Complaints reporting rules for credit unions


Application and purpose


CREDS 9.1.1

See Notes

This chapter applies to all credit unions.


CREDS 9.1.2

See Notes

This chapter sets out rules and guidance for credit unions on completing reports concerning complaints received from eligible complainants. It replaces DISP 1.10 (Complaints reporting rules) and DISP 1.10A (Complaints data publication rules), which do not apply to credit unions (DISP 1.1.5A R).

CREDS 9.1.3

See Notes

The other elements of DISP 1 (DISP 1.2 (Consumer awareness rules), DISP 1.3 (Complaints handling rules), DISP 1.4 to DISP 1.8 (Complaints resolution rules etc.) and DISP 1.9 (Complaints record rule)) apply to credit unions.

CREDS 9.1.4

See Notes

DISP 2 to DISP 4 (which cover jurisdiction and procedures of the Financial Ombudsman Service) and FEES 5 (which covers funding of the Financial Ombudsman Service) apply to credit unions.



CREDS 9.2.1

See Notes

A credit union must provide the FSA , once a year, with a report in the format set out in CREDS 9 Annex 1 R (Credit Union complaints return) which contains (for the relevant reporting period) information about:
(1) the total number of complaints received by the credit union;
(2) the number of complaints closed by the credit union:
(a) within eight weeks of receipt; and
(b) more than eight weeks after receipt;
(3) the total number of complaints:
(a) upheld by the credit union in the reporting period;
(b) outstanding at the start of the reporting period; and
(4) the total amount of redress paid in respect of complaints during the reporting period.
[Note:a transitional provision appliesto this rule: see CREDS TP 1.16.]

CREDS 9.2.2

See Notes

A credit union must not include in the report a complaint that has been forwarded in its entirety to another respondent under DISP 1.7 (the complaints forwarding rules).

CREDS 9.2.3

See Notes

Where a credit union has forwarded to another respondent only part of a complaint or where two respondents may be jointly responsible for a complaint, then the complaint should be reported by both firms.

CREDS 9.2.4

See Notes

CREDS 9.2.1 R does not apply to a complaint that is resolved by close of business on the business day following its receipt.

CREDS 9.2.5

See Notes

For the purposes of CREDS 9.2.4 R:
(1) a complaint received on any day other than a business day, or after close of business on a business day, may be treated as received on the next business day; and
(2) a complaint is resolved where the complainant has indicated acceptance of a response from the credit union, with neither the response nor acceptance having to be in writing.

CREDS 9.2.6

See Notes

For the purpose of CREDS 9.2.1 R, and upon completing the return, the credit union should note that:
(1) where a complaint could fall into more than one category, the complaint should be recorded against the category that the credit union considers to form the main part of the complaint;
(2) where a complaint has been upheld under CREDS 9.2.1R (3)(a), a credit union should report any complaints to which it has given a final response which accepts the complaint and, where appropriate, offers redress, even if the redress offered is disputed by the complainant. Where a complaint is upheld in part, or where the credit union does not have enough information to make a decision yet chooses to make a goodwill payment to the complainant, the credit union should treat the complaint as upheld for reporting purposes. Where a credit union rejects a complaint, yet chooses to make an ex-gratia payment to the complainant, the complaint should be recorded as rejected;
(3) where a credit union reports on the amount of redress paid under CREDS 9.2.1R (4), redress should be interpreted to include any amount paid, or cost borne, by the credit union, where a cash value can be readily identified, and should include:
(a) amounts paid for distress and inconvenience;
(b) a free transfer out to another provider which transfer would normally be paid for;
(c) ex-gratia payments and goodwill gestures;
(d) interest on delayed settlements
(e) waiver of an excess on an insurance policy; and
(f) payments to put the consumer back into the position the consumer should have been in had the act or omission not occurred;
(4) where a credit union reports on the amount of redress paid under CREDS 9.2.1R (4), such redress should not, however, include repayments or refunds of premiums which had been taken in error (for example where a credit union had been taking, by direct debit, twice the actual premium amount due under a policy). The refund of the overcharge would not count as redress.

CREDS 9.2.7

See Notes

For the purposes of CREDS 9.2.1 R:
(1) the relevant reporting period is from 1 April to 31 March each year; and
(2) reports are to be submitted to the FSA within one month of the end of the relevant reporting period.
[Note: a transitional provision applies to this rule: see CREDS TP 1.16.]

CREDS 9.2.8

See Notes

Financial penalties may be imposed for the late submission of the complaints report required by CREDS 9.2.1 R.

CREDS 9.2.9

See Notes

For the purposes of making reports under CREDS 9.2.1 R, a closed complaint is a complaint:
(1) where the credit union has sent a final response; or
(2) where the complainant has positively indicated acceptance of the credit union's earlier response; or
(3) where the complainant has failed to revert to the credit union within eight weeks of the credit union's most recent letter.

CREDS 9.2.10

See Notes

A report under this section must be given or addressed, and delivered, in the way set out in SUP 16.3.6 R to SUP 16.3.16 G (General provisions on reporting), except that, instead of the credit union's usual supervisory contact, the report must be given to or addressed for the attention of the Central Analysis and Reporting department of the FSA.

CREDS 9.2.11

See Notes

SUP 16.3.14 R applies to the credit unions' complaints returns.

CREDS 9.2.12

See Notes

For the purpose of inclusion in the public record maintained by the FSA , a credit union must provide the FSA , at the time of its authorisation, with details of a single contact within the credit union for complainants, and in its quarterly return must notify the FSA of any subsequent change.

CREDS 9.2.13

See Notes

The contact point in CREDS 9.2.1 R and CREDS 9.2.12 R can be by name or job title and may include, for example, a telephone number.

CREDS 9 Annex 1

Credit union complaints return

See Notes

This annex consists only of one or more forms.

Credit union complaints return