Own Risk and Solvency Assessment (‘ORSA’) reporting


Third-country branches are required to submit ORSAs to the PRA.13 Third-country branches should discuss their approach to ORSA submission with their supervisor. The PRA will adopt a proportionate approach to ORSA submission, and where appropriate it will consider proposals from third-country branches to combine submissions and submit the third-country branch undertaking ORSA in lieu of a separate UK third-country branch ORSA.



The PRA expects that third-country branches consider the relative size of the third-country branch, as compared with the third-country branch undertaking, when determining what would constitute a proportionate approach to ORSA submission.


The PRA expects that where the third-country branch undertaking ORSA is submitted in lieu of a third-country branch ORSA, it should contain the following at minimum, and that additional content should be agreed with the supervisor:

  • an overview of the branch business model and risks to that business model/strategy;
  • any material risk for third-country branch operations;
  • any risk of the third-country branch undertaking which may have an effect on branch operations; including a description of the arrangements, and risks thereof, between the third-country branch and third-country branch undertaking;
  • identification of any material risks for third-country branch operations which are also material for the third-country branch undertaking. In this context, material risks include any risks which could significantly impact the viability of the business model; and
  • a description of the third-country branch undertaking’s system of governance, in accordance with Chapter 2 of the Conditions Governing Business Part of the PRA Rulebook.


Where a third-country branch chooses to submit a branch-specific ORSA, the PRA expects that it should also cover the factors outlined above.


The PRA expects that as part of its ORSA, the third-country branch undertaking assesses the permanent availability of the branch assets, as set out in paragraph 3.3 of this supervisory statement, and addresses in its assessment the risks to the effectiveness of arrangements to ensure that branch assets are paid only to branch insurance creditors and branch preferential creditors.