

This supervisory statement is addressed to third-country insurance undertakings that are headquartered outside of the UK or Gibraltar, and have a UK branch (third-country branch undertakings). This includes third-country insurance undertakings that have a UK branch that solely carries out reinsurance activities (a third-country pure reinsurance branch). The statement replaces Supervisory Statement 10/15 ‘Solvency II: third-country branches’.1 It should be read alongside the Third Country Branches Part of the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) Rulebook, any other rules in the PRA Rulebook that apply to third-country branch undertakings, the relevant European legislation (as it forms part of retained EU law), the European Insurance and Occupational Pension Authority‘s (EIOPA) third-country branches Guidelines (herein referred to as ‘the EIOPA Branch Guidelines’) (as at the end of the transition period 2), the PRA statement of policy (SoP) – The Prudential Regulation Authority’s approach to insurance branch authorisation and supervision, and the relevant provisions of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA). It sets out the PRA’s expectations of third-country branch undertakings.



This statement does not apply to Swiss General Insurers, as defined in the PRA Rulebook, to which different requirements apply pursuant to the Swiss Treaty Agreement (No. 91/370/EEC).








Firms should also refer to: 



Any reference to any provision of direct EU legislation is a reference to it as it forms part of retained EU law.


Other supervisory statements apply to third-country branch undertakings with any necessary modifications, and insofar as they are relevant to rules referred to in the Third Country Branches Part (or any other rules that apply to third-country branch undertakings).