/2004
MAR 5.4.5
See Notes
- 01/12/2004
MAR 5.4.6
See Notes
- 01/12/2004
MAR 5.4.7
See Notes
- 01/12/2004
MAR 5.4.8
See Notes
- 01/12/2004
MAR 5.5
Parts of the Handbook applicable to the operation of an ATS
- 01/12/2004
MAR 5.5.1
See Notes
- 01/12/2004
MAR 5.5.2
See Notes
- 01/12/2004
MAR 5.5.3
See Notes
Part of Handbook | Applicability to ATSs | |
High Level Standards | Principles for Businesses (PRIN) | This applies. However, note that some Principles are (partially) disapplied for clients that are market counterparties as further detailed in PRIN 3.4. |
Senior management arrangements, Systems and Controls (SYSC) | This applies. | |
Threshold Conditions (COND) | This applies. | |
Statements of Principle and Code of Practice for Approved Persons (APER) | This applies to an approved person who performs a controlled function for an ATS operator. | |
The Fit and Proper test for Approved Persons (FIT) | This applies. | |
General provisions (GEN) | This applies. | |
Business standards | Interim Prudential sourcebooks (IPRU) | These apply, as appropriate. |
Conduct of Business sourcebook (COB) | In general, COB applies to ATS operators. Service companies that operate an ATS are subject to the provisions of COB mentioned in COB 1.2.1 (2)A. There are special terms of business set out in COB 4.2.17 for ATS operators that have customers (as opposed to those whose only clients are market counterparties). Most of COB will not apply to ATS operators if their business is wholly within the scope of Inter-Professional Conduct (Inter-professional conduct): see COB 1.3.4. | |
Market Conduct sourcebook (MAR) |
The Code of Market Conduct (The Code of Market Conduct) applies. Price Stabilising Rules (Price Stabilising Rules) are likely to be of limited relevance to the business of an ATS operator. Inter-Professional Conduct (Inter-Professional Conduct will ordinarily be relevant to ATS's whose clients are market counterparties. MAR 3.4.10A G is particularly relevant to the information that these ATS operators should provide to their clients. Ordinarily, service companies are not covered by Inter-Professional Conduct. However, MAR 3.1.1 R provides that MAR 3.4.10 G and MAR 3.4.10A G apply to a service company that operates an ATS. MAR 5 (Alternative trading systems) is directly relevant to the operation of an ATS. | |
Training and Competence sourcebook (TC) | This applies. | |
Regulatory process | Authorisation manual (AUTH) | This applies in relation to an application by a prospective ATS operator for authorisation. In particular, 3.24.1 provides that if an applicant who wishes to operate an ATS intends to assume responsibility for the clearing or settlement of transactions effected using the ATS, the applicant should provide sufficient information with its application to demonstrate that it has adequate arrangements in place to ensure efficient clearing or settlement (as the case may be) of the transactions. |
Supervision manual (SUP) | This applies. | |
Enforcement manual (ENF) | This applies. | |
Decision making manual (DEC) | This applies. | |
Redress | Dispute resolution: Complaints sourcebook (DISP) |
ATS operators are subject to the compulsory jurisdiction of the Financial Ombudsman Service. However, a firm which notifies the FSA under DISP 1.1.7 that it does not conduct business with eligible complainants (persons eligible to have a complaint considered under the Financial Ombudsman Service, as defined in DISP 2.4) will be exempt from the rules on complaint handling procedures for firms (DISP 1.2 to DISP 1.7) and from the Financial Ombudsman Funding rules ( FEES 5 ). |
Redress | Compensation sourcebook (COMP) | COMP applies to all firms. However, ATS operators that do not conduct business that could give rise to a protected claim by an eligible claimant as defined and have no reasonable likelihood of doing so can gain exemption under COMP 13.3 from some compensation scheme levies. |
Complaints against the FSA (COAF) | This applies. | |
Specialist sourcebooks | Collective Investment Schemes Sourcebook (CIS) |
ECO applies to an ATS operator that is an electronic commerce activity provider. REC does not apply to an ATS operator. The other specialist sourcebooks are likely to be of limited relevance to an ATS operator in respect of its operation of an ATS. |
Credit Unions (CRED) | ||
Electronic money (ELM) | ||
E-commerce Directive (ECO) | ||
Deleted | ||
Professional firms (PROF) | ||
Recognised Investment Exchanges and Recognised Clearing Houses (REC) | ||
Listing, Prospectus and Disclosure | Listing Rules, LR | This may apply if the firm is applying for listing in the United Kingdom, is a listed issuer in the United Kingdom, is a sponsor or is applying for approval as a sponsor. |
Prospectus Rules, PR | This may apply if the firm makes an offer of transferable securities to the public in the United Kingdom or is seeking the admission to trading of transferable securities on a regulated market situated or operating in the United Kingdom. | |
