General matters


In determining whether or not to grant a regulatory permission, the PRA would be exercising its powers under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA), s144G or s192XC. This allows the PRA to disapply, or modify the application of, certain PRA rules in the Liquidity (CRR) and Liquidity Coverage Ratio (CRR) Parts of the PRA Rulebook, upon the application or with the consent of a firm. The PRA may give such permission subject to conditions. It also has power to revoke or vary a permission which has been issued.


The exercise of the PRA’s permission power is discretionary. In exercising its discretion, the PRA will consider whether the conditions set out in relation to each of the permissions in PRA rules are satisfied, as well as the additional conditions relating to certain permissions which are set out in this SoP.


Although FSMA s144G and s192XC do not set out any additional general considerations for the exercise of the permission power, the PRA will consider whether granting a permission in any particular case would be consistent with advancing its statutory objectives as set out in Part 1A, chapter 2 of FSMA, including in relation to ring-fencing.


The PRA will also consider whether granting the permission in a particular case may undermine any of the purposes for which the rule was made, including the matters set out in s144C of FSMA (‘Matters to be considered when making CRR rules’).