Article 451a Disclosure of Liquidity Requirements


Institutions that are subject to Part Six shall disclose information on their liquidity coverage ratio, net stable funding ratio and liquidity risk management in accordance with this Article.


Institutions shall disclose the following information in relation to their liquidity coverage ratio as calculated in accordance with the Chapter 2 of the Liquidity Coverage Ratio (CRR) Part of the PRA Rulebook:

  1. (a) the average or averages, as applicable, of their liquidity coverage ratio based on end-of-the-month observations over the preceding 12 months for each quarter of the relevant disclosure period;
  2. (b) the average or averages, as applicable, of their total liquid assets, after applying the relevant haircuts, included in the liquidity buffer pursuant to the Chapter 2 of the Liquidity Coverage Ratio (CRR) Part of the PRA Rulebook, based on end-of-the-month observations over the preceding 12 months for each quarter of the relevant disclosure period, and a description of the composition of that liquidity buffer;
  3. (c) the averages of their liquidity outflows, inflows and net liquidity outflows as calculated in accordance with the Chapter 2 of the Liquidity Coverage Ratio (CRR) Part of the PRA Rulebook, based on end-of-the-month observations over the preceding 12 months for each quarter of the relevant disclosure period and the description of their composition.


Institutions shall disclose the following information in relation to their net stable funding ratio as calculated in accordance with Title IV of Part Six:

  1. (a) averages of their net stable funding ratio calculated in accordance with Chapter 2 of Title IV of Part Six for each quarter of the relevant disclosure period, based on end-of-the-quarter observations over the preceding four quarters;
  2. (b) an overview of the amount of available stable funding calculated in accordance with Chapter 3 of Title IV of Part Six for each quarter of the relevant disclosure period, comprising averages based on end-of-the-quarter observations over the preceding four quarters;
  3. (c) an overview of the amount of required stable funding calculated in accordance with Chapter 4 of Title IV of Part Six for each quarter of the relevant disclosure period, comprising averages based on end-of-the-quarter observations over the preceding four quarters.


Institutions shall disclose the arrangements, systems, processes and strategies put in place to identify, measure, manage and monitor their liquidity risk in accordance with the Internal Liquidity Adequacy Assessment Part of the PRA Rulebook.