Disclosure Rules and Transparency Rules, DTR | This may apply if the firm is an issuer, any class of whose financial instruments have been admitted to trading on a regulated market, or are the subject of an application for admission to trading on a regulated market, other than issuers who have not requested or approved admission of their financial instruments to trading on a regulated market. | |
Special guides | Service companies (SERV) | This applies to a service company that operates an ATS. |
Energy market participants (EMPS) | This applies to an energy market participant that operates an ATS. | |
Oil market participants (OMPS) | This applies to an oil market participant that operates an ATS. |
- 06/02/2007
MAR 5 Annex 1
Illustrative form of requirements: Alternative Trading Systems
- 01/12/2004
See Notes
The firm must, in relation to the operation of an ATS, have appropriate arrangements in place designed to ensure: | |
(a) | efficient pricing and the equitable treatment of users; |
(b) | a trading methodology that enables fair and orderly trading; and |
(c) | that sufficient information about quotes, orders and completed transactions is made available to users. |
Publication of pre-trade information
(1) | This requirement only applies in relation to shares traded on an ATS and only if those shares are also traded on a UK RIE or a regulated market. |
(2) | The firm must, in relation to the operation of an ATS, have appropriate arrangements in place to make publicly available information about quotes or orders or both relating to sharestraded on the ATS that the ATS displays or advertises to users. |
Publication of post-trade information
(1) | This requirement only applies in relation to investments traded on an ATS if those investments, or investments that are substantially similar in nature, are traded on a UK RIE, a regulated market or an EEA commodities market. |
(2) | The firm must, in relation to the operation of an ATS, have appropriate arrangements in place to make publicly available information about the price, volume and time of completed transactions for investmentstraded on the ATS. For large transactions in debt securities, an indication that volume exceeded a certain figure (not being less than £7 million or its equivalent) instead of the actual volume is sufficient. |
Method of publication
Information about quotes, orders or transactions shall be treated as being publicly available under requirements 2 and 3 if it is available on reasonable commercial terms. The firm may make information publicly available under those requirements by publishing the information itself (for example, by posting data on a web-site) or by arranging with a third party (such as an information vendor, regulated market or consolidated quotation system) to publish the information. |
Timing of publication
(1) | For the purposes of requirements 1, 2 and 3, information about quotes, orders and transactions should be made available in a timely manner. In particular, information should be made available to users and to subscribers close to the time when the quote or order is given or the transaction is executed. Information may be made available to persons other than users or subscribers with a reasonable delay. |
(2) | The firm may make information about a large order, quote or transaction available to users under requirement 1 or publicly available under requirement 2 or 3 at a time later than that specified in (1), but only to the extent reasonably necessary to protect the interests of the relevant user who placed the order, gave the quote or executed the transaction. |
Monitoring of trading
(1) | The firm must, in relation to the operation of an ATS : | |
(a) | have appropriate arrangements in place that enable it to monitor transactions undertaken on the ATS to identify suspected breaches of any rules relating to fair and orderly trading on the ATS and conduct that may constitute market abuse; | |
(b) | report suspected material breaches of its rules relating to fair and orderly trading on the ATS or suspected market abuse to the FSA and other appropriate organisations; and | |
(c) | supply relevant information to the FSA as soon as practicable regarding the suspected breaches or suspected market abuse and provide full assistance to the FSA in investigating the suspected breach or suspected market abuse. | |
(2) | The functions referred to in (1) may be performed by the firm itself or by another person (such as the operator of a regulated market for the particular investment ) under a formal arrangement with the firm . | |
(3) | In (1), "rules" includes protocols, procedures or terms of, or established under, any agreement between the firm and a user. |
Meaning of "appropriate arrangements"
In requirements 1, 2, 3 and 6, "appropriate" means appropriate having regard to the nature of the system, the nature and liquidity of investments traded on the system, the experience of users, the extent to which the wider market in the particular investment involves private customers, and the significance of the system in the overall market for the investment and, also in relation to requirement 6, the susceptibility of the investment traded to market abuse. |
Access to sufficient publicly available information
