Performing an SMF after a time limit lapses


Should an individual continue to perform an SMF following expiry of a time-limited approval, they will be deemed to be performing an SMF without approval and may be liable to penalties under section 63A of FSMA.[7]


The firm may also be liable under section 59(1) of FSMA for failing to take reasonable care to ensure that the individual does not perform an SMF without approval.



Moreover, the Senior Manager responsible for managing or overseeing the firm’s performance of its obligations under the Senior Managers Regime (under Allocation of Responsibilities 4.1(1), Insurance – Allocation of Responsibilities 3.1(1A), Large Non-Solvency II Firms – Allocation of Responsibilities 3.1(1A), or Non-solvency II Firms – Allocation of Responsibilities 3.1(1A)) may be guilty of misconduct under section 66B(5) of FSMA if they did not take reasonable steps to avoid the contravention of section 59(1) of FSMA occurring or continuing.[8]


  • 8. In addition, under section 66B (3) of FSMA, any Senior Manager or Certified employee who was knowingly concerned in the firm’s breach of section 59(1) of FSMA would also be guilty of misconduct.


Firms must remain aware of the expiry of all time-limited approvals and promptly inform the regulator of any steps they intend, or may be required, to take ahead of their expiry.