The Senior Managers & Certification Regime (SM&CR)


All third-country branches are required to have a fit and proper individual appointed as the Senior Management Function (SMF) 19 – Head of Third Country Branch (and, where relevant, a With-Profits Actuary).14 Individuals performing the SMF19 must have responsibility within the branch over the conduct of all activities subject to UK regulation.


  • 14. See Insurance – Senior Management Functions and Insurance – Fitness and Propriety Parts of the PRA Rulebook.


The PRA expects third-country branch undertakings to conduct their own analysis regarding which SMFs are required. The PRA will assess the appropriateness of these arrangements on a case-by-case basis. In addition to other factors, the size and complexity of the third-country branch should inform this analysis. Third-country branches should also consider the requirement set out in Insurance – Allocation of Responsibilities 2.3 to have all the prescribed responsibilities allocated to an approved person when considering which SMFs are required. Third-country branch undertakings should also refer to the wider expectations regarding the SM&CR that are set out in SS35/15 – Strengthening individual accountability in insurance.16



Where a branch operates in the UK alongside a material subsidiary, the PRA expects there to be controls around the division of risks accepted through the subsidiary and the branch (for example, in the supply of key services between those entities). While there is scope for key risk management function-holders to combine roles across the UK entities (subsidiary and branch), third-country branch undertakings are expected to ensure that any conflicts of interest that may arise for the function holder as a result are appropriately managed.