(1) This Collective Investment Scheme Information Guide (
) contains some key facts on the regulation of
collective investment schemes in the
United Kingdom. It will
be of interest primarily to those who wish to gain a general understanding
of the regulatory regime governing these
(2) This guide is intended to complement the
rules and
guidance in the Collective Investment Schemes sourcebook (
It also explains
how an authorised
firm should
go about applying for authorisation of a
scheme under
Act and
OEIC Regulations.
(3) This guide does not contain information on unregulated
schemes. Such
schemes cannot be
marketed to the general
public and are otherwise restricted in their promotion.
(4) The material in this guide is intended only as a summary of a number of significant legal provisions
affecting authorised
investment schemes. It does not constitute
guidance under sections 157 and 158 of the
Act and does not have the
status of the guidance in the
This also means that
GEN 2.2 (Interpreting
the Handbook) does not apply. If you have any doubt about any legal provision
you should seek appropriate legal advice.
(5) This guide italicises words that are defined in the
Glossary that forms part
of the
For the full definition of the term, the reader should consult the
(6) The Overview is current as of January 2009. The Overview does not remove the need
to keep up-to-date with regulatory developments
and to consider the potential impact on business of proposed changes - for example, the regulatory framework
of changes required by further European initiatives.