(1) | The firm must, in relation to the operation of an ATS, provide, or be reasonably satisfied that there is publicly available, sufficient information to enable users who are customers to make a reasonably informed judgement about the value of each investment traded on the system and the risks associated with that investment. |
(2) | In (1), "sufficient" means sufficient taking into account the nature and experience of users of the system who are customers and the type of investment traded on the system. |
(3) | For the purposes of (1), if an investment is admitted to trading on an RIE , a regulated market or an EEA commodities market (and is not suspended from trading on the RIE or market), the firm may be reasonably satisfied that there is publicly available sufficient information about that investment to enable users who are customers to make a reasonably informed judgement about the investment. |
- 01/12/2004
Transitional Provisions and Schedules
Transitional Provisions
GEN contains some technical transitional provisions that apply throughout the Handbook and which are designed to ensure a smooth transition at commencement. These include transitional provisions relevant to record keeping and notification rules. |
1) Transitional Provisions for The Code of Market Conduct - ( MAR 1) |
There are no transitional provisions for The Code of Market Conduct (The Code of Market Conduct). |
2) Transitional Provisions for Price stabilising rules ( Price Stabilising Rules ) |
SUP contains transitional provisions which carry forward into MAR 2 (Price stabilising rules) written concessions relating to pre-commencement provisions. |
(1) | (2) Material provision to which transition al provision applies | (3) | (4) Transitional provision | (5) Transitional provision: dates in force | (6) Handbook provision: coming into force |
1 | MAR 2 | R | Expired |
- 01/04/2005
MAR Sch 1
Record Keeping requirements
- 01/12/2004
MAR Sch 1.1
See Notes
Handbook reference | Subject of record | Contents of record | When record must be made | Retention period |
MAR 2.7R | Price stabilising action | Full details as noted in MAR 2.7.2 R | On initiation of stabilising action | 3 years |
MAR 3.5.4 | Non Market Price Transactions | Details of steps taken in consideration of NMPTs | On considering the transaction | 3 years |
- 01/12/2004
MAR Sch 2
Notification requirements
- 01/12/2004
MAR Sch 2.1
See Notes
There are no notification requirements in MAR . |
- 01/12/2004
MAR Sch 3
Fees and other required payments
- 01/12/2004
MAR Sch 3.1
See Notes
There are no requirements for fees or other payments in MAR. |
- 01/12/2004
MAR Sch 4
Powers Exercised
- 01/12/2004
MAR Sch 4.1
See Notes
The following powers in the Act have been exercised by the FSA to make the rules in MAR: | |
Section 118(8) (Market abuse) | |
Section 138 (General rule-making power) | |
Section 143 (Endorsement of codes etc.) | |
Section 144 (Price stabilising rules) | |
Section 145 (Financial promotion rules) | |
Section 149 (Evidential provisions) | |
Section 150(2) (Actions for damages) | |
Section 156 (General supplementary powers) |
- 01/12/2004
MAR Sch 4.2
See Notes
- 01/12/2004
MAR Sch 5
Rights of action for damages
- 01/12/2004
MAR Sch 5.1
See Notes
1. | The table below sets out the rules in MAR contravention of which by an authorised person may be actionable under section 150 of the Act (Actions for damages) by a person who suffers loss as a result of the contravention. | |
2. | If a "yes" appears in the column headed "For private person?", the rule may be actionable by a " private person " under section 150 unless a "yes" appears in the column headed "Removed". A "yes" in the column headed "Removed" indicates that the FSA has removed the right of action under section 150(2) of the Act . If so, a reference to the rule in which it is removed is also given. | |
3. | In accordance with the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Rights of Action) Regulations 2001 (SI 2001/2256), a "private person" is: | |
i. | any individual, except when acting in the course of carrying on a regulated activity; and | |
ii. | any person who is not an individual, except when acting in the course of carrying on business of any kind;but does not include a government, a local authority or an international organisation. | |
4. | The column headed "For other person?" indicates whether the rule is actionable by a person other than a private person , in accordance with those Regulations. If so, an indication of the type of person by whom the rule is actionable is given. |
- 01/12/2004
MAR Sch 5.2
See Notes
Chapter / Appendix | Section / Annex | Paragraph | For Private Person? | Removed | For other person? | |
MAR 1 (no rules) | ||||||
All rules in MAR 2 except MAR 2.3.3 R and MAR 2.3.4 EU | Yes | Yes MAR 2.1.9 R | No | |||
MAR 2.3.3 R, MAR 2.3.4 EU and MAR 2.3.5 EU | No | No | ||||
All rules in MAR 3 except MAR 3.5.7 E | Yes | Yes MAR 3.1.5 R | No | |||
MAR 3.5.7 E | No | No | ||||
MAR 4 (all rules) | Yes | No | No |
- 01/12/2004
MAR Sch 6
Rules that can be waived
- 01/12/2004
MAR Sch 6.1
See Notes
The rules in MAR can be waived by the FSA under section 148 of the Act (Modification or waiver of rules), except for: MAR 2.1.1 R (2)(Application) MAR 2.1.9 R (Actions for damages) MAR 3.1.5 R(Actions for damages) |
- 01/12/